[Dart-dev] [3950] DART/trunk/models/POP/matlab/plot_grid.m: grid index plotting widget
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Fri Jun 26 16:11:15 MDT 2009
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Added: DART/trunk/models/POP/matlab/plot_grid.m
--- DART/trunk/models/POP/matlab/plot_grid.m (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/POP/matlab/plot_grid.m 2009-06-26 22:11:14 UTC (rev 3950)
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+function plot_grid(fname)
+% plot_grid ... plots the ULAT,ULONG and TLAT,TLONG variables from a netcdf file.
+% fname = 'h.A1.10.nc';
+% plot_grid(fname)
+ulat = nc_varget(fname,'ULAT') * 180/pi;;
+ulon = nc_varget(fname,'ULON') * 180/pi;;
+tlat = nc_varget(fname,'TLAT') * 180/pi;;
+tlon = nc_varget(fname,'TLON') * 180/pi;;
+Ulat = ulat(:);
+Ulon = ulon(:);
+Tlat = tlat(:);
+Tlon = tlon(:);
+inds = find(tlon <= 0);
+tlon(inds) = tlon(inds) + 360.0;
+inds = find(ulon <= 0);
+ulon(inds) = ulon(inds) + 360.0;
+np = 5;
+nx = size(ulat,1);
+ny = size(ulat,2);
+figure(1); clf; orient landscape
+ plot(Ulon,Ulat,'ko',Tlon,Tlat,'rx')
+ legend('U,V Grid','S,T Grid')
+ legend boxoff
+figure(2); clf; orient landscape
+ i1 = 1;
+ iN = np;
+ j1 = 1;
+ jN = np;
+ myplot(i1,iN,j1,jN,ulon,ulat,tlon,tlat)
+figure(3); clf; orient landscape
+ i1 = 1;
+ iN = np;
+ j1 = ny-np+1;
+ jN = ny;
+ myplot(i1,iN,j1,jN,ulon,ulat,tlon,tlat)
+figure(4); clf; orient landscape
+ i1 = nx-np+1;
+ iN = nx;
+ j1 = ny-np+1;
+ jN = ny;
+ myplot(i1,iN,j1,jN,ulon,ulat,tlon,tlat)
+figure(5); clf; orient landscape
+ i1 = nx-np+1;
+ iN = nx;
+ j1 = 1;
+ jN = np;
+ myplot(i1,iN,j1,jN,ulon,ulat,tlon,tlat)
+function myplot(i1,iN,j1,jN,ulon,ulat,tlon,tlat)
+ h = plot(ulon(i1:iN,j1:jN), ulat(i1:iN,j1:jN), 'ko', ...
+ tlon(i1:iN,j1:jN), tlat(i1:iN,j1:jN), 'rx');
+ set(h,'MarkerSize',1)
+ for i = i1:iN
+ for j = j1:jN
+ % h = text(ulon(i,j),ulat(i,j), sprintf('%d,%d',i,j));
+ str = sprintf('''%d,%d''',i,j);
+ mystr = sprintf('h1 = text(%f,%f,%s);',ulon(i,j),ulat(i,j),str);
+ eval(mystr)
+ set(h1,'HorizontalAlignment','center', ...
+ 'VerticalAlignment','middle', ...
+ 'FontSize',10,'Color','k')
+ mystr = sprintf('h2 = text(%f,%f,%s);',tlon(i,j),tlat(i,j),str);
+ eval(mystr)
+ set(h2,'HorizontalAlignment','center', ...
+ 'VerticalAlignment','middle', ...
+ 'FontSize',10,'Color','r')
+ end
+ end
+ title('POP grid layout')
+ xlabel('U,V grid in black; T,S grid in red')
+ set(gca,'box','off')
+% set(h,'Visible','off'); % Get the domain right.
+% h = [h1 h2];
+% legend('U,V Grid','S,T Grid')
+% legend boxoff
Property changes on: DART/trunk/models/POP/matlab/plot_grid.m
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/x-matlab
Name: svn:keywords
+ Date Revision Author HeadURL Id
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
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