[Dart-dev] [3764] DART/trunk: Make public the routine which changes a generic kind string into

nancy at ucar.edu nancy at ucar.edu
Fri Feb 6 13:00:32 MST 2009

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Modified: DART/trunk/obs_kind/DEFAULT_obs_kind_mod.F90
--- DART/trunk/obs_kind/DEFAULT_obs_kind_mod.F90	2009-02-06 18:47:38 UTC (rev 3763)
+++ DART/trunk/obs_kind/DEFAULT_obs_kind_mod.F90	2009-02-06 20:00:32 UTC (rev 3764)
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
 public :: get_obs_kind_name, assimilate_this_obs_kind, &
           evaluate_this_obs_kind, get_obs_kind_var_type, get_obs_kind_index, &
           write_obs_kind, read_obs_kind, get_kind_from_menu, map_def_index
+! Added by TRW for restart file functionality
+public :: get_raw_obs_kind_name, get_raw_obs_kind_index
 ! Note: this list is currently maintained by hand; new kinds must be added
@@ -37,60 +39,60 @@
 ! kind strings are defined here. 
 integer, parameter, public :: &
-   KIND_RAW_STATE_VARIABLE          = 0, &
-   KIND_U_WIND_COMPONENT            = 1, &
-   KIND_V_WIND_COMPONENT            = 2, &
-   KIND_SURFACE_PRESSURE            = 3, &
-   KIND_TEMPERATURE                 = 4, &
-   KIND_SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY           = 5, &
-   KIND_PRESSURE                    = 6, &
-   KIND_VERTICAL_VELOCITY           = 7, &
-   KIND_DENSITY                     = 10, &
-   KIND_VELOCITY                    = 11, &
-   KIND_RADAR_REFLECTIVITY          = 12, &
-   KIND_1D_INTEGRAL                 = 13, &
-   KIND_GRAUPEL_MIXING_RATIO        = 14, &
-   KIND_SNOW_MIXING_RATIO           = 15, &
-   KIND_GPSRO                       = 16, &
-   KIND_CLOUD_LIQUID_WATER          = 17, &
-   KIND_CLOUD_ICE                   = 18, &
-   KIND_VAPOR_MIXING_RATIO          = 20, &
-   KIND_GEOPOTENTIAL_HEIGHT         = 22, &
-   KIND_SOIL_MOISTURE               = 24, &
-   KIND_SURFACE_ELEVATION           = 25
+    KIND_RAW_STATE_VARIABLE          = 0, &
+    KIND_U_WIND_COMPONENT            = 1, &
+    KIND_V_WIND_COMPONENT            = 2, &
+    KIND_SURFACE_PRESSURE            = 3, &
+    KIND_TEMPERATURE                 = 4, &
+    KIND_SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY           = 5, &
+    KIND_PRESSURE                    = 6, &
+    KIND_VERTICAL_VELOCITY           = 7, &
+    KIND_DENSITY                     = 10, &
+    KIND_VELOCITY                    = 11, &
+    KIND_RADAR_REFLECTIVITY          = 12, &
+    KIND_1D_INTEGRAL                 = 13, &
+    KIND_GRAUPEL_MIXING_RATIO        = 14, &
+    KIND_SNOW_MIXING_RATIO           = 15, &
+    KIND_GPSRO                       = 16, &
+    KIND_CLOUD_LIQUID_WATER          = 17, &
+    KIND_CLOUD_ICE                   = 18, &
+    KIND_VAPOR_MIXING_RATIO          = 20, &
+    KIND_GEOPOTENTIAL_HEIGHT         = 22, &
+    KIND_SOIL_MOISTURE               = 24, &
+    KIND_SURFACE_ELEVATION           = 25
 ! kinds for Gravity Wave Drag (CAM - kevin)
 integer, parameter, public :: &
-   KIND_GRAV_WAVE_DRAG_EFFIC        = 26, &
+    KIND_GRAV_WAVE_DRAG_EFFIC        = 26, &
 ! kinds for simple advection model
 integer, parameter, public :: &
-   KIND_TRACER_SOURCE               = 28, &
-   KIND_MEAN_SOURCE                 = 30, &
+    KIND_TRACER_SOURCE               = 28, &
+    KIND_MEAN_SOURCE                 = 30, &
    KIND_SOURCE_PHASE                = 31
 ! kind for power-weighted precipitation fall speed
 integer, parameter, public :: &
  ! missing kind for the am2 model
 integer, parameter, public :: &
-   KIND_CLOUD_FRACTION              = 35
+    KIND_CLOUD_FRACTION              = 35
 ! kinds for the MITgcm ocean model
 integer, parameter, public :: &
-   KIND_SALINITY                    = 50, &
-   KIND_U_CURRENT_COMPONENT         = 51, &
-   KIND_V_CURRENT_COMPONENT         = 52, &
-   KIND_SEA_SURFACE_HEIGHT          = 53
+    KIND_SALINITY                    = 50, &
+    KIND_U_CURRENT_COMPONENT         = 51, &
+    KIND_V_CURRENT_COMPONENT         = 52, &
+    KIND_SEA_SURFACE_HEIGHT          = 53
 ! kinds for planetary remote sensing (wglawson)
 integer, parameter, public :: &
    KIND_SKIN_TEMPERATURE            = 70, &
@@ -104,10 +106,17 @@
 ! kinds for vortex tracking (WRF - yongsheng)
 integer, parameter, public :: &
-   KIND_VORTEX_LON                  = 81, &
-   KIND_VORTEX_LAT                  = 82, &
-   KIND_VORTEX_PMIN                 = 83, &
-   KIND_VORTEX_WMAX                 = 84
+    KIND_VORTEX_LON                  = 81, &
+    KIND_VORTEX_LAT                  = 82, &
+    KIND_VORTEX_PMIN                 = 83, &
+    KIND_VORTEX_WMAX                 = 84, &
+! kinds for COAMPS (Tim Whitcomb)
+    KIND_EXNER_FUNCTION              = 85
+!! PRIVATE ONLY TO THIS MODULE. see comment below near the max_obs_specific
+!! declaration.
+integer, parameter :: max_obs_generic = 85
 ! This list is autogenerated by the 'preprocess' program.  To add new 
@@ -132,14 +141,26 @@
 logical, save :: module_initialized = .false.
-integer :: num_def_obs_kinds = 0
+!! max_obs_kinds is really max_obs_types, and is generated by preprocess.
+!! PRIVATE ONLY TO THIS MODULE.  max_obs_kinds is really max_obs_types,
+!! but since the original variable name is public it can't change without
+!! being non-backwards compatible.  for now, punt on both type and kind
+!! and start trying to use specific and generic (ok, which do map to type
+!! and kind, respectively).  using intermediate names might make the transition
+!! less painful.  right now, many(most) of the subroutine names or args 
+!! which are public are using 'kind' where it needs to be 'type'.
+integer, parameter :: max_obs_specific = max_obs_kinds
+character(len=129) :: msg_string
 integer :: num_kind_assimilate, num_kind_evaluate
 ! Map from values of kind in obs_def to the fixed values in the list above.
 ! Initially, these are undefined and have values -1.
 ! For the first index 1, the value is the index in the input obs_sequence file.
 ! The first index 2 is the value of the corresponding index in this kind module.
-integer :: map(2, max_obs_kinds) = -1
+integer :: map(2, max_obs_specific) = -1
 ! An observation kind type links together all the information required.
 ! An integer index that is also associated with the parameter above,
@@ -150,22 +171,31 @@
 ! whether observations of this kind are to be assimilated, evaluated,
 ! or neither. Name lengths are limited to 32 characters by compiler
 ! restrictions on the length of parameter identifiers.
-type obs_kind_type
+type obs_type_type
    integer              :: index
    character(len = 32)  :: name
    integer              :: var_type
    logical              :: assimilate
    logical              :: evaluate
-end type obs_kind_type
+end type obs_type_type
-! An obs_kind_type is defined by the preprocessor to store the association
-! between obs_kinds, associated integer identifiers, the underlying type,
+! An obs_type_type is defined by the preprocessor to store the association
+! between obs_types, associated integer identifiers, the underlying kind,
 ! and whether observations of this type should be assimilate or evaluated.
-type(obs_kind_type) :: obs_kind_info(max_obs_kinds)
+type(obs_type_type) :: obs_type_info(max_obs_specific)
+type obs_kind_type
+   integer              :: index
+   character(len = 32)  :: name
+end type obs_kind_type
+! An obs_kind_name_type is defined by the preprocess program to store 
+! the association between obs_kind index numbers and string names.
+type(obs_kind_type) :: obs_kind_names(max_obs_generic)
 ! Namelist array to turn on any requested observation types
-character(len = 129) :: assimilate_these_obs_types(max_obs_kinds) = 'null'
-character(len = 129) :: evaluate_these_obs_types(max_obs_kinds) = 'null'
+character(len = 129) :: assimilate_these_obs_types(max_obs_specific) = 'null'
+character(len = 129) :: evaluate_these_obs_types(max_obs_specific) = 'null'
 namelist /obs_kind_nml/ assimilate_these_obs_types, evaluate_these_obs_types
@@ -205,13 +235,13 @@
 ! count here, then output below 
 num_kind_assimilate = 0
-do i = 1, max_obs_kinds
+do i = 1, max_obs_specific
    if(assimilate_these_obs_types(i) == 'null') exit
    num_kind_assimilate = i
 end do
 num_kind_evaluate = 0
-do i = 1, max_obs_kinds
+do i = 1, max_obs_specific
    if(evaluate_these_obs_types(i) == 'null') exit
    num_kind_evaluate = i
 end do
@@ -246,9 +276,9 @@
 if (num_kind_assimilate > 0) then
    do i = 1, num_kind_assimilate
       ! Search for the matching string
-      do j = 1, max_obs_kinds
-         if(assimilate_these_obs_types(i) == obs_kind_info(j)%name) then
-            obs_kind_info(j)%assimilate = .true.
+      do j = 1, max_obs_specific
+         if(assimilate_these_obs_types(i) == obs_type_info(j)%name) then
+            obs_type_info(j)%assimilate = .true.
             goto 44
       end do
@@ -264,9 +294,9 @@
 if (num_kind_evaluate > 0) then
    do i = 1, num_kind_evaluate
       ! Search for the matching string
-      do j = 1, max_obs_kinds
-         if(evaluate_these_obs_types(i) == obs_kind_info(j)%name) then
-            obs_kind_info(j)%evaluate = .true.
+      do j = 1, max_obs_specific
+         if(evaluate_these_obs_types(i) == obs_type_info(j)%name) then
+            obs_type_info(j)%evaluate = .true.
             goto 55
       end do
@@ -279,10 +309,10 @@
 ! Make it an error to ask to assimilate AND evaluate the same obs kind
-do i = 1, max_obs_kinds
-   if(obs_kind_info(i)%evaluate .and. obs_kind_info(i)%assimilate) then
+do i = 1, max_obs_specific
+   if(obs_type_info(i)%evaluate .and. obs_type_info(i)%assimilate) then
       write(err_string, *) 'Illegal to evaluate and assimilate same kind ', &
-         trim(obs_kind_info(i)%name)
+         trim(obs_type_info(i)%name)
       call error_handler(E_ERR, 'initialize_module', err_string, source, revision, revdate)
 end do
@@ -306,7 +336,7 @@
 ! Need to search through the first map column to find this obs_def_index value
 ! Then return the index into table in this module from corresponding row in 
 ! second column.
-do i = 1, max_obs_kinds
+do i = 1, max_obs_specific
    if(map(1, i) == obs_def_index) then
       map_def_index = map(2, i)
@@ -325,33 +355,62 @@
 function get_obs_kind_name(obs_kind_ind)
-! Returns observation name
+! Returns observation type name
 integer, intent(in) :: obs_kind_ind
 character(len = 32) :: get_obs_kind_name
 if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
-get_obs_kind_name = obs_kind_info(obs_kind_ind)%name
+if (obs_kind_ind < 1 .or. obs_kind_ind > max_obs_specific) then
+   write(msg_string, *) 'index out of range 1<=val<=', max_obs_specific
+   call error_handler(E_ERR, 'get_obs_kind_name', msg_string, &
+                      source, revision, revdate)
+get_obs_kind_name = obs_type_info(obs_kind_ind)%name
 end function get_obs_kind_name
+! Added by TRW to handle matching RAW variable types to their strings
+! as well as the derived types - this will make the restart file
+! handling more readable.
+function get_raw_obs_kind_name(obs_kind_ind)
+! Returns observation kind name
+integer, intent(in) :: obs_kind_ind
+character(len=32)   :: get_raw_obs_kind_name
+if (.not. module_initialized) call initialize_module
+if (obs_kind_ind < 1 .or. obs_kind_ind > max_obs_generic) then
+   write(msg_string, *) 'index out of range 1<=val<=', max_obs_generic
+   call error_handler(E_ERR, 'get_raw_obs_kind_name', msg_string, &
+                      source, revision, revdate)
+get_raw_obs_kind_name = obs_kind_names(obs_kind_ind)%name
+end function get_raw_obs_kind_name
 function get_obs_kind_index(obs_kind_name)
 ! Returns the integer index corresponding to an observation type string name
 ! Returns a -1 if this string is not in list
-character(len = 32), intent(in) ::obs_kind_name
+character(len = *), intent(in)  :: obs_kind_name
 integer                         :: get_obs_kind_index
 integer :: i
 if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
-do i = 1, max_obs_kinds
-   if(trim(adjustl(obs_kind_name)) == trim(adjustl(obs_kind_info(i)%name))) then
+do i = 1, max_obs_specific
+   if(trim(adjustl(obs_kind_name)) == trim(adjustl(obs_type_info(i)%name))) then
       get_obs_kind_index = i
@@ -362,7 +421,34 @@
 end function get_obs_kind_index
+! Added by TRW to handle matching RAW variable types to their strings
+! as well as the derived types - this will make the restart file
+! handling more readable.
+function get_raw_obs_kind_index(obs_kind_name)
+! Returns the integer index corresponding to an observation kind string name
+! Returns a -1 if this string is not in list
+character(len=*), intent(in)  :: obs_kind_name
+integer                       :: get_raw_obs_kind_index
+integer :: i
+if (.not. module_initialized) call initialize_module
+do i = 1, max_obs_generic
+   if(trim(adjustl(obs_kind_name)) == trim(adjustl(obs_kind_names(i)%name))) then
+      get_raw_obs_kind_index = i
+      return
+   end if
+end do
+get_raw_obs_kind_index = -1
+end function get_raw_obs_kind_index
 function assimilate_this_obs_kind(obs_kind_ind)
 ! Returns true if this obs_kind is being assimilated
@@ -372,7 +458,7 @@
 if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
-assimilate_this_obs_kind = obs_kind_info(obs_kind_ind)%assimilate
+assimilate_this_obs_kind = obs_type_info(obs_kind_ind)%assimilate
 end function assimilate_this_obs_kind
@@ -387,7 +473,7 @@
 if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
-evaluate_this_obs_kind = obs_kind_info(obs_kind_ind)%evaluate
+evaluate_this_obs_kind = obs_type_info(obs_kind_ind)%evaluate
 end function evaluate_this_obs_kind
@@ -402,7 +488,7 @@
 if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
-get_obs_kind_var_type = obs_kind_info(obs_kind_ind)%var_type
+get_obs_kind_var_type = obs_type_info(obs_kind_ind)%var_type
 end function get_obs_kind_var_type
@@ -444,25 +530,25 @@
       if (present(use_list)) then
          write(ifile) count(use_list(:) > 0)
-         write(ifile) max_obs_kinds
+         write(ifile) max_obs_specific
-      do i = 1, max_obs_kinds
+      do i = 1, max_obs_specific
          if (present(use_list)) then
             if (use_list(i) == 0) cycle
-         write(ifile) obs_kind_info(i)%index, obs_kind_info(i)%name
+         write(ifile) obs_type_info(i)%index, obs_type_info(i)%name
       end do
       if (present(use_list)) then
          write(ifile, *) count(use_list(:) > 0)
-         write(ifile, *) max_obs_kinds
+         write(ifile, *) max_obs_specific
-      do i = 1, max_obs_kinds
+      do i = 1, max_obs_specific
          if (present(use_list)) then
             if (use_list(i) == 0) cycle
-         write(ifile, *) obs_kind_info(i)%index, obs_kind_info(i)%name
+         write(ifile, *) obs_type_info(i)%index, obs_type_info(i)%name
       end do
@@ -484,7 +570,6 @@
 character(len=20)  :: header
 character(len=32)  :: fileformat, o_name
-character(len=129) :: msg_string
 integer            :: i, num_def_kinds, o_index, list_index
 if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
@@ -495,7 +580,7 @@
 ! that this order is consistent with what the obs_sequence
 ! file thinks.
 if(pre_I_format) then
-   do i = 1, max_obs_kinds
+   do i = 1, max_obs_specific
       map(1, i) = i; map(2, i) = i
    end do
@@ -582,9 +667,9 @@
 write(*, *) '     ', 'Input -1 * state variable index for identity observations'
 write(*, *) '     ', 'OR input the name of the observation kind from table below:'
 write(*, *) '     ', 'OR input the integer index, BUT see documentation...'
-do i = 1, max_obs_kinds
+do i = 1, max_obs_specific
    if(assimilate_this_obs_kind(i) .or. evaluate_this_obs_kind(i)) &
-      write(*, *) '     ',  obs_kind_info(i)%index, trim(obs_kind_info(i)%name)
+      write(*, *) '     ',  obs_type_info(i)%index, trim(obs_type_info(i)%name)
 end do
 ! Read the input as a string, convert to integers as appropriate 
@@ -602,7 +687,7 @@
    ! Make sure that number entered isn't 0 or too larg
-   if(get_kind_from_menu == 0 .or. get_kind_from_menu > max_obs_kinds) then
+   if(get_kind_from_menu == 0 .or. get_kind_from_menu > max_obs_specific) then
       write(*, *) get_kind_from_menu, 'is not a legal entry: Please try again.'
       goto 21

Modified: DART/trunk/preprocess/preprocess.f90
--- DART/trunk/preprocess/preprocess.f90	2009-02-06 18:47:38 UTC (rev 3763)
+++ DART/trunk/preprocess/preprocess.f90	2009-02-06 20:00:32 UTC (rev 3764)
@@ -489,9 +489,9 @@
    write(obs_kind_out_unit, 21) trim(line)
 end do
-! Write out the definitions of each entry of obs_kind_info
+! Write out the definitions of each entry of obs_type_info
 do i = 1, num_types_found
-   write(line, '(A,I5,3A)') 'obs_kind_info(', i, ') = obs_kind_type(', &
+   write(line, '(A,I5,3A)') 'obs_type_info(', i, ') = obs_type_type(', &
       trim(type_string(i)), ", &"
    write(obs_kind_out_unit, 21) trim(line)
    write(line, *) '   ', "'", trim(type_string(i)), "', ", &

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