[Dart-dev] [3932] DART/trunk/observations/AIRS: Incudes new thinning namelist options, and the
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Fri Jun 19 09:27:26 MDT 2009
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Modified: DART/trunk/observations/AIRS/airs_obs_mod.f90
--- DART/trunk/observations/AIRS/airs_obs_mod.f90 2009-06-19 15:26:03 UTC (rev 3931)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/AIRS/airs_obs_mod.f90 2009-06-19 15:27:25 UTC (rev 3932)
@@ -13,20 +13,24 @@
use types_mod, only : r4, r8, digits12, deg2rad, rad2deg
-use obs_def_mod, only : obs_def_type, get_obs_def_time, read_obs_def, &
- write_obs_def, destroy_obs_def, interactive_obs_def, &
- copy_obs_def, set_obs_def_time, set_obs_def_kind, &
- set_obs_def_error_variance, set_obs_def_location
+use obs_def_mod, only : obs_def_type, get_obs_def_time, read_obs_def, &
+ write_obs_def, destroy_obs_def, &
+ interactive_obs_def, copy_obs_def, &
+ set_obs_def_time, set_obs_def_kind, &
+ set_obs_def_error_variance, set_obs_def_location, &
+ get_obs_def_location
-use time_manager_mod, only : time_type, get_date, set_date, get_time, set_time, &
- set_calendar_type, GREGORIAN, print_date, print_time, &
+use time_manager_mod, only : time_type, get_date, set_date, &
+ get_time, set_time, set_calendar_type, &
+ GREGORIAN, print_date, print_time, &
operator(+), operator(>=)
use utilities_mod, only : get_unit, open_file, close_file, file_exist, &
- register_module, error_handler, &
+ register_module, error_handler, &
E_ERR, E_MSG, timestamp, is_longitude_between
-use location_mod, only : location_type, set_location, VERTISPRESSURE
+use location_mod, only : location_type, set_location, VERTISPRESSURE, &
+ get_location
use obs_kind_mod, only : get_obs_kind_index, &
@@ -34,9 +38,10 @@
use obs_sequence_mod, only : init_obs_sequence, init_obs, insert_obs_in_seq, &
- set_obs_values, set_qc, obs_sequence_type, obs_type, &
- copy_obs, set_copy_meta_data, set_qc_meta_data, set_obs_def, &
- get_first_obs, get_last_obs, get_obs_def
+ set_obs_values, set_qc, obs_sequence_type, &
+ obs_type, copy_obs, set_copy_meta_data, &
+ set_qc_meta_data, set_obs_def, get_first_obs, &
+ get_last_obs, get_obs_def
use airs_JPL_mod ! need ', only' list here
@@ -56,22 +61,18 @@
logical :: DEBUG = .false.
-! fixed size storage
+! the sizes of the Temperature arrays are:
+! the sizes of the MMR arrays are:
+! the rest of the arrays are:
+! MMR is converted into Q: Q = MMR / (1 + MMR)
@@ -86,41 +87,10 @@
end subroutine initialize_module
-subroutine create_output_filename(l2name, ofname)
-! The L2 filenames have a very long extension that
-! records when the data was published - not very interesting
-! for our purposes. replace with something DART-y.
-character(len=*), intent(IN) :: l2name
-character(len=*), intent(OUT) :: ofname
-integer :: i, basestart, extstart, strlen
-! hardcoded and brittle, but for now... the first 19 chars
-! of the input filename have the date & granule number, which
-! seems like the bulk of the useful info. find the last / and
-! copy from there to +19 chars.
-strlen = len_trim(l2name)
-basestart = 1
-slashloop : do i = strlen-1,1,-1
- if (l2name(i:i) == '/' ) then
- basestart = i+1
- exit slashloop
- endif
-enddo slashloop
-extstart = basestart+19-1
-ofname = l2name(basestart:extstart)//'.out'
-print *, 'output filename = ', ofname
-end subroutine create_output_filename
-function real_obs_sequence ( granule, lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2 )
+function real_obs_sequence ( granule, lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, &
+ min_MMR_threshold, top_pressure_level, &
+ row_thin, col_thin)
! extract the temperature and humidity observations from a granule
! and convert to DART observation format. allow caller to specify
@@ -128,24 +98,28 @@
type(airs_granule_type), intent(in) :: granule
real(r8), intent(in) :: lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2
+real(r8), intent(in) :: min_MMR_threshold, top_pressure_level
+integer, intent(in) :: row_thin, col_thin
! max possible obs from this one granule.
+integer :: max_num = &
type(obs_sequence_type) :: real_obs_sequence
type(obs_def_type) :: obs_def
type(obs_type) :: obs, prev_obs
+type(location_type) :: obs_loc
integer :: i, irow, icol, ivert, num_copies, num_qc
integer :: days, seconds
-integer :: obs_num
+integer :: obs_num, temperature_top_index, humidity_top_index
integer :: which_vert, tobstype, qobstype
real(r4) :: speed, dir
real(r8) :: olon, olat, vloc
real(r8) :: obs_value, obs_var
-real(r8) :: tqc, qqc
+real(r8) :: tqc, qqc, latlon(3)
real(r8) :: sintheta, costheta, dirvar, speedvar
type(time_type) :: obs_time, base_time, pre_time, time
@@ -184,94 +158,73 @@
-!filename = '../data/200711/20071101/AIRS.2007.11.01.001.L2.RetStd.v5.2.2.0.G08078150655.hdf'
base_time = set_date(1993, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) ! reference date: jan 1st, 1993
+call debug_print_size_check(granule)
-print *, 'size TairStd', size(granule%TairStd)
-T = reshape(granule%TairStd, shape(T))
-print *, 'first row T', T(:, 1, 1)
-print *, 'second row T', T(:, 2, 1)
-print *, 'second col T', T(:, 1, 2)
+! The file contains 'Retrieved Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio'. Convert
+! to specific humidity here. Original units: gm/kg - scale to kg/kg first.
-print *, 'size TairStdErr', size(granule%TairStdErr)
-T_err = reshape(granule%TairStdErr, shape(T))
-print *, 'first row T_err', T_err(:, 1, 1)
+where (granule%H2OMMRStd > min_MMR_threshold)
+ Q = (granule%H2OMMRStd / 1000.) / ( 1.0 + (granule%H2OMMRStd/1000.0))
+ Q = 0.0
-print *, 'PBest', size(granule%PBest)
-PBest = reshape(granule%PBest, shape(PBest))
-print *, 'first row PBest', PBest(:, 1)
+where (granule%H2OMMRStdErr > 0.0_r8)
+ Q_err = (granule%H2OMMRStdErr / 1000.) / ( 1.0 + (granule%H2OMMRStdErr/1000.0))
+ Q_err = 0.0_r8 ! is this really ok?
-print *, 'PGood', size(granule%PGood)
-PGood = reshape(granule%PGood, shape(PGood))
-print *, 'first row PGood', PGood(:, 1)
+! see what the top pressure allowed will be, and compute the index number
+! that is still below it in each profile. that will be become the loop end.
+! default to doing the whole column
+temperature_top_index = size(granule%pressStd)
+do i = 1, size(granule%pressStd)
+ if (granule%pressStd(i) < top_pressure_level) then
+ temperature_top_index = i
+ exit
+ endif
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'temp_top_index = ', temperature_top_index
-print *, 'nBestStd', size(granule%nBestStd)
-nBestStd = reshape(granule%nBestStd, shape(nBestStd))
-print *, 'first row nBestStd', nBestStd(:, 1)
+humidity_top_index = size(granule%pressH2O)
+do i = 1, size(granule%pressH2O)
+ if (granule%pressH2O(i) < top_pressure_level) then
+ humidity_top_index = i
+ exit
+ endif
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'humd_top_index = ', humidity_top_index
-print *, 'nGoodStd', size(granule%nGoodStd)
-nGoodStd = reshape(granule%nGoodStd, shape(nGoodStd))
-print *, 'first row nGoodStd', nGoodStd(:, 1)
-print *, 'size water vapor mass mixing ratio', size(granule%H2OMMRStd)
-MMR = reshape(granule%H2OMMRStd, shape(MMR))
-print *, 'first row MMR', MMR(:, 1, 1)
-print *, 'second col MMR', MMR(:, 2, 1)
-print *, 'second col MMR', MMR(:, 1, 2)
-print *, 'size water vapor mass mixing ratio err', size(granule%H2OMMRStdErr)
-MMR_err = reshape(granule%H2OMMRStdErr, shape(MMR_err))
-print *, 'first row MMR_err', MMR_err(:, 1, 1)
-print *, 'water vapor mass mixing ratio quality', size(granule%Qual_H2o)
-qual_h2o = reshape(granule%Qual_H2O, shape(qual_h2o))
-print *, 'first row qual_h2o', qual_h2o(:, 1)
-Q = (MMR / 1000.) / ( 1.0 + (MMR/1000.0))
-Q_err = (MMR_err / 1000.) / ( 1.0 + (MMR_err/1000.0))
-print *, 'first row Q', Q(:, 1, 1)
-print *, 'second col Q', Q(:, 2, 1)
-print *, 'second col Q', Q(:, 1, 2)
-print *, 'first row Q_err', Q_err(:, 1, 1)
-lat = reshape(granule%Latitude, shape(lat))
-lon = reshape(granule%Longitude, shape(lon))
-tim = reshape(granule%Time, shape(tim))
-print *, '1st lat, lon, time', lat(1,1), lon(1,1), tim(1,1)
-print *, 'r 2 lat, lon, time', lat(2,1), lon(2,1), tim(2,1)
-print *, 'c 2 lat, lon, time', lat(1,2), lon(1,2), tim(1,2)
-! compute time of this obs
-print *, 'int time ', int(tim(1, 1))
-obs_time = base_time + set_time(int(tim(1, 1)))
-call print_date(obs_time)
-print *, 'int time ', int(tim(AIRS_RET_GEOXTRACK, AIRS_RET_GEOTRACK))
-obs_time = base_time + set_time(int(tim(AIRS_RET_GEOXTRACK, AIRS_RET_GEOTRACK)))
-call print_date(obs_time)
-print *, 'pressStd', granule%pressStd
-print *, 'pressH2O', granule%pressH2O
! loop over all observations within the file
obs_num = 1
+! rows are along-track, stepping in the direction the satellite is moving
rowloop: do irow=1,AIRS_RET_GEOTRACK
+ ! if we're going to subset, we could cycle here
+ if (row_thin > 0) then
+ if (modulo(irow, row_thin) /= 1) cycle rowloop
+ endif
+ ! columns are across-track, varying faster than rows.
colloop: do icol=1,AIRS_RET_GEOXTRACK
- olat = lat(icol,irow) ! valid range [ -90.00, 90.00]
- olon = lon(icol,irow) ! valid range [-180.00, 180.00]
+ ! if we're going to subset, ditto
+ if (col_thin > 0) then
+ if (modulo(icol, col_thin) /= 1) cycle colloop
+ endif
- ! verify the location is not outside valid limits
+ ! observation lat, lon:
+ olat = granule%Latitude (icol,irow) ! valid range [ -90.00, 90.00]
+ olon = granule%Longitude(icol,irow) ! valid range [-180.00, 180.00]
+ ! verify the location is not outside valid limits. AIRS uses -180/180
if((olon > 180.0_r8) .or. (olon < -180.0_r8) .or. &
(olat > 90.0_r8) .or. (olat < -90.0_r8)) then
write(*,*)'WARNING : invalid location. col,row,lon,lat = ', icol,irow,olon,olat
@@ -285,21 +238,28 @@
! make sure lon is between 0 and 360
if (olon < 0) olon = olon + 360.0_r8
- obs_time = base_time + set_time(int(tim(icol, irow)))
+ obs_time = base_time + set_time(int(granule%Time(icol, irow)))
call get_time(obs_time, seconds, days)
- vert_T_loop: do ivert=nBestStd(icol, irow), AIRS_RET_STDPRESSURELEV
+ vert_T_loop: do ivert=granule%nBestStd(icol, irow), temperature_top_index
- tqc = 0 ! FIXME
+ tqc = 0 ! if we get here, the quality control is 'best' == 0
! create the obs_def for this observation, add to sequence
+ ! apparently -9999 is missing data, outside of qc mechanism
+ obs_value = granule%TAirStd(ivert, icol, irow)
+ if (obs_value == -9999.0_r8) cycle vert_T_loop
+ obs_var = granule%TAirStdErr(ivert, icol, irow) * &
+ granule%TAirStdErr(ivert, icol, irow)
vloc = granule%pressStd(ivert)
- obs_value = T(ivert, icol, irow)
- obs_var = T_err(ivert, icol, irow) * T_err(ivert, icol, irow)
call real_obs(num_copies, num_qc, obs, olon, olat, vloc, obs_value, &
obs_var, tqc, AIRS_TEMPERATURE, which_vert, seconds, days)
@@ -323,19 +283,22 @@
enddo vert_T_loop
- vert_Q_loop: do ivert=1,AIRS_RET_H2OPRESSURELEV
+ vert_Q_loop: do ivert=1,humidity_top_index
- if (qual_h2o(icol, irow) > 0) exit vert_Q_loop
+ if (granule%Qual_H2O(icol, irow) > 0) exit vert_Q_loop
- qqc = 0 ! FIXME
+ qqc = 0 ! if we get here, the quality control is 'Best' == 0
! create the obs_def for this observation, add to sequence
- vloc = granule%pressH2O(ivert)
+ ! if original MMR data was -9999, that is apparently a missing val
+ if (granule%H2OMMRStd(ivert, irow, icol) == -9999.0_r8) cycle vert_Q_loop
obs_value = Q(ivert, icol, irow)
obs_var = Q_err(ivert, icol, irow) * Q_err(ivert, icol, irow)
+ vloc = granule%pressH2O(ivert)
call real_obs(num_copies, num_qc, obs, olon, olat, vloc, obs_value, &
obs_var, qqc, AIRS_SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY, which_vert, seconds, days)
@@ -363,21 +326,30 @@
enddo rowloop
! Print a little summary
-print*, 'obs used = ', obs_num, ' obs skipped = ', max_num - obs_num
+write(msgstring,*) 'obs used = ', obs_num, ' obs skipped = ', max_num - obs_num
+call error_handler(E_MSG, ' ', msgstring)
if ( get_first_obs(real_obs_sequence, obs) ) then
call get_obs_def(obs, obs_def)
pre_time = get_obs_def_time(obs_def)
call print_time(pre_time,' first time in sequence is ')
- call print_date(pre_time,' first date in sequence is ')
+ call print_date(pre_time,' which is gregorian date ')
+ obs_loc = get_obs_def_location(obs_def)
+ latlon = get_location(obs_loc)
+ write(msgstring,*)'lat,lon,pres =', latlon(1), latlon(2), latlon(3)
+ call error_handler(E_MSG, 'location: ', msgstring)
if( get_last_obs(real_obs_sequence, obs)) then
call get_obs_def(obs, obs_def)
time = get_obs_def_time(obs_def)
call print_time(time,' last time in sequence is ')
- call print_date(time,' last date in sequence is ')
+ call print_date(time,' which is gregorian date ')
+ obs_loc = get_obs_def_location(obs_def)
+ latlon = get_location(obs_loc)
+ write(msgstring,*)'lat,lon,pres =', latlon(1), latlon(2), latlon(3)
+ call error_handler(E_MSG, 'location: ', msgstring)
-print*, ''
+call error_handler(E_MSG, ' ', ' ')
end function real_obs_sequence
@@ -441,4 +413,126 @@
end subroutine real_obs_def
+subroutine check_size(size1, size2, varlabel, subrlabel)
+integer, intent(in) :: size1, size2
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: varlabel, subrlabel
+if (size1 /= size2) then
+ write(msgstring, '(A,I6,A,I6)') 'unexpected size '//trim(varlabel)//': ', &
+ size1, ' /= ', size2
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, trim(subrlabel), msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
+end subroutine check_size
+subroutine create_output_filename(l2name, ofname)
+! The L2 filenames have a very long extension that
+! records when the data was published - not very interesting
+! for our purposes. replace with something DART-y.
+character(len=*), intent(IN) :: l2name
+character(len=*), intent(OUT) :: ofname
+integer :: i, basestart, extstart, strlen
+! hardcoded and brittle, but for now... the first 19 chars
+! of the input filename have the date & granule number, which
+! seems like the bulk of the useful info. find the last / and
+! copy from there to +19 chars.
+strlen = len_trim(l2name)
+basestart = 1
+slashloop : do i = strlen-1,1,-1
+ if (l2name(i:i) == '/' ) then
+ basestart = i+1
+ exit slashloop
+ endif
+enddo slashloop
+extstart = basestart+19-1
+ofname = l2name(basestart:extstart)//'.out'
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'output filename = ', ofname
+end subroutine create_output_filename
+subroutine debug_print_size_check(granule)
+! bit of sanity checking - before we loop over these arrays, make sure
+! they are the size we expect them to be.
+type(airs_granule_type), intent(in) :: granule
+type(time_type) :: obs_time, base_time
+base_time = set_date(1993, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) ! reference date: jan 1st, 1993
+call check_size(size(granule%TAirStd), &
+ 'TAirStd (T)','real_obs_sequence')
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'first row T', granule%TAirStd(:, 1, 1)
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'second row T', granule%TAirStd(:, 2, 1)
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'second col T', granule%TAirStd(:, 1, 2)
+call check_size(size(granule%TAirStdErr), size(granule%TAirStd), &
+ 'TAirStdErr (T_err)','real_obs_sequence')
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'first row T err', granule%TAirStdErr(:, 1, 1)
+! First (lowest) good pressure level number
+call check_size(size(granule%nBestStd), AIRS_RET_GEOXTRACK*AIRS_RET_GEOTRACK, &
+ 'nBestStd (T QC)','real_obs_sequence')
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'first row nBestStd', granule%nBestStd(:, 1)
+call check_size(size(granule%H2OMMRStd), &
+ 'H2OMMRStd (MMR)','real_obs_sequence')
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'first row MMR', granule%H2OMMRStd(:, 1, 1)
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'second col MMR', granule%H2OMMRStd(:, 2, 1)
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'second col MMR', granule%H2OMMRStd(:, 1, 2)
+call check_size(size(granule%H2OMMRStdErr), size(granule%H2OMMRStd), &
+ 'H2OMMRStdErr (MMR_err)','real_obs_sequence')
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'first row MMR err', granule%H2OMMRStdErr(:, 1, 1)
+call check_size(size(granule%Qual_H2O), AIRS_RET_GEOXTRACK*AIRS_RET_GEOTRACK, &
+ 'Qual_H2O (Q QC)','real_obs_sequence')
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'first row qual_h2o', granule%Qual_H2O(:, 1)
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'first row Q', Q(:, 1, 1)
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'second col Q', Q(:, 2, 1)
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'second col Q', Q(:, 1, 2)
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'first row Q_err', Q_err(:, 1, 1)
+if (DEBUG) print *, '1st lat, lon, time', &
+ granule%Latitude(1,1), granule%Longitude(1,1), granule%Time(1,1)
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'r 2 lat, lon, time', &
+ granule%Latitude(2,1), granule%Longitude(2,1), granule%Time(2,1)
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'c 2 lat, lon, time', &
+ granule%Latitude(1,2), granule%Longitude(1,2), granule%Time(1,2)
+! debugging for first/last time of obs in this file
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'int start time ', int(granule%Time(1, 1))
+if (DEBUG) obs_time = base_time + set_time(int(granule%Time(1, 1)))
+if (DEBUG) call print_date(obs_time)
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'int end time ', int(granule%Time(AIRS_RET_GEOXTRACK, AIRS_RET_GEOTRACK))
+if (DEBUG) obs_time = base_time + set_time(int(granule%Time(AIRS_RET_GEOXTRACK, AIRS_RET_GEOTRACK)))
+if (DEBUG) call print_date(obs_time)
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'pressStd', granule%pressStd
+if (DEBUG) print *, 'pressH2O', granule%pressH2O
+end subroutine debug_print_size_check
end module airs_obs_mod
Modified: DART/trunk/observations/AIRS/convert_airs_L2.f90
--- DART/trunk/observations/AIRS/convert_airs_L2.f90 2009-06-19 15:26:03 UTC (rev 3931)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/AIRS/convert_airs_L2.f90 2009-06-19 15:27:25 UTC (rev 3932)
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
error_handler, timestamp, E_ERR, E_MSG, &
find_namelist_in_file, check_namelist_read, &
do_nml_file, do_nml_term, &
- logfileunit, nmlfileunit
+ logfileunit, nmlfileunit, get_next_filename
-use airs_obs_mod ! FIXME: need to add ,only :
+use airs_obs_mod, only : real_obs_sequence, create_output_filename
implicit none
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
! Declare local parameters
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-character(len=256) :: datafile(1), output_name, dartfile, string1
+character(len=256) :: datafile(1), output_name, dartfile, msgstring
type(airs_granule_type) :: granule
type(obs_sequence_type) :: seq
-integer :: io, iunit
+integer :: io, iunit, f, nfiles, index
! version controlled file description for error handling, do not edit
character(len=128), parameter :: &
@@ -48,8 +48,12 @@
! Declare namelist parameters
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-character(len=128) :: l2_file = ''
-character(len=128) :: datadir = '.'
+integer, parameter :: MAXFILES = 256
+character(len=128) :: nextfile
+character(len=128) :: l2_files(MAXFILES) = ''
+character(len=128) :: l2_file_list = ''
+character(len=128) :: datadir = '.'
character(len=128) :: outputdir = '.'
real(r8) :: lon1 = 0.0_r8, & ! lower longitude bound
@@ -57,9 +61,17 @@
lat1 = -90.0_r8, & ! lower latitude bound
lat2 = 90.0_r8 ! upper latitude bound
-namelist /convert_airs_L2_nml/ l2_file, datadir, outputdir, &
- lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2
+real(r8) :: min_MMR_threshold = 1.0e-30
+real(r8) :: top_pressure_level = 0.0001 ! no obs higher than this
+integer :: cross_track_thin = 0
+integer :: along_track_thin = 0
+namelist /convert_airs_L2_nml/ l2_files, l2_file_list, &
+ datadir, outputdir, &
+ lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, &
+ min_MMR_threshold, top_pressure_level, &
+ cross_track_thin, along_track_thin
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! start of executable program code
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -83,15 +95,54 @@
if (do_nml_file()) write(nmlfileunit, nml=convert_airs_L2_nml)
if (do_nml_term()) write( * , nml=convert_airs_L2_nml)
-call create_output_filename(l2_file, output_name)
-datafile(1) = trim(datadir) // '/' // trim(l2_file)
-dartfile = trim(outputdir) // '/' // trim(output_name)
-!dartfile = trim(outputdir) // '/test.out'
+if ((l2_files(1) /= '') .and. (l2_file_list /= '')) then
+ write(msgstring,*)'cannot specify both an input file and an input file list'
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'convert_airs_L2', msgstring, &
+ source, revision, revdate)
-call airs_ret_rdr(datafile, granule) ! read from HDF file into a structure
-seq = real_obs_sequence(granule, lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2) ! convert structure to a sequence
-call write_obs_seq(seq, dartfile)
-call destroy_obs_sequence(seq) ! release the memory of the seq
+index = 0
+! do loop without an index. will loop until exit called.
+ index = index + 1
+ if (l2_files(1) /= '') then
+ if (index > size(l2_files)) then
+ write(msgstring,*)'cannot specify more than ', size(l2_files), ' files'
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'convert_airs_L2', msgstring, &
+ source, revision, revdate)
+ endif
+ nextfile = l2_files(index)
+ else
+ ! this is the new routine
+ ! it opens the listfile, returns the index-th one
+ nextfile = get_next_filename(l2_file_list, index)
+ endif
+ if (nextfile == '') exit
+ ! construct an appropriate output filename
+ call create_output_filename(nextfile, output_name)
+ datafile(1) = trim(datadir) // '/' // trim(nextfile)
+ dartfile = trim(outputdir) // '/' // trim(output_name)
+ ! read from HDF file into a derived type that holds all the information
+ call airs_ret_rdr(datafile, granule)
+ ! convert derived type information to DART sequence
+ seq = real_obs_sequence(granule, lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, &
+ min_MMR_threshold, top_pressure_level, &
+ along_track_thin, cross_track_thin)
+ ! write the sequence to a disk file
+ call write_obs_seq(seq, dartfile)
+ ! release the sequence memory
+ call destroy_obs_sequence(seq)
call timestamp(source,revision,revdate,'end') ! close the log file
end program convert_airs_L2
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