[Dart-dev] [3842] DART/trunk/models/cam/matlab/CAM_DART_correl.m: Initial function to explore correlation between one CAM variable and
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Mon May 4 14:47:45 MDT 2009
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Added: DART/trunk/models/cam/matlab/CAM_DART_correl.m
--- DART/trunk/models/cam/matlab/CAM_DART_correl.m (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/cam/matlab/CAM_DART_correl.m 2009-05-04 20:47:45 UTC (rev 3842)
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+function CAM_DART_correl(datadir,DARTfile,DARTvarname,DARTlevel,CAMvarname,CAMlocation)
+% CAM_DART_correl explores correlation between one CAM location and the DART ensemble
+% datadir = '/ptmp/raeder/Cam3.6/Hist0';
+% DARTfile = 'Pr_06_ens.nc';
+% DARTvarname = 'T';
+% DARTlevel = 600;
+% CAMvarname = 'EVAPPREC';
+% CAMlocation = [260, 8.5, 600]; % lon/lat/level
+% CAM_DART_correl(datadir,DARTfile,DARTvarname,DARTlevel,CAMvarname,CAMlocation)
+% Data Assimilation Research Testbed -- DART
+% Copyright 2004-2007, Data Assimilation Research Section
+% University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
+% Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html
+% <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+% $URL$
+% $Id$
+% $Revision$
+% $Date$
+posmat = [0.1 0.60 0.8 0.25;
+ 0.1 0.10 0.8 0.40];
+% Get the time series from the CAM files:
+% EVAPPREC(time, lev, lat, lon) ;
+% For this variable, should query for coordinate variables
+% not handling variables on staggered grids correctly as it stands.
+camname = sprintf('%s/FV_2deg-noleap-O2-Dev20-1-%02d.cam2.h0.2003-07-08-21600_%02d.nc',datadir,1,1);
+CAMlevels = nc_varget(camname,'lev'); CAMNlevels = length(CAMlevels);
+CAMlats = nc_varget(camname,'lat'); CAMNlats = length(CAMlats);
+CAMlons = nc_varget(camname,'lon'); CAMNlons = length(CAMlons);
+CAMunits = nc_attget(camname,CAMvarname,'units');
+CAMtimestr = timebase(camname);
+diffs = abs(CAMlevels - CAMlocation(3)); [camlevel,camlevind] = min(diffs);
+diffs = abs(CAMlats - CAMlocation(2)); [camlat, camlatind] = min(diffs);
+diffs = abs(CAMlons - CAMlocation(1)); [camlon, camlonind] = min(diffs);
+camlevel = CAMlevels(camlevind);
+camlat = CAMlats( camlatind);
+camlon = CAMlons( camlonind);
+% start = [ 0 camlevind-1 camlatind-1 camlonind-1];
+% count = [-1 1 1 1 ];
+start = [ 0 camlevind-1 0 0];
+count = [ 1 1 -1 -1];
+x = zeros(80,1);
+cammean = zeros(CAMNlats,CAMNlons);
+for ensmem = 1:80
+ camname = sprintf('%s/FV_2deg-noleap-O2-Dev20-1-%02d.cam2.h0.2003-07-08-21600_%02d.nc',datadir,ensmem,ensmem);
+ bob = nc_varget(camname,CAMvarname,start,count);
+ cammean = cammean + bob;
+ x(ensmem) = bob(camlatind,camlonind);
+cammean = cammean/80;
+% should check to make sure they are no 'MISSING' values in the x array ...
+% Get the DART fields.
+% float Q(time, copy, lat, lon, lev) ;
+prfname = sprintf('%s/%s',datadir,DARTfile);
+DARTlons = nc_varget(prfname,'lon');
+DARTlats = nc_varget(prfname,'lat');
+DARTlevels = nc_varget(prfname,'lev');
+diffs = abs(DARTlevels - DARTlevel);
+[dartlevel,dartlevind] = min(diffs);
+dartlevel = DARTlevels(dartlevind);
+start = [ 0 0 0 0 dartlevind-1];
+count = [-1 -1 -1 -1 1];
+y = nc_varget(prfname,DARTvarname,start,count);
+[Nmem, Nlat, Nlon] = size(y);
+% Reshape the DART data to be in state-space form ... Nt-by-Nx
+% perform the correlation,
+% reshape the correlation coefficients back to a Lat-Lon matrix.
+Yss = reshape(y,[Nmem Nlat*Nlon]);
+a = corr(x,Yss);
+b = reshape(a,[Nlat Nlon]);
+clear Yss a
+bob = b(:);
+abob = abs(bob);
+datamax = max(abob);
+%datamax = 0.5;
+% make the plots
+figure(1); clf; orient tall
+str1 = sprintf('%s correlated against %s',CAMvarname,DARTvarname);
+str2 = sprintf('%s [%.2f , %.2f] level %.2f',CAMvarname,camlon,camlat,camlevel);
+str3 = sprintf('%s level %.2f',DARTvarname,dartlevel);
+title( {str2, CAMtimestr} )
+xlabel('Ensemble Member');
+mymap = [1 1 1; jet];
+h = colorbar;
+axis image
+hold on;
+plot([ 0 360],[camlat camlat],'k', ...
+ [camlon camlon],[-90 90],'k');
+title(sprintf('Ensemble mean %s level %.2f %s',CAMvarname,camlevel,CAMtimestr))
+figure(2); clf; orient tall
+imagesc(DARTlons,DARTlats,b,[-datamax datamax])
+mymap = jet;
+mymap(30:35,:) = 1;
+axis image
+hold on;
+function timestring = timebase(fname)
+t = nc_varget(fname,'time');
+units = nc_attget(fname,'time','units');
+mycal = nc_attget(fname,'time','calendar');
+timebase = sscanf(units,'%*s%*s%d%*c%d%*c%d'); % YYYY MM DD
+timeorigin = datenum(timebase(1),timebase(2),timebase(3));
+timestring = datestr(t + timeorigin);
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