[Dart-dev] [4124] DART/trunk/filter: Fix bug in QC test for deciding whether to apply outlier_threshold test.
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Thu Nov 5 14:16:57 MST 2009
Revision: 4124
Author: nancy
Date: 2009-11-05 14:16:56 -0700 (Thu, 05 Nov 2009)
Log Message:
Fix bug in QC test for deciding whether to apply outlier_threshold test.
Also make QC test match documentation; qc values equal to threshold will
be kept, QC must now be larger than threshold to be discarded.
Also revamped the trace & time messages; added more, made them more
Modified Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/filter/filter.dopplerfold.f90
--- DART/trunk/filter/filter.dopplerfold.f90 2009-11-03 17:08:46 UTC (rev 4123)
+++ DART/trunk/filter/filter.dopplerfold.f90 2009-11-05 21:16:56 UTC (rev 4124)
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
integer :: output_interval = 1
integer :: num_groups = 1
real(r8) :: outlier_threshold = -1.0_r8
-real(r8) :: input_qc_threshold = 4.0_r8
+real(r8) :: input_qc_threshold = 3.0_r8
logical :: output_forward_op_errors = .false.
logical :: output_timestamps = .false.
logical :: trace_execution = .false.
@@ -206,7 +206,8 @@
call set_trace(trace_execution, output_timestamps, silence)
-call trace_message('Filter start')
+call trace_message('Filter start')
+call timestamp_message('Filter start')
! Make sure ensemble size is at least 2 (NEED MANY OTHER CHECKS)
if(ens_size < 2) then
@@ -253,14 +254,14 @@
if(num_output_state_members > ens_size) num_output_state_members = ens_size
if(num_output_obs_members > ens_size) num_output_obs_members = ens_size
-call trace_message('Before setting up space for observations')
-call timestamp_message('Before observation setup')
+call trace_message('Before setting up space for observations')
+call timestamp_message('Before setting up space for observations')
! Initialize the obs_sequence; every pe gets a copy for now
call filter_setup_obs_sequence(seq, in_obs_copy, obs_val_index, input_qc_index, DART_qc_index)
-call timestamp_message('After observation setup')
-call trace_message('After setting up space for observations')
+call timestamp_message('After setting up space for observations')
+call trace_message('After setting up space for observations')
call trace_message('Before setting up space for ensembles')
! Allocate model size storage and ens_size storage for metadata for outputting ensembles
@@ -275,7 +276,8 @@
if(task_count() > model_size) call error_handler(E_ERR,'filter_main', &
'Number of processes > model size' ,source,revision,revdate)
-call trace_message('Before reading in ensemble restart files')
+call trace_message('Before reading in ensemble restart files')
+call timestamp_message('Before reading in ensemble restart files')
! Set a time type for initial time if namelist inputs are not negative
call filter_set_initial_time(time1)
@@ -289,7 +291,8 @@
call smoother_read_restart(ens_handle, ens_size, model_size, time1, init_time_days)
-call trace_message('After reading in ensemble restart files')
+call timestamp_message('After reading in ensemble restart filess')
+call trace_message('After reading in ensemble restart files')
call trace_message('Before initializing inflation')
@@ -307,7 +310,8 @@
call trace_message('After initializing inflation')
-call trace_message('Before initializing output files')
+call trace_message('Before initializing output files')
+call timestamp_message('Before initializing output files')
! Initialize the output sequences and state files and set their meta data
if(my_task_id() == 0) then
@@ -325,8 +329,22 @@
posterior_obs_spread_index = 0
-call trace_message('After initializing output files')
+call timestamp_message('After initializing output files')
+call trace_message('After initializing output files')
+! Let user know what settings the outlier threshold has, and data qc.
+if (do_output()) then
+ if (outlier_threshold <= 0.0_r8) then
+ write(msgstring, *) 'No observation outlier threshold rejection will be done'
+ else
+ write(msgstring, '(A,F12.6,A)') 'Will reject obs values more than', outlier_threshold, ' sigma from mean'
+ endif
+ call error_handler(E_MSG,'filter:', msgstring)
+ write(msgstring, '(A,I4)') 'Will reject obs with Data QC larger than ', nint(input_qc_threshold)
+ call error_handler(E_MSG,'filter:', msgstring)
call trace_message('Before trimming obs seq if start/stop time specified')
! Need to find first obs with appropriate time, delete all earlier ones
@@ -407,23 +425,25 @@
! Advance the lagged distribution, if needed.
! Must be done before the model runs and updates the data.
if(ds) then
- call trace_message('Before advancing smoother')
+ call trace_message('Before advancing smoother')
+ call timestamp_message('Before advancing smoother')
call advance_smoother(ens_handle)
- call trace_message('After advancing smoother')
+ call timestamp_message('After advancing smoother')
+ call trace_message('After advancing smoother')
- call trace_message('Ready to run model to advance data time', 'filter:', -1)
+ call trace_message('Ready to run model to advance data ahead in time', 'filter:', -1)
call print_ens_time(ens_handle, 'Ensemble data time before advance')
- call trace_message('Before advance_state called to run model')
- call timestamp_message('Before model advance', sync=.true.)
+ call trace_message('Before running model')
+ call timestamp_message('Before running model', sync=.true.)
call advance_state(ens_handle, ens_size, next_ens_time, async, &
adv_ens_command, tasks_per_model_advance)
! only need to sync here since we want to wait for the
! slowest task to finish before outputting the time.
- call timestamp_message('After model advance', sync=.true.)
- call trace_message('After advance_state called to run model')
+ call timestamp_message('After running model', sync=.true.)
+ call trace_message('After running model')
call print_ens_time(ens_handle, 'Ensemble data time after advance')
call trace_message('Model does not need to run; data already at required time', 'filter:', -1)
@@ -453,30 +473,30 @@
call trace_message('After setup for next group of observations')
- call trace_message('Before computing ensemble mean and spread')
! Compute mean and spread for inflation and state diagnostics
call all_vars_to_all_copies(ens_handle)
call compute_copy_mean_sd(ens_handle, 1, ens_size, ENS_MEAN_COPY, ENS_SD_COPY)
if(do_single_ss_inflate(prior_inflate) .or. do_varying_ss_inflate(prior_inflate)) then
+ call trace_message('Before prior inflation damping and prep')
if (inf_damping(1) /= 1.0_r8) then
ens_handle%copies(PRIOR_INF_COPY, :) = 1.0_r8 + &
inf_damping(1) * (ens_handle%copies(PRIOR_INF_COPY, :) - 1.0_r8)
call filter_ensemble_inflate(ens_handle, PRIOR_INF_COPY, prior_inflate, ENS_MEAN_COPY)
! Recompute the the mean and spread as required for diagnostics
call compute_copy_mean_sd(ens_handle, 1, ens_size, ENS_MEAN_COPY, ENS_SD_COPY)
+ call trace_message('After prior inflation damping and prep')
! Back to state space for diagnostics if required
call all_copies_to_all_vars(ens_handle)
- call trace_message('After computing ensemble mean and spread')
- call trace_message('Before computing prior observation values')
+ call trace_message('Before computing prior observation values')
call timestamp_message('Before computing prior observation values')
! Compute the ensemble of prior observations, load up the obs_err_var
@@ -506,7 +526,7 @@
call ens_mean_for_model(ens_mean)
call timestamp_message('After computing prior observation values')
- call trace_message('After computing prior observation values')
+ call trace_message('After computing prior observation values')
! Do prior state space diagnostic output as required
! Use ens_mean which is declared model_size for temp storage in diagnostics
@@ -537,7 +557,7 @@
write(msgstring, '(A,I8,A)') 'Ready to assimilate up to', size(keys), ' observations'
call trace_message(msgstring, 'filter:', -1)
- call trace_message('Before observation assimilation')
+ call trace_message('Before observation assimilation')
call timestamp_message('Before observation assimilation')
call filter_assim(ens_handle, obs_ens_handle, seq, keys, &
@@ -548,7 +568,7 @@
OBS_PRIOR_VAR_END, inflate_only = .false.)
call timestamp_message('After observation assimilation')
- call trace_message('After observation assimilation')
+ call trace_message('After observation assimilation')
! Do the update for the smoother lagged fields, too.
! Would be more efficient to do these all at once inside filter_assim
@@ -557,35 +577,35 @@
write(msgstring, '(A,I8,A)') 'Ready to reassimilate up to', size(keys), ' observations in the smoother'
call trace_message(msgstring, 'filter:', -1)
- call trace_message('Before smoother assimilation')
+ call trace_message('Before smoother assimilation')
call timestamp_message('Before smoother assimilation')
call smoother_assim(obs_ens_handle, seq, keys, ens_size, num_groups, &
obs_val_index, ENS_MEAN_COPY, ENS_SD_COPY, &
- call timestamp_message('After smoother assimilation')
- call trace_message('After smoother assimilation')
+ call timestamp_message('After smoother assimilation')
+ call trace_message('After smoother assimilation')
! Already transformed, so compute mean and spread for state diag as needed
- call trace_message('Before compute_copy_mean_sd')
call compute_copy_mean_sd(ens_handle, 1, ens_size, ENS_MEAN_COPY, ENS_SD_COPY)
- call trace_message('After compute_copy_mean_sd')
!-------- Test of posterior inflate ----------------
if(do_single_ss_inflate(post_inflate) .or. do_varying_ss_inflate(post_inflate)) then
- call trace_message('Before posterior inflation')
+ call trace_message('Before posterior inflation damping and prep')
if (inf_damping(2) /= 1.0_r8) then
ens_handle%copies(POST_INF_COPY, :) = 1.0_r8 + &
inf_damping(2) * (ens_handle%copies(POST_INF_COPY, :) - 1.0_r8)
call filter_ensemble_inflate(ens_handle, POST_INF_COPY, post_inflate, ENS_MEAN_COPY)
! Recompute the mean or the mean and spread as required for diagnostics
call compute_copy_mean_sd(ens_handle, 1, ens_size, ENS_MEAN_COPY, ENS_SD_COPY)
- call trace_message('After posterior inflation')
+ call trace_message('After posterior inflation damping and prep')
!-------- End of posterior inflate ----------------
@@ -593,7 +613,7 @@
! Now back to var complete for diagnostics
call all_copies_to_all_vars(ens_handle)
- call trace_message('Before computing posterior observation values')
+ call trace_message('Before computing posterior observation values')
call timestamp_message('Before computing posterior observation values')
! Compute the ensemble of posterior observations, load up the obs_err_var
@@ -604,7 +624,7 @@
call timestamp_message('After computing posterior observation values')
- call trace_message('After computing posterior observation values')
+ call trace_message('After computing posterior observation values')
if(ds) then
call trace_message('Before computing smoother means/spread')
@@ -648,8 +668,10 @@
! If not reading the sd values from a restart file and the namelist initial
! sd < 0, then bypass this entire code block altogether for speed.
if ((inf_sd_initial(2) >= 0.0_r8) .or. inf_sd_initial_from_restart(2)) then
- call trace_message('Before computing posterior forward ops')
+ call trace_message('Before computing posterior state space inflation')
+ call timestamp_message('Before computing posterior state space inflation')
! Ship the ensemble mean to the model; some models need this for computing distances
! Who stores the ensemble mean copy
call get_copy_owner_index(ENS_MEAN_COPY, mean_owner, mean_owners_index)
@@ -666,16 +688,17 @@
! Need obs to be copy complete for assimilation: IS NEXT LINE REQUIRED???
call all_vars_to_all_copies(obs_ens_handle)
- call timestamp_message('Before posterior inflation')
call filter_assim(ens_handle, obs_ens_handle, seq, keys, ens_size, num_groups, &
obs_val_index, post_inflate, ENS_MEAN_COPY, ENS_SD_COPY, &
OBS_PRIOR_VAR_END, inflate_only = .true.)
- call timestamp_message('After posterior inflation')
call all_copies_to_all_vars(ens_handle)
- call trace_message('After computing posterior forward ops')
+ call timestamp_message('After computing posterior state space inflation')
+ call trace_message('After computing posterior state space inflation')
endif ! sd >= 0 or sd from restart file
endif ! if doing state space posterior inflate
@@ -742,7 +765,8 @@
call trace_message('After smoother memory cleanup')
-call trace_message('Filter done')
+call trace_message('Filter done')
+call timestamp_message('Filter done')
if(my_task_id() == 0) then
write(logfileunit,*)'FINISHED filter.'
@@ -750,6 +774,8 @@
! Master task must close the log file; the magic 'end'
! flag does that in the timestamp routine.
+! FIXME: when i commit the updated util mod, remove this line.
+! finalize_utilities() will write the final timestamp.
if(my_task_id() == 0) call timestamp(source,revision,revdate,'end')
@@ -1290,6 +1316,10 @@
forward_min = nint(minval(forward_op_ens_handle%copies(1:ens_size, j)))
! Now do a case statement to figure out what the qc result should be
! For prior, have to test for a bunch of stuff
+ ! FIXME: note that this case statement doesn't cover every possibility;
+ ! if there's an error in the code and a minus value gets into the forward
+ ! operator istatus without being caught, it will fail all cases below.
+ ! add another line for 'internal inconsistency' to be safe.
if(prior_post == PRIOR_DIAG) then
if(forward_min == -99) then ! Failed prior qc in get_obs_ens
obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, j) = 6
@@ -1301,11 +1331,19 @@
obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, j) = 1
else if(forward_min == 0) then ! All clear, assimilate this ob
obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, j) = 0
+ ! FIXME: proposed enhancement - catchall for cases that we have not caught
+ !else ! 'should not happen'
+ ! obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, j) = 9 ! inconsistent istatus codes
- ! Check on the outlier threshold quality control: move to QC module
- if(do_outlier .and. (obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, j) < input_qc_threshold)) then
+ ! Check on the outlier threshold quality control: move to QC module?
+ ! bug fix: this was using the incoming qc threshold before.
+ ! it should only be doing the outlier test on dart qc values of 0 or 1.
+ ! if there is already a different qc code set, leave it alone.
+ ! only if it is still successful (assim or eval, 0 or 1), then check
+ ! for failing outlier test.
+ if(do_outlier .and. (obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, j) < 2)) then
obs_prior_mean = obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_PRIOR_MEAN_START, j)
obs_prior_var = obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_PRIOR_VAR_START, j)
obs_val = obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_VAL_COPY, j)
@@ -1313,7 +1351,15 @@
error = obs_prior_mean - obs_val
diff_sd = sqrt(obs_prior_var + obs_err_var)
ratio = abs(error / diff_sd)
- if(ratio > outlier_threshold) obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, j) = 7
+ if(ratio > outlier_threshold) then
+ ! FIXME: proposed enhancement to dart qc values - differentiate
+ ! between obs thrown out for being outlier - assim vs eval.
+ !if(obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, j) == 0) then
+ obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, j) = 7 ! would have been assim
+ !else
+ ! obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, j) = 8 ! was eval only
+ !endif
+ endif
@@ -1408,10 +1454,16 @@
! Do checks on input_qc value with namelist control
! Should eventually go in qc module
+! NOTE: this code has changed since the original version.
+! qc values equal to the threshold are kept now; only qc
+! values LARGER THAN the threshold are rejected.
+! e.g. to keep only obs with a data qc of 0, set the
+! threshold to 0.
! To exclude negative qc values, comment in the following line instead
! of the existing code.
-! if((input_qc < input_qc_threshold) .and. (input_qc >= 0)) then
-if(input_qc < input_qc_threshold) then
+! if((nint(input_qc) <= nint(input_qc_threshold)) .and. (nint(input_qc) >= 0)) then
+if(nint(input_qc) <= nint(input_qc_threshold)) then
input_qc_ok = .true.
input_qc_ok = .false.
@@ -1526,7 +1578,7 @@
if (sync) call task_sync()
-if (do_output()) call timestamp(trim(msg), pos='brief') ! was debug
+if (do_output()) call timestamp(' '//trim(msg), pos='brief') ! was debug
end subroutine timestamp_message
Modified: DART/trunk/filter/filter.f90
--- DART/trunk/filter/filter.f90 2009-11-03 17:08:46 UTC (rev 4123)
+++ DART/trunk/filter/filter.f90 2009-11-05 21:16:56 UTC (rev 4124)
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
integer :: output_interval = 1
integer :: num_groups = 1
real(r8) :: outlier_threshold = -1.0_r8
-real(r8) :: input_qc_threshold = 4.0_r8
+real(r8) :: input_qc_threshold = 3.0_r8
logical :: output_forward_op_errors = .false.
logical :: output_timestamps = .false.
logical :: trace_execution = .false.
@@ -202,7 +202,8 @@
call set_trace(trace_execution, output_timestamps, silence)
-call trace_message('Filter start')
+call trace_message('Filter start')
+call timestamp_message('Filter start')
! Make sure ensemble size is at least 2 (NEED MANY OTHER CHECKS)
if(ens_size < 2) then
@@ -249,14 +250,14 @@
if(num_output_state_members > ens_size) num_output_state_members = ens_size
if(num_output_obs_members > ens_size) num_output_obs_members = ens_size
-call trace_message('Before setting up space for observations')
-call timestamp_message('Before observation setup')
+call trace_message('Before setting up space for observations')
+call timestamp_message('Before setting up space for observations')
! Initialize the obs_sequence; every pe gets a copy for now
call filter_setup_obs_sequence(seq, in_obs_copy, obs_val_index, input_qc_index, DART_qc_index)
-call timestamp_message('After observation setup')
-call trace_message('After setting up space for observations')
+call timestamp_message('After setting up space for observations')
+call trace_message('After setting up space for observations')
call trace_message('Before setting up space for ensembles')
! Allocate model size storage and ens_size storage for metadata for outputting ensembles
@@ -271,7 +272,8 @@
if(task_count() > model_size) call error_handler(E_ERR,'filter_main', &
'Number of processes > model size' ,source,revision,revdate)
-call trace_message('Before reading in ensemble restart files')
+call trace_message('Before reading in ensemble restart files')
+call timestamp_message('Before reading in ensemble restart files')
! Set a time type for initial time if namelist inputs are not negative
call filter_set_initial_time(time1)
@@ -285,7 +287,8 @@
call smoother_read_restart(ens_handle, ens_size, model_size, time1, init_time_days)
-call trace_message('After reading in ensemble restart files')
+call timestamp_message('After reading in ensemble restart filess')
+call trace_message('After reading in ensemble restart files')
call trace_message('Before initializing inflation')
@@ -303,7 +306,8 @@
call trace_message('After initializing inflation')
-call trace_message('Before initializing output files')
+call trace_message('Before initializing output files')
+call timestamp_message('Before initializing output files')
! Initialize the output sequences and state files and set their meta data
if(my_task_id() == 0) then
@@ -321,8 +325,22 @@
posterior_obs_spread_index = 0
-call trace_message('After initializing output files')
+call timestamp_message('After initializing output files')
+call trace_message('After initializing output files')
+! Let user know what settings the outlier threshold has, and data qc.
+if (do_output()) then
+ if (outlier_threshold <= 0.0_r8) then
+ write(msgstring, *) 'No observation outlier threshold rejection will be done'
+ else
+ write(msgstring, '(A,F12.6,A)') 'Will reject obs values more than', outlier_threshold, ' sigma from mean'
+ endif
+ call error_handler(E_MSG,'filter:', msgstring)
+ write(msgstring, '(A,I4)') 'Will reject obs with Data QC larger than ', nint(input_qc_threshold)
+ call error_handler(E_MSG,'filter:', msgstring)
call trace_message('Before trimming obs seq if start/stop time specified')
! Need to find first obs with appropriate time, delete all earlier ones
@@ -403,23 +421,25 @@
! Advance the lagged distribution, if needed.
! Must be done before the model runs and updates the data.
if(ds) then
- call trace_message('Before advancing smoother')
+ call trace_message('Before advancing smoother')
+ call timestamp_message('Before advancing smoother')
call advance_smoother(ens_handle)
- call trace_message('After advancing smoother')
+ call timestamp_message('After advancing smoother')
+ call trace_message('After advancing smoother')
- call trace_message('Ready to run model to advance data time', 'filter:', -1)
+ call trace_message('Ready to run model to advance data ahead in time', 'filter:', -1)
call print_ens_time(ens_handle, 'Ensemble data time before advance')
- call trace_message('Before advance_state called to run model')
- call timestamp_message('Before model advance', sync=.true.)
+ call trace_message('Before running model')
+ call timestamp_message('Before running model', sync=.true.)
call advance_state(ens_handle, ens_size, next_ens_time, async, &
adv_ens_command, tasks_per_model_advance)
! only need to sync here since we want to wait for the
! slowest task to finish before outputting the time.
- call timestamp_message('After model advance', sync=.true.)
- call trace_message('After advance_state called to run model')
+ call timestamp_message('After running model', sync=.true.)
+ call trace_message('After running model')
call print_ens_time(ens_handle, 'Ensemble data time after advance')
call trace_message('Model does not need to run; data already at required time', 'filter:', -1)
@@ -449,30 +469,30 @@
call trace_message('After setup for next group of observations')
- call trace_message('Before computing ensemble mean and spread')
! Compute mean and spread for inflation and state diagnostics
call all_vars_to_all_copies(ens_handle)
call compute_copy_mean_sd(ens_handle, 1, ens_size, ENS_MEAN_COPY, ENS_SD_COPY)
if(do_single_ss_inflate(prior_inflate) .or. do_varying_ss_inflate(prior_inflate)) then
+ call trace_message('Before prior inflation damping and prep')
if (inf_damping(1) /= 1.0_r8) then
ens_handle%copies(PRIOR_INF_COPY, :) = 1.0_r8 + &
inf_damping(1) * (ens_handle%copies(PRIOR_INF_COPY, :) - 1.0_r8)
call filter_ensemble_inflate(ens_handle, PRIOR_INF_COPY, prior_inflate, ENS_MEAN_COPY)
! Recompute the the mean and spread as required for diagnostics
call compute_copy_mean_sd(ens_handle, 1, ens_size, ENS_MEAN_COPY, ENS_SD_COPY)
+ call trace_message('After prior inflation damping and prep')
! Back to state space for diagnostics if required
call all_copies_to_all_vars(ens_handle)
- call trace_message('After computing ensemble mean and spread')
- call trace_message('Before computing prior observation values')
+ call trace_message('Before computing prior observation values')
call timestamp_message('Before computing prior observation values')
! Compute the ensemble of prior observations, load up the obs_err_var
@@ -502,7 +522,7 @@
call ens_mean_for_model(ens_mean)
call timestamp_message('After computing prior observation values')
- call trace_message('After computing prior observation values')
+ call trace_message('After computing prior observation values')
! Do prior state space diagnostic output as required
! Use ens_mean which is declared model_size for temp storage in diagnostics
@@ -532,7 +552,7 @@
write(msgstring, '(A,I8,A)') 'Ready to assimilate up to', size(keys), ' observations'
call trace_message(msgstring, 'filter:', -1)
- call trace_message('Before observation assimilation')
+ call trace_message('Before observation assimilation')
call timestamp_message('Before observation assimilation')
call filter_assim(ens_handle, obs_ens_handle, seq, keys, &
@@ -543,7 +563,7 @@
OBS_PRIOR_VAR_END, inflate_only = .false.)
call timestamp_message('After observation assimilation')
- call trace_message('After observation assimilation')
+ call trace_message('After observation assimilation')
! Do the update for the smoother lagged fields, too.
! Would be more efficient to do these all at once inside filter_assim
@@ -552,35 +572,35 @@
write(msgstring, '(A,I8,A)') 'Ready to reassimilate up to', size(keys), ' observations in the smoother'
call trace_message(msgstring, 'filter:', -1)
- call trace_message('Before smoother assimilation')
+ call trace_message('Before smoother assimilation')
call timestamp_message('Before smoother assimilation')
call smoother_assim(obs_ens_handle, seq, keys, ens_size, num_groups, &
obs_val_index, ENS_MEAN_COPY, ENS_SD_COPY, &
- call timestamp_message('After smoother assimilation')
- call trace_message('After smoother assimilation')
+ call timestamp_message('After smoother assimilation')
+ call trace_message('After smoother assimilation')
! Already transformed, so compute mean and spread for state diag as needed
- call trace_message('Before compute_copy_mean_sd')
call compute_copy_mean_sd(ens_handle, 1, ens_size, ENS_MEAN_COPY, ENS_SD_COPY)
- call trace_message('After compute_copy_mean_sd')
!-------- Test of posterior inflate ----------------
if(do_single_ss_inflate(post_inflate) .or. do_varying_ss_inflate(post_inflate)) then
- call trace_message('Before posterior inflation')
+ call trace_message('Before posterior inflation damping and prep')
if (inf_damping(2) /= 1.0_r8) then
ens_handle%copies(POST_INF_COPY, :) = 1.0_r8 + &
inf_damping(2) * (ens_handle%copies(POST_INF_COPY, :) - 1.0_r8)
call filter_ensemble_inflate(ens_handle, POST_INF_COPY, post_inflate, ENS_MEAN_COPY)
! Recompute the mean or the mean and spread as required for diagnostics
call compute_copy_mean_sd(ens_handle, 1, ens_size, ENS_MEAN_COPY, ENS_SD_COPY)
- call trace_message('After posterior inflation')
+ call trace_message('After posterior inflation damping and prep')
!-------- End of posterior inflate ----------------
@@ -588,7 +608,7 @@
! Now back to var complete for diagnostics
call all_copies_to_all_vars(ens_handle)
- call trace_message('Before computing posterior observation values')
+ call trace_message('Before computing posterior observation values')
call timestamp_message('Before computing posterior observation values')
! Compute the ensemble of posterior observations, load up the obs_err_var
@@ -599,7 +619,7 @@
call timestamp_message('After computing posterior observation values')
- call trace_message('After computing posterior observation values')
+ call trace_message('After computing posterior observation values')
if(ds) then
call trace_message('Before computing smoother means/spread')
@@ -643,8 +663,10 @@
! If not reading the sd values from a restart file and the namelist initial
! sd < 0, then bypass this entire code block altogether for speed.
if ((inf_sd_initial(2) >= 0.0_r8) .or. inf_sd_initial_from_restart(2)) then
- call trace_message('Before computing posterior forward ops')
+ call trace_message('Before computing posterior state space inflation')
+ call timestamp_message('Before computing posterior state space inflation')
! Ship the ensemble mean to the model; some models need this for computing distances
! Who stores the ensemble mean copy
call get_copy_owner_index(ENS_MEAN_COPY, mean_owner, mean_owners_index)
@@ -661,16 +683,17 @@
! Need obs to be copy complete for assimilation: IS NEXT LINE REQUIRED???
call all_vars_to_all_copies(obs_ens_handle)
- call timestamp_message('Before posterior inflation')
call filter_assim(ens_handle, obs_ens_handle, seq, keys, ens_size, num_groups, &
obs_val_index, post_inflate, ENS_MEAN_COPY, ENS_SD_COPY, &
OBS_PRIOR_VAR_END, inflate_only = .true.)
- call timestamp_message('After posterior inflation')
call all_copies_to_all_vars(ens_handle)
- call trace_message('After computing posterior forward ops')
+ call timestamp_message('After computing posterior state space inflation')
+ call trace_message('After computing posterior state space inflation')
endif ! sd >= 0 or sd from restart file
endif ! if doing state space posterior inflate
@@ -737,7 +760,8 @@
call trace_message('After smoother memory cleanup')
-call trace_message('Filter done')
+call trace_message('Filter done')
+call timestamp_message('Filter done')
if(my_task_id() == 0) then
write(logfileunit,*)'FINISHED filter.'
@@ -745,6 +769,8 @@
! Master task must close the log file; the magic 'end'
! flag does that in the timestamp routine.
+! FIXME: when i commit the updated util mod, remove this line.
+! finalize_utilities() will write the final timestamp.
if(my_task_id() == 0) call timestamp(source,revision,revdate,'end')
@@ -1273,6 +1299,10 @@
forward_min = nint(minval(forward_op_ens_handle%copies(1:ens_size, j)))
! Now do a case statement to figure out what the qc result should be
! For prior, have to test for a bunch of stuff
+ ! FIXME: note that this case statement doesn't cover every possibility;
+ ! if there's an error in the code and a minus value gets into the forward
+ ! operator istatus without being caught, it will fail all cases below.
+ ! add another line for 'internal inconsistency' to be safe.
if(prior_post == PRIOR_DIAG) then
if(forward_min == -99) then ! Failed prior qc in get_obs_ens
obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, j) = 6
@@ -1284,11 +1314,19 @@
obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, j) = 1
else if(forward_min == 0) then ! All clear, assimilate this ob
obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, j) = 0
+ ! FIXME: proposed enhancement - catchall for cases that we have not caught
+ !else ! 'should not happen'
+ ! obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, j) = 9 ! inconsistent istatus codes
- ! Check on the outlier threshold quality control: move to QC module
- if(do_outlier .and. (obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, j) < input_qc_threshold)) then
+ ! Check on the outlier threshold quality control: move to QC module?
+ ! bug fix: this was using the incoming qc threshold before.
+ ! it should only be doing the outlier test on dart qc values of 0 or 1.
+ ! if there is already a different qc code set, leave it alone.
+ ! only if it is still successful (assim or eval, 0 or 1), then check
+ ! for failing outlier test.
+ if(do_outlier .and. (obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, j) < 2)) then
obs_prior_mean = obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_PRIOR_MEAN_START, j)
obs_prior_var = obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_PRIOR_VAR_START, j)
obs_val = obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_VAL_COPY, j)
@@ -1296,7 +1334,15 @@
error = obs_prior_mean - obs_val
diff_sd = sqrt(obs_prior_var + obs_err_var)
ratio = abs(error / diff_sd)
- if(ratio > outlier_threshold) obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, j) = 7
+ if(ratio > outlier_threshold) then
+ ! FIXME: proposed enhancement to dart qc values - differentiate
+ ! between obs thrown out for being outlier - assim vs eval.
+ !if(obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, j) == 0) then
+ obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, j) = 7 ! would have been assim
+ !else
+ ! obs_ens_handle%copies(OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, j) = 8 ! was eval only
+ !endif
+ endif
@@ -1391,10 +1437,16 @@
! Do checks on input_qc value with namelist control
! Should eventually go in qc module
+! NOTE: this code has changed since the original version.
+! qc values equal to the threshold are kept now; only qc
+! values LARGER THAN the threshold are rejected.
+! e.g. to keep only obs with a data qc of 0, set the
+! threshold to 0.
! To exclude negative qc values, comment in the following line instead
! of the existing code.
-! if((input_qc < input_qc_threshold) .and. (input_qc >= 0)) then
-if(input_qc < input_qc_threshold) then
+! if((nint(input_qc) <= nint(input_qc_threshold)) .and. (nint(input_qc) >= 0)) then
+if(nint(input_qc) <= nint(input_qc_threshold)) then
input_qc_ok = .true.
input_qc_ok = .false.
@@ -1509,7 +1561,7 @@
if (sync) call task_sync()
-if (do_output()) call timestamp(trim(msg), pos='brief') ! was debug
+if (do_output()) call timestamp(' '//trim(msg), pos='brief') ! was debug
end subroutine timestamp_message
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