[Dart-dev] [3955] DART/trunk/models/POP: Updates to model_mod to fix vertical interpolation ( larger positive numbers
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Tue Jun 30 14:59:28 MDT 2009
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Modified: DART/trunk/models/POP/model_mod.f90
--- DART/trunk/models/POP/model_mod.f90 2009-06-30 20:16:24 UTC (rev 3954)
+++ DART/trunk/models/POP/model_mod.f90 2009-06-30 20:59:28 UTC (rev 3955)
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
! This is the interface between the POP ocean model and DART.
! Modules that are absolutely required for use are listed
-use types_mod, only : r4, r8, SECPERDAY, MISSING_R8, rad2deg
+use types_mod, only : r4, r8, SECPERDAY, MISSING_R8, rad2deg, PI
use time_manager_mod, only : time_type, set_time, set_date, get_date, get_time, &
set_calendar_type, print_time, print_date, &
operator(*), operator(+), operator(-), &
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@
integer :: assimilation_period_days = 1
integer :: assimilation_period_seconds = 0
real(r8) :: model_perturbation_amplitude = 0.2
+integer :: debug = 0 ! turn up for more and more debug messages
character(len=32):: calendar = 'noleap'
@@ -133,7 +134,8 @@
assimilation_period_days, & ! for now, this is the timestep
assimilation_period_seconds, &
- calendar
+ calendar, &
+ debug
@@ -282,7 +284,7 @@
call read_vert_grid(Nz, ZC, ZG)
call read_kmt(Nx, Ny, KMT, KMU)
-call write_grid_netcdf() ! DEBUG only
+if (debug > 0) call write_grid_netcdf() ! DEBUG only
! set the time step from the namelist for now.
@@ -460,6 +462,8 @@
llat = loc_array(2)
lheight = loc_array(3)
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'requesting interpolation at ', llon, llat, lheight
if( vert_is_height(location) ) then
! Nothing to do
elseif ( vert_is_surface(location) ) then
@@ -496,7 +500,7 @@
-!print *, 'base offset now ', base_offset
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'base offset now ', base_offset
! For Sea Surface Height don't need the vertical coordinate
if( vert_is_surface(location) ) then
@@ -515,8 +519,8 @@
! on this level. Do bottom first in case it is below the ocean floor; can
! avoid the second horizontal interpolation.
offset = base_offset + (hgt_bot - 1) * nx * ny
-!print *, 'relative bot height offset = ', offset - base_offset
-!print *, 'absolute bot height offset = ', offset
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'relative bot height offset = ', offset - base_offset
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'absolute bot height offset = ', offset
call lat_lon_interpolate(x(offset:), llon, llat, obs_type, hgt_bot, bot_val, istatus)
! Failed istatus from interpolate means give up
if(istatus /= 0) return
@@ -524,8 +528,8 @@
! Find the base location for the top height and interpolate horizontally
! on this level.
offset = base_offset + (hgt_top - 1) * nx * ny
-!print *, 'relative top height offset = ', offset - base_offset
-!print *, 'absolute top height offset = ', offset
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'relative top height offset = ', offset - base_offset
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'absolute top height offset = ', offset
call lat_lon_interpolate(x(offset:), llon, llat, obs_type, hgt_top, top_val, istatus)
! Failed istatus from interpolate means give up
if(istatus /= 0) return
@@ -533,7 +537,7 @@
! Then weight them by the vertical fraction and return
interp_val = bot_val + hgt_fract * (top_val - bot_val)
-!print *, 'model_interp: interp val = ',interp_val
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'model_interp: interp val = ',interp_val
! All good.
istatus = 0
@@ -562,24 +566,31 @@
istatus = 0
! The zc array contains the depths of the center of the vertical grid boxes
+! In this case (unlike how we handle the MIT depths), positive is really down.
+! FIXME: in the MIT model, we're given box widths and we compute the centers,
+! and we computed them with larger negative numbers being deeper. Here,
+! larger positive numbers are deeper.
! It is assumed that the top box is shallow and any observations shallower
! than the depth of this box's center are just given the value of the
! top box.
-if(lheight > hgt_array(1)) then
+if(lheight <= hgt_array(1)) then
top = 1
bot = 2
! NOTE: the fract definition is the relative distance from bottom to top
fract = 1.0_r8
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'above first level in height'
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'hgt_array, top, bot, fract=', hgt_array(1), top, bot, fract
! Search through the boxes
do i = 2, nheights
! If the location is shallower than this entry, it must be in this box
- if(lheight >= hgt_array(i)) then
+ if(lheight < hgt_array(i)) then
top = i -1
bot = i
- fract = (lheight - hgt_array(bot)) / (hgt_array(top) - hgt_array(bot))
+ fract = (hgt_array(bot) - lheight) / (hgt_array(bot) - hgt_array(top))
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'i, hgt_array, top, bot, fract=', i, hgt_array(i), top, bot, fract
end do
@@ -633,6 +644,7 @@
call lat_bounds(llat, ny, lat_array, lat_bot, lat_top, lat_fract, lat_status)
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'lat bot, top, fract = ', lat_bot, lat_top, lat_fract
! Check for error on the latitude interpolation
if(lat_status /= 0) then
istatus = 31
@@ -650,6 +662,7 @@
call lon_bounds(llon, nx, lon_array, lon_bot, lon_top, lon_fract, lon_status)
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'lon bot, top, fract = ', lon_bot, lon_top, lon_fract
! Check for error on the longitude interpolation
if(lat_status /= 0) then
istatus = 32
@@ -663,37 +676,38 @@
is_not_ocean(var_type, lon_bot, lat_top, hgt_bot) .or. &
is_not_ocean(var_type, lon_top, lat_top, hgt_bot)) then
istatus = 33
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'one corner not ocean'
! Vector is laid out with lat outermost loop, lon innermost loop
! Find the bounding points for the lat lon box
-!print *, 'lon_bot, lon_top = ', lon_bot, lon_top
-!print *, 'lat_bot, lat_top = ', lat_bot, lat_top
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'lon_bot, lon_top = ', lon_bot, lon_top
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'lat_bot, lat_top = ', lat_bot, lat_top
pa = get_val(lon_bot, lat_bot, nx, x)
-!print *, 'pa = ', pa
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'pa = ', pa
pb = get_val(lon_top, lat_bot, nx, x)
-!print *, 'pb = ', pb
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'pb = ', pb
pc = get_val(lon_bot, lat_top, nx, x)
-!print *, 'pc = ', pc
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'pc = ', pc
pd = get_val(lon_top, lat_top, nx, x)
-!print *, 'pd = ', pd
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'pd = ', pd
-!print *, 'pa,b,c,d = ', pa, pb, pc, pd
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'pa,b,c,d = ', pa, pb, pc, pd
! Finish bi-linear interpolation
! First interpolate in longitude
-!print *, 'bot lon_fract, delta = ', lon_fract, (pb-pa)
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'bot lon_fract, delta = ', lon_fract, (pb-pa)
xbot = pa + lon_fract * (pb - pa)
-!print *, 'xbot = ', xbot
-!print *, 'top lon_fract, delta = ', lon_fract, (pd-pc)
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'xbot = ', xbot
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'top lon_fract, delta = ', lon_fract, (pd-pc)
xtop = pc + lon_fract * (pd - pc)
-!print *, 'xtop = ', xtop
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'xtop = ', xtop
! Now interpolate in latitude
-!print *, 'lat_fract, delta = ', lat_fract, (xtop - xbot)
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'lat_fract, delta = ', lat_fract, (xtop - xbot)
interp_val = xbot + lat_fract * (xtop - xbot)
-!print *, 'lat_lon_interp: interp_val = ', interp_val
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'lat_lon_interp: interp_val = ', interp_val
! good return
istatus = 0
@@ -747,6 +761,9 @@
bot = i - 1
top = i
fract = (llat - lat_array(bot)) / (lat_array(top) - lat_array(bot))
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'bot, top vals = ', lat_array(i-1), lat_array(i)
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'bot, top index = ', bot, top
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'fract = ', fract
istatus = 0
@@ -789,20 +806,21 @@
! Make any failure here return istatus in the 50s
istatus = 50
-!print *, 'computing bounds for = ', llon
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'computing bounds for = ', llon
! This is inefficient, someone could clean it up for regularly spaced longitudes
do i = 2, nlons
dist_bot = lon_dist(llon, lon_array(i - 1))
dist_top = lon_dist(llon, lon_array(i))
-!print *, 'dist top, bot = ', dist_top, dist_bot
+if (debug > 3) print *, 'dist top, bot = ', dist_top, dist_bot
if(dist_bot <= 0 .and. dist_top > 0) then
bot = i - 1
top = i
-!print *, 'bot, top = ', bot, top
-!print *, 'numerator = ', dist_bot
-!print *, 'denomenator = ', dist_bot + abs(dist_top)
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'bot, top vals = ', lon_array(i-1), lon_array(i)
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'bot, top index = ', bot, top
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'numerator = ', dist_bot
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'denominator = ', dist_bot + abs(dist_top)
fract = abs(dist_bot) / (abs(dist_bot) + dist_top)
-!print *, 'fract = ', fract
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'fract = ', fract
istatus = 0
@@ -863,10 +881,10 @@
if ( .not. module_initialized ) call static_init_model
! Layout has lons varying most rapidly
-!print *, 'lat_index, lon_index, nlon', lat_index, lon_index, nlon
-!print *, 'computing index val ', (lat_index - 1) * nlon + lon_index
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'lat_index, lon_index, nlon', lat_index, lon_index, nlon
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'computing index val ', (lat_index - 1) * nlon + lon_index
get_val = x((lat_index - 1) * nlon + lon_index)
-!print *, 'get_val = ', get_val
+if (debug > 1) print *, 'get_val = ', get_val
end function get_val
@@ -951,35 +969,37 @@
integer, intent(out), optional :: var_type
real(R8) :: lat, lon, depth
-integer :: var_num, offset, lon_index, lat_index, depth_index
+integer :: var_num, offset, lon_index, lat_index, depth_index, local_var
if ( .not. module_initialized ) call static_init_model
-!print *, 'asking for meta data about index ', index_in
+if (debug > 5) print *, 'asking for meta data about index ', index_in
if (index_in < start_index(S_index+1)) then
- if (present(var_type)) var_type = KIND_SALINITY
+ local_var = KIND_SALINITY
var_num = S_index
else if (index_in < start_index(T_index+1)) then
- if (present(var_type)) var_type = KIND_TEMPERATURE
+ local_var = KIND_TEMPERATURE
var_num = T_index
else if (index_in < start_index(U_index+1)) then
- if (present(var_type)) var_type = KIND_U_CURRENT_COMPONENT
var_num = U_index
else if (index_in < start_index(V_index+1)) then
- if (present(var_type)) var_type = KIND_V_CURRENT_COMPONENT
var_num = V_index
- if (present(var_type)) var_type = KIND_SEA_SURFACE_HEIGHT
var_num = SHGT_index
+if (present(var_type)) var_type = local_var
-!print *, 'var num = ', var_num
+if (debug > 5) print *, 'var num = ', var_num
+if (debug > 5) print *, 'var type = ', local_var
! local offset into this var array
offset = index_in - start_index(var_num)
-!print *, 'offset = ', offset
+if (debug > 5) print *, 'offset = ', offset
if (var_num == SHGT_index) then
depth = 0.0
@@ -992,11 +1012,16 @@
lat_index = (offset - ((depth_index-1)*Nx*Ny)) / Nx + 1
lon_index = offset - ((depth_index-1)*Nx*Ny) - ((lat_index-1)*Nx) + 1
-!print *, 'lon, lat, depth index = ', lon_index, lat_index, depth_index
-lon = XC(lon_index)
-lat = YC(lat_index)
+if (debug > 5) print *, 'lon, lat, depth index = ', lon_index, lat_index, depth_index
+if (is_on_ugrid(local_var)) then
+ lon = XG(lon_index)
+ lat = YG(lat_index)
+ lon = XC(lon_index)
+ lat = YC(lat_index)
-!print *, 'lon, lat, depth = ', lon, lat, depth
+if (debug > 5) print *, 'lon, lat, depth = ', lon, lat, depth
location = set_location(lon, lat, depth, VERTISHEIGHT)
@@ -1072,6 +1097,7 @@
character(len=129), allocatable, dimension(:) :: textblock
integer :: LineLenDimID, nlinesDimID, nmlVarID
integer :: nlines, linelen
+logical :: has_pop_namelist
! local variables
@@ -1160,20 +1186,29 @@
call find_textfile_dims("pop_in", nlines, linelen)
+if (nlines > 0) then
+ has_pop_namelist = .true.
+ has_pop_namelist = .false.
-textblock = ''
+if (debug > 0) print *, 'pop namelist: nlines, linelen = ', nlines, linelen
+if (has_pop_namelist) then
+ allocate(textblock(nlines))
+ textblock = ''
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncFileID, name="nlines", &
+ len = nlines, dimid = nlinesDimID), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'def_dim nlines ')
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncFileID,name="pop_in", xtype=nf90_char, &
+ dimids = (/ linelenDimID, nlinesDimID /), varid=nmlVarID), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'def_var pop_in')
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, nmlVarID, "long_name", &
+ "contents of pop_in namelist"), 'nc_write_model_atts', 'put_att pop_in')
-call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncFileID, name="nlines", &
- len = nlines, dimid = nlinesDimID), &
- 'nc_write_model_atts', 'def_dim nlines ')
-call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncFileID,name="pop_in", xtype=nf90_char, &
- dimids = (/ linelenDimID, nlinesDimID /), varid=nmlVarID), &
- 'nc_write_model_atts', 'def_var pop_in')
-call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, nmlVarID, "long_name", &
- "contents of pop_in namelist"), 'nc_write_model_atts', 'put_att pop_in')
! Here is the extensible part. The simplest scenario is to output the state vector,
! parsing the state vector into model-specific parts is complicated, and you need
@@ -1423,10 +1458,12 @@
! Fill the variables we can
-call file_to_text("pop_in", textblock)
-call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncFileID, nmlVarID, textblock ), &
- 'nc_write_model_atts', 'put_var nmlVarID')
+if (has_pop_namelist) then
+ call file_to_text("pop_in", textblock)
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncFileID, nmlVarID, textblock ), &
+ 'nc_write_model_atts', 'put_var nmlVarID')
+ deallocate(textblock)
! Flush the buffer and leave netCDF file open
@@ -2051,26 +2088,38 @@
integer, intent(out) :: Nx ! Number of Longitudes
integer, intent(out) :: Ny ! Number of Latitudes
- integer :: grid_id, dimid
+ integer :: grid_id, dimid, nc_rc
! get the ball rolling ...
call nc_check(nf90_open(trim(horiz_grid_input_file), nf90_nowrite, grid_id), &
'get_horiz_grid_dims','open '//trim(horiz_grid_input_file))
- ! Longitudes : get dimid for 'i', and then get value
+ ! Longitudes : get dimid for 'i' or 'nlon', and then get value
+ nc_rc = nf90_inq_dimid(grid_id, 'i', dimid)
+ if (nc_rc /= nf90_noerr) then
+ nc_rc = nf90_inq_dimid(grid_id, 'nlon', dimid)
+ if (nc_rc /= nf90_noerr) then
+ msgstring = 'unable to find either "i" or "nlon" in file'
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'get_horiz_grid_dims', msgstring, &
+ source,revision,revdate)
+ endif
+ endif
- call nc_check(nf90_inq_dimid(grid_id, 'i', dimid), &
- 'get_horiz_grid_dims','inq_dimid i '//trim(horiz_grid_input_file))
call nc_check(nf90_inquire_dimension(grid_id, dimid, len=Nx), &
'get_horiz_grid_dims','inquire_dimension i '//trim(horiz_grid_input_file))
- ! Latitudes : get dimid for 'j', and then get value
+ ! Latitudes : get dimid for 'j' or 'nlat', and then get value
+ nc_rc = nf90_inq_dimid(grid_id, 'j', dimid)
+ if (nc_rc /= nf90_noerr) then
+ nc_rc = nf90_inq_dimid(grid_id, 'nlat', dimid)
+ if (nc_rc /= nf90_noerr) then
+ msgstring = 'unable to find either "j" or "nlat" in file'
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'get_horiz_grid_dims', msgstring, &
+ source,revision,revdate)
+ endif
+ endif
- call nc_check(nf90_inq_dimid(grid_id, 'j', dimid), &
- 'get_horiz_grid_dims','inq_dimid j '//trim(horiz_grid_input_file) )
call nc_check(nf90_inquire_dimension(grid_id, dimid, len=Ny), &
'get_horiz_grid_dims','inquire_dimension i '//trim(horiz_grid_input_file))
@@ -2134,7 +2183,12 @@
! double HUW(j, i) ;
! double ANGLE(j, i) ;
! }
-! For this (global) case, the ULAT,ULON were in radians.
+! For the LANL global case, the ULAT,ULON were in radians.
+! For the CCSM global case, they were in degrees. The CCSM files do
+! have units that include the word 'degrees' (degrees_north, degrees_east)
+! so perhaps we can look for them. The LANL file had no attributes
+! to query.
integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny
real(r8), intent(out) :: XC(:), XG(:)
@@ -2142,7 +2196,9 @@
integer :: grid_id, i, j, nc_rc
integer :: ulat_id, ulon_id, tlat_id, tlon_id
- logical :: read_tgrid
+ logical :: read_tgrid, in_radians
+ character(len=128) :: grid_units
+ real(r8) :: wrapval
call nc_check(nf90_open(trim(horiz_grid_input_file), nf90_nowrite, grid_id), &
'read_horiz_grid','open '//trim(horiz_grid_input_file) )
@@ -2150,6 +2206,7 @@
call nc_check(nf90_inq_varid(grid_id, 'ULAT', ulat_id), &
'read_horiz_grid','varid ULAT '//trim(horiz_grid_input_file) )
+ ! FIXME:
! some files have ULON, some ULONG. try to read either. same with T
nc_rc = nf90_inq_varid(grid_id, 'ULON', ulon_id)
if (nc_rc /= nf90_noerr) then
@@ -2167,6 +2224,32 @@
call nc_check(nf90_get_var(grid_id, ulon_id, ULON), &
'read_horiz_grid','get ULON '//trim(horiz_grid_input_file) )
+ ! FIXME:
+ ! some files have the grid info in radians, some in degrees.
+ ! try to see if there is a units attribute, and if it contains the string 'degrees'
+ ! (e.g. 'degrees_north'). otherwise assume radians? or try to be tricky and look
+ ! at the min/max and assume it is a global run.
+ nc_rc = nf90_get_att(grid_id, ulon_id, 'units', grid_units)
+ if (nc_rc /= nf90_noerr) then
+ ! found attribute; see if it contains the substring degrees
+ i = index(grid_units, 'degrees')
+ if (i /= 0) then
+ in_radians = .FALSE.
+ else
+ in_radians = .TRUE.
+ endif
+ else
+ ! FIXME: assumes global grid
+ ! try the max/min and for now assume it is a global grid
+ if (maxval(ULAT) < 7.0) then ! 2 * PI plus slop.
+ in_radians = .TRUE.
+ else
+ in_radians = .FALSE.
+ endif
+ endif
! if the file contains the TLON, TLAT grids directly, read them in.
! otherwise, compute them after you have the U grids.
nc_rc = nf90_inq_varid(grid_id, 'TLAT', tlat_id)
@@ -2209,29 +2292,40 @@
! lons: first row
do i=1, nx
- XG(i) = ULON(i, 1) * rad2deg
+ if (in_radians) ULON = ULON * rad2deg
+ XG(i) = ULON(i, 1)
+ if ( i < 5) print *, ULON(i, 1), XG(i)
! lats: first row is monotonic in dipole grid
do j=1, ny
- YG(j) = ULAT(1, j) * rad2deg
+ if (in_radians) ULAT = ULAT * rad2deg
+ YG(j) = ULAT(1, j)
+ if ( j < 5) print *, ULAT(1, j), YG(j)
+ ! FIXME: i am assuming that if the U grid was in radians or degrees, and
+ ! if the T grid is also in the file, that it is consistent units.
if (read_tgrid) then
! we read in the centers directly from netcdf file, just fill in arrays
! lons: first row
do i=1, nx
- XC(i) = TLON(i, 1) * rad2deg
+ if (in_radians) TLON = TLON * rad2deg
+ XC(i) = TLON(i, 1)
+ if ( i < 5) print *, TLON(i, 1), XC(i)
! lats: first row is monotonic in dipole grid
do j=1, ny
- YC(j) = TLAT(1, j) * rad2deg
+ if (in_radians) TLAT = TLAT * rad2deg
+ YC(j) = TLAT(1, j)
+ if ( j < 5) print *, TLAT(1, j), YC(j)
- ! compute centers for T grid
+ ! T grid not in input file, so compute centers for T grid
! longitudes
do i=2, nx
@@ -2239,7 +2333,12 @@
if (longitude_wrap) then
- XC(1) = XG(nx) + (XG(1)+360.0_r8 - XG(nx)) * 0.5_r8
+ if (in_radians) then
+ wrapval = 2 * PI
+ else
+ wrapval = 360.0_r8
+ endif
+ XC(1) = XG(nx) + (XG(1)+wrapval - XG(nx)) * 0.5_r8
! FIXME: what to do here? extrapolate back .5 of box 1 for now.
XC(1) = XG(1) - ((XG(2) - XG(1)) * 0.5_r8)
@@ -2254,6 +2353,14 @@
YC(1) = YG(1) - ((YG(2) - YG(1)) * 0.5_r8)
+if (debug > 5) then
+ print *, 'XG, XC, YG, YC:'
+ print *, '1: ' ,XG(1), XC(1), YG(1), YC(1)
+ print *, '2: ' ,XG(2), XC(2), YG(2), YC(2)
+ print *, '3: ' ,XG(3), XC(3), YG(3), YC(3)
+ print *, '4: ' ,XG(4), XC(4), YG(4), YC(4)
end subroutine read_horiz_grid
@@ -2397,7 +2504,8 @@
integer :: ncid, NlonDimID, NlatDimID, NzDimID
integer :: nlon, nlat, nz
- integer :: ulatVarID, ulonVarID, TLATvarid, TLONvarid, ZGvarid, ZCvarid, KMTvarid
+ integer :: ulatVarID, ulonVarID, TLATvarid, TLONvarid
+ integer :: ZGvarid, ZCvarid, KMTvarid, KMUvarid
integer :: dimids(2);
@@ -2418,7 +2526,9 @@
! define variables
+ ! FIXME: we should add attributes to say what units the grids are in (degrees).
call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid, 'KMT', nf90_int, dimids, KMTvarid),'write_grid_netcdf')
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid, 'KMU', nf90_int, dimids, KMUvarid),'write_grid_netcdf')
call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid, 'ULON', nf90_double, dimids, ulonVarID),'write_grid_netcdf')
call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid, 'ULAT', nf90_double, dimids, ulatVarID),'write_grid_netcdf')
call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid, 'TLON', nf90_double, dimids, TLONvarid),'write_grid_netcdf')
@@ -2440,6 +2550,7 @@
! fill variables
call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, KMTvarid, KMT),'write_grid_netcdf')
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, KMUvarid, KMU),'write_grid_netcdf')
call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, ulatVarID, ULAT),'write_grid_netcdf')
call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, ulonVarID, ULON),'write_grid_netcdf')
call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, TLATvarid, TLAT),'write_grid_netcdf')
Modified: DART/trunk/models/POP/work/input.nml
--- DART/trunk/models/POP/work/input.nml 2009-06-30 20:16:24 UTC (rev 3954)
+++ DART/trunk/models/POP/work/input.nml 2009-06-30 20:59:28 UTC (rev 3955)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
start_from_restart = .true.,
output_restart = .true.,
- async = 4,
+ async = 2,
init_time_days = -1,
init_time_seconds = -1,
first_obs_days = -1,
@@ -16,24 +16,25 @@
adv_ens_command = "./advance_model.csh" /
# trace_execution = .true.,
- async = 4,
+ async = 2,
adv_ens_command = "./advance_model.csh",
ens_size = 20,
start_from_restart = .true.,
output_restart = .true.,
- obs_sequence_in_name = "obs_seq.out",
+ obs_sequence_in_name = "obs_seq.in",
obs_sequence_out_name = "obs_seq.final",
restart_in_file_name = "filter_ics",
restart_out_file_name = "filter_restart",
- init_time_days = 144270,
- init_time_seconds = 43200,
- first_obs_days = 144270,
- first_obs_seconds = 0,
- last_obs_days = 144270,
- last_obs_seconds = 43200,
- num_output_state_members = 20,
- num_output_obs_members = 20,
+ init_time_days = -1,
+ init_time_seconds = -1,
+ first_obs_days = -1,
+ first_obs_seconds = -1,
+ last_obs_days = -1,
+ last_obs_seconds = -1,
+ num_output_state_members = 0,
+ num_output_obs_members = 0,
output_interval = 1,
num_groups = 1,
input_qc_threshold = 4.0,
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@
# cutoff of 0.03 (radians) is about 200km
filter_kind = 1,
- cutoff = 0.03,
+ cutoff = 0.10,
sort_obs_inc = .true.,
spread_restoration = .false.,
sampling_error_correction = .false.,
@@ -93,38 +94,45 @@
write_binary_obs_sequence = .false. /
- assimilate_these_obs_types = 'SALINITY',
+ assimilate_these_obs_types = 'TEMPERATURE',
+ evaluate_these_obs_types = 'SEA_SURFACE_HEIGHT',
+ /
+# xxx_these_obs_types = 'SALINITY',
input_obs_kind_mod_file = '../../../obs_kind/DEFAULT_obs_kind_mod.F90',
output_obs_kind_mod_file = '../../../obs_kind/obs_kind_mod.f90',
@@ -140,15 +148,16 @@
assimilation_period_days = 1,
assimilation_period_seconds = 0,
longitude_wrap = .true.,
- horiz_grid_input_file = 'horiz_grid.x1.nc',
- topography_input_file = 'topography.x1.nc',
- vert_grid_input_file = 'vert_grid.x1',
+ horiz_grid_input_file = 'horiz_grid.x3.nc',
+ topography_input_file = 'topography.x3.nc',
+ vert_grid_input_file = 'vert_grid.x3',
model_perturbation_amplitude = 0.2,
output_state_vector = .false.,
+ debug = 0,
- pop_to_dart_restart_file = 'pop.r.x1A.19000102',
+ pop_to_dart_restart_file = 'pop.r.nc',
pop_to_dart_output_file = 'assim_model_state_ud',
@@ -170,7 +179,7 @@
- module_details = .true.,
+ module_details = .false.,
logfilename = 'dart_log.out',
nmlfilename = 'dart_log.nml' /
Modified: DART/trunk/models/POP/work/quickbuild.csh
--- DART/trunk/models/POP/work/quickbuild.csh 2009-06-30 20:16:24 UTC (rev 3954)
+++ DART/trunk/models/POP/work/quickbuild.csh 2009-06-30 20:59:28 UTC (rev 3955)
@@ -49,26 +49,6 @@
switch ( $TARGET )
case mkmf_preprocess:
- case mkmf_dart_to_pop:
- breaksw
- case mkmf_create_fixed_network_seq:
- breaksw
- case mkmf_create_obs_sequence:
- breaksw
- case mkmf_filter:
- breaksw
- case mkmf_obs_diag:
- breaksw
- case mkmf_obs_sequence_tool:
- breaksw
- case mkmf_perfect_model_obs:
- breaksw
- case mkmf_preprocess:
- breaksw
- case mkmf_restart_file_tool:
- breaksw
- case mkmf_wakeup_filter:
- breaksw
@ n = $n + 1
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