[Dart-dev] [3849] DART/trunk/observations/obs_error: Updated the README file and added the ecmwf error module
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Wed May 6 09:50:05 MDT 2009
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Modified: DART/trunk/observations/obs_error/README
--- DART/trunk/observations/obs_error/README 2009-05-05 16:59:50 UTC (rev 3848)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/obs_error/README 2009-05-06 15:50:04 UTC (rev 3849)
@@ -1,11 +1,24 @@
+This directory is where to add modules that compute/set the
+observational errors for different types of real-world observations.
-Eventually this directory will contain an ECMWF error module,
-and any other error modules that people want to contribute.
+Each center uses different errors, and these separate files
+make it easy to collect these values in one place, and switch
+them in and out depending on the needs of the user who is
+creating new obs_seq files for DART.
-The intent is that each file will contain a module with the
-same name, obs_err_mod, and all the subroutines will have
-identical names (but presumably return different values).
+Anyone who wants to contribute another error module is
+more than welcome to add files here.
+Each file should have the same module name; e.g. the file
+names will differ, but the module name itself must be the
+same across all modules in this directory.
+All the subroutines must also have the same names, and
+supply appropriate values for each observation type that
+is required. If a new observation type is added, it should
+be added to all the files in this directory.
This way the user can change between error values by editing
the filename in the path_names_xxx files and recompiling,
without changing the code.
Added: DART/trunk/observations/obs_error/ecmwf_obs_err_mod.f90
--- DART/trunk/observations/obs_error/ecmwf_obs_err_mod.f90 (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/obs_error/ecmwf_obs_err_mod.f90 2009-05-06 15:50:04 UTC (rev 3849)
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+! Data Assimilation Research Testbed -- DART
+! Copyright 2004-2009, Data Assimilation Research Section
+! University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
+! Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html
+module obs_err_mod
+use types_mod, only : r8, missing_r8
+implicit none
+integer, parameter :: nobs_level = 15
+real(r8) :: obs_prs(nobs_level)
+data obs_prs/ 10.0_r8, 20.0_r8, 30.0_r8, 50.0_r8, 70.0_r8, &
+ 100.0_r8, 150.0_r8, 200.0_r8, 250.0_r8, 300.0_r8, &
+ 400.0_r8, 500.0_r8, 700.0_r8, 850.0_r8, 1050.0_r8/
+public :: fixed_marine_pres_error, &
+ fixed_marine_rel_hum_error, &
+ fixed_marine_temp_error, &
+ fixed_marine_wind_error, &
+ moving_marine_pres_error, &
+ moving_marine_rel_hum_error, &
+ moving_marine_temp_error, &
+ moving_marine_wind_error
+public :: land_pres_error, &
+ land_rel_hum_error, &
+ land_temp_error, &
+ land_wind_error
+public :: acars_rel_hum_error, &
+ acars_temp_error, &
+ acars_wind_error
+public :: sat_wind_error, &
+ sat_wv_wind_error
+public :: rawin_pres_error, &
+ rawin_rel_hum_error, &
+ rawin_temp_error, &
+ rawin_wind_error
+public :: drop_pres_error, &
+ drop_rel_hum_error, &
+ drop_temp_error, &
+ drop_wind_error
+function acars_rel_hum_error(pres)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres
+real(r8) :: acars_rel_hum_error
+acars_rel_hum_error = missing_r8
+end function acars_rel_hum_error
+function acars_temp_error(pres)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres
+integer :: k0
+real(r8) :: obs_err(nobs_level), wght, acars_temp_error
+data obs_err/2.2_r8, 2.0_r8, 1.8_r8, 1.6_r8, 1.5_r8, &
+ 1.4_r8, 1.4_r8, 1.4_r8, 1.3_r8, 1.3_r8, &
+ 1.2_r8, 1.2_r8, 1.2_r8, 1.3_r8, 1.4_r8/
+call find_pressure_level_weight(pres, k0, wght)
+acars_temp_error = wght * obs_err(k0) + (1.0_r8 - wght) * obs_err(k0+1)
+acars_temp_error = dble(nint(acars_temp_error * 10.0_r8)) * 0.1_r8
+end function acars_temp_error
+function acars_wind_error(pres)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres
+integer :: k0
+real(r8) :: obs_err(nobs_level), wght, acars_wind_error
+data obs_err/4.0_r8, 4.0_r8, 4.0_r8, 4.0_r8, 4.0_r8, &
+ 4.0_r8, 4.0_r8, 4.0_r8, 4.0_r8, 4.0_r8, &
+ 4.0_r8, 3.5_r8, 3.0_r8, 2.5_r8, 2.5_r8/
+call find_pressure_level_weight(pres, k0, wght)
+acars_wind_error = wght * obs_err(k0) + (1.0_r8 - wght) * obs_err(k0+1)
+acars_wind_error = dble(nint(acars_wind_error * 10.0_r8)) * 0.1_r8
+end function acars_wind_error
+function land_pres_error(pres)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres ! (mb)
+integer :: k0
+real(r8) :: obs_err(nobs_level), wght, land_pres_error
+data obs_err/114.2_r8, 96.0_r8, 69.8_r8, 59.3_r8, 50.3_r8, &
+ 39.4_r8, 32.4_r8, 27.7_r8, 25.4_r8, 18.8_r8, &
+ 14.9_r8, 12.1_r8, 8.6_r8, 8.0_r8, 7.0_r8/
+call find_pressure_level_weight(pres, k0, wght)
+land_pres_error = wght * obs_err(k0) + (1.0_r8 - wght) * obs_err(k0+1)
+land_pres_error = land_pres_error * 1.225_r8 * 0.25_r8
+land_pres_error = dble(nint(land_pres_error * 10.0_r8)) * 0.1_r8
+end function land_pres_error
+function land_rel_hum_error(pres, tmpk, rh)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres, tmpk, rh
+real(r8) :: land_rel_hum_error
+if ( RH < 0.2_r8 ) then
+ land_rel_hum_error = 0.23_r8
+elseif ( tmpk < 233.0_r8 ) then
+ land_rel_hum_error = 0.28_r8
+ land_rel_hum_error = 0.13_r8
+end if
+end function land_rel_hum_error
+function land_temp_error(pres)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres ! (mb)
+integer :: k0
+real(r8) :: obs_err(nobs_level), wght, land_temp_error
+data obs_err/2.5_r8, 2.5_r8, 2.5_r8, 2.4_r8, 2.2_r8, &
+ 2.0_r8, 1.9_r8, 1.8_r8, 1.8_r8, 1.5_r8, &
+ 1.3_r8, 1.2_r8, 1.3_r8, 1.5_r8, 2.0_r8/
+call find_pressure_level_weight(pres, k0, wght)
+land_temp_error = wght * obs_err(k0) + (1.0_r8 - wght) * obs_err(k0+1)
+land_temp_error = dble(nint(land_temp_error * 10.0_r8)) * 0.1_r8
+end function land_temp_error
+function land_wind_error(pres)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres ! (mb)
+integer :: k0
+real(r8) :: obs_err(nobs_level), wght, land_wind_error
+data obs_err/3.0_r8, 2.5_r8, 2.0_r8, 2.0_r8, 2.0_r8, &
+ 2.2_r8, 2.4_r8, 3.2_r8, 3.2_r8, 3.8_r8, &
+ 3.6_r8, 3.4_r8, 3.0_r8, 3.0_r8, 3.0_r8/
+call find_pressure_level_weight(pres, k0, wght)
+land_wind_error = wght * obs_err(k0) + (1.0_r8 - wght) * obs_err(k0+1)
+land_wind_error = dble(nint(land_wind_error * 10.0_r8)) * 0.1_r8
+end function land_wind_error
+function fixed_marine_pres_error(pres)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres ! (mb)
+real(r8) :: fixed_marine_pres_error
+fixed_marine_pres_error = land_pres_error(pres)
+end function fixed_marine_pres_error
+function fixed_marine_rel_hum_error(pres, tmpk, rh)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres, tmpk, rh
+real(r8) :: fixed_marine_rel_hum_error
+fixed_marine_rel_hum_error = land_rel_hum_error(pres,tmpk,rh)
+end function fixed_marine_rel_hum_error
+function fixed_marine_temp_error(pres)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres ! (mb)
+real(r8) :: fixed_marine_temp_error
+fixed_marine_temp_error = land_temp_error(pres)
+end function fixed_marine_temp_error
+function fixed_marine_wind_error(pres)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres ! (mb)
+real(r8) :: fixed_marine_wind_error
+fixed_marine_wind_error = land_wind_error(pres)
+end function fixed_marine_wind_error
+function moving_marine_pres_error(pres)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres ! (mb)
+integer :: k0
+real(r8) :: obs_err(nobs_level), wght, moving_marine_pres_error
+data obs_err/228.4_r8, 192.0_r8, 139.5_r8, 118.6_r8, 100.6_r8, &
+ 78.8_r8, 64.8_r8, 55.4_r8, 50.8_r8, 37.6_r8, &
+ 29.8_r8, 24.2_r8, 17.2_r8, 11.5_r8, 11.5_r8/
+call find_pressure_level_weight(pres, k0, wght)
+moving_marine_pres_error = wght * obs_err(k0) + (1.0_r8 - wght) * obs_err(k0+1)
+moving_marine_pres_error = moving_marine_pres_error * 1.225_r8 * 0.25_r8
+moving_marine_pres_error = dble(nint(moving_marine_pres_error * 10.0_r8)) * 0.1_r8
+end function moving_marine_pres_error
+function moving_marine_rel_hum_error(pres, tmpk, rh)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres, tmpk, rh
+real(r8) :: moving_marine_rel_hum_error
+moving_marine_rel_hum_error = missing_r8
+end function moving_marine_rel_hum_error
+function moving_marine_temp_error(pres)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres ! (mb)
+integer :: k0
+real(r8) :: obs_err(nobs_level), wght, moving_marine_temp_error
+data obs_err/2.5_r8, 2.5_r8, 2.5_r8, 2.4_r8, 2.2_r8, &
+ 2.0_r8, 1.9_r8, 1.8_r8, 1.8_r8, 1.5_r8, &
+ 1.3_r8, 1.2_r8, 1.3_r8, 1.5_r8, 1.8_r8/
+call find_pressure_level_weight(pres, k0, wght)
+moving_marine_temp_error = wght * obs_err(k0) + (1.0_r8 - wght) * obs_err(k0+1)
+moving_marine_temp_error = dble(nint(moving_marine_temp_error * 10.0_r8)) * 0.1_r8
+end function moving_marine_temp_error
+function moving_marine_wind_error(pres)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres ! (mb)
+integer :: k0
+real(r8) :: obs_err(nobs_level), wght, moving_marine_wind_error
+data obs_err/3.0_r8, 2.5_r8, 2.0_r8, 2.0_r8, 2.0_r8, &
+ 2.2_r8, 2.4_r8, 3.2_r8, 3.2_r8, 3.8_r8, &
+ 3.6_r8, 3.4_r8, 2.5_r8, 2.4_r8, 2.4_r8/
+call find_pressure_level_weight(pres, k0, wght)
+moving_marine_wind_error = wght * obs_err(k0) + (1.0_r8 - wght) * obs_err(k0+1)
+moving_marine_wind_error = dble(nint(moving_marine_wind_error * 10.0_r8)) * 0.1_r8
+end function moving_marine_wind_error
+function sat_wind_error(pres)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres ! (mb)
+integer :: k0
+real(r8) :: obs_err(nobs_level), wght, sat_wind_error
+data obs_err/5.7_r8, 5.0_r8, 5.0_r8, 5.0_r8, 5.0_r8, &
+ 5.0_r8, 5.0_r8, 5.0_r8, 5.0_r8, 5.0_r8, &
+ 4.3_r8, 3.5_r8, 2.0_r8, 2.0_r8, 2.0_r8/
+call find_pressure_level_weight(pres, k0, wght)
+sat_wind_error = wght * obs_err(k0) + (1.0_r8 - wght) * obs_err(k0+1)
+sat_wind_error = dble(nint(sat_wind_error * 10.0_r8)) * 0.1_r8
+end function sat_wind_error
+function sat_wv_wind_error(pres)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres ! (mb)
+real(r8) :: sat_wv_wind_error
+sat_wv_wind_error = sat_wind_error(pres)
+end function sat_wv_wind_error
+function rawin_pres_error(pres)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres ! (mb)
+integer :: k0
+real(r8) :: obs_err(nobs_level), wght, rawin_pres_error
+data obs_err/40.0_r8, 32.0_r8, 25.0_r8, 22.5_r8, 19.5_r8, &
+ 18.1_r8, 15.2_r8, 13.2_r8, 11.8_r8, 10.7_r8, &
+ 9.8_r8, 8.4_r8, 5.2_r8, 4.4_r8, 4.3_r8/
+call find_pressure_level_weight(pres, k0, wght)
+rawin_pres_error = wght * obs_err(k0) + (1.0_r8 - wght) * obs_err(k0+1)
+rawin_pres_error = rawin_pres_error * 1.225_r8 * 0.25_r8
+rawin_pres_error = dble(nint(rawin_pres_error * 10.0_r8)) * 0.1_r8
+end function rawin_pres_error
+function rawin_rel_hum_error(pres, tmpk, rh)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres, tmpk, rh ! (mb)
+real(r8) :: rawin_rel_hum_error
+if ( rh < 0.2_r8 ) then
+ rawin_rel_hum_error = 0.23
+else if ( tmpk < 233.0_r8 ) then
+ rawin_rel_hum_error = 0.28
+ rawin_rel_hum_error = 0.17
+end if
+end function rawin_rel_hum_error
+function rawin_temp_error(pres)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres ! (mb)
+integer :: k0
+real(r8) :: obs_err(nobs_level), wght, rawin_temp_error
+data obs_err/2.5_r8, 2.2_r8, 2.0_r8, 1.9_r8, 1.8_r8, &
+ 1.7_r8, 1.6_r8, 1.5_r8, 1.5_r8, 1.4_r8, &
+ 1.2_r8, 1.2_r8, 1.3_r8, 1.5_r8, 1.7_r8/
+call find_pressure_level_weight(pres, k0, wght)
+rawin_temp_error = wght * obs_err(k0) + (1.0_r8 - wght) * obs_err(k0+1)
+rawin_temp_error = dble(nint(rawin_temp_error * 10.0_r8)) * 0.1_r8
+end function rawin_temp_error
+function rawin_wind_error(pres)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres ! (mb)
+integer :: k0
+real(r8) :: obs_err(nobs_level), wght, rawin_wind_error
+data obs_err/4.5_r8, 3.6_r8, 3.3_r8, 3.2_r8, 3.2_r8, &
+ 3.3_r8, 3.4_r8, 3.5_r8, 3.5_r8, 3.7_r8, &
+ 3.5_r8, 3.0_r8, 2.5_r8, 2.3_r8, 2.3_r8/
+call find_pressure_level_weight(pres, k0, wght)
+rawin_wind_error = wght * obs_err(k0) + (1.0_r8 - wght) * obs_err(k0+1)
+rawin_wind_error = dble(nint(rawin_wind_error * 10.0_r8)) * 0.1_r8
+end function rawin_wind_error
+function drop_pres_error(pres)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres ! (mb)
+real(r8) :: drop_pres_error
+drop_pres_error = rawin_pres_error(pres)
+end function drop_pres_error
+function drop_rel_hum_error(pres, tmpk, rh)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres, tmpk, rh
+real(r8) :: drop_rel_hum_error
+drop_rel_hum_error = rawin_rel_hum_error(pres, tmpk, rh)
+end function drop_rel_hum_error
+function drop_temp_error(pres)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres ! (mb)
+real(r8) :: drop_temp_error
+drop_temp_error = rawin_temp_error(pres)
+end function drop_temp_error
+function drop_wind_error(pres)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres ! (mb)
+real(r8) :: drop_wind_error
+drop_wind_error = rawin_wind_error(pres)
+end function drop_wind_error
+subroutine find_pressure_level_weight(pres, zloc, wght)
+real(r8), intent(in) :: pres
+integer, intent(out) :: zloc
+real(r8), intent(out) :: wght
+integer :: k
+if ( pres < obs_prs(1) .or. pres > obs_prs(nobs_level) ) then
+ print*,'bad pressure level',pres
+ stop
+end if
+do k = 1, nobs_level
+ if ( pres <= obs_prs(k) ) then
+ zloc = k - 1
+ wght = (log(obs_prs(k)) - log(pres)) / &
+ (log(obs_prs(k)) - log(obs_prs(k-1)))
+ exit
+ end if
+end do
+end subroutine find_pressure_level_weight
+end module obs_err_mod
Property changes on: DART/trunk/observations/obs_error/ecmwf_obs_err_mod.f90
Name: svn:keywords
+ Date Revision Author HeadURL Id
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