[Dart-dev] [4003] DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/obs_num_vertical.m: This functions was deprecated a long time ago.
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Wed Aug 12 15:12:28 MDT 2009
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Deleted: DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/obs_num_vertical.m
--- DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/obs_num_vertical.m 2009-08-12 16:51:20 UTC (rev 4002)
+++ DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/obs_num_vertical.m 2009-08-12 21:12:28 UTC (rev 4003)
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-function obs_num_vertical(ddir)
-% obs_num_vertical(ddir)
-% Plots the number of observations as a function of height for
-% several different regions.
-% ddir is an optional argument specifying the directory containing
-% the data files as preprocessed by the support routines.
-% USAGE: if the preprocessed data files are in a directory called 'plot'
-% obs_num_vertical('plot')
-% Data Assimilation Research Testbed -- DART
-% Copyright 2004-2007, Data Assimilation Research Section
-% University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
-% Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html
-% <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
-% $URL$
-% $Id$
-% $Revision$
-% $Date$
-% Ensures the specified directory is searched first.
-if ( nargin > 0 )
- startpath = addpath(ddir);
- startpath = path;
-% Defaults
-datafile = 'ObsDiagAtts';
-ptypes = {'gs-','bd-','ro-','k+-'}; % for each region
-% Get attributes from obs_diag run.
-if ( exist(datafile) == 2 )
- eval(datafile)
- if ( exist('plevel','var') == 0 )
- disp(sprintf('%s does not have multiple levels.', datafile))
- disp('It cannot be plotted with obs_num_vertical.')
- return
- end
- error(sprintf('%s cannot be found.', datafile))
-% set up a structure with all static plotting components
-skip_seconds = time_to_skip(4)*3600 + time_to_skip(5)*60 + time_to_skip(6);
-iskip = time_to_skip(3) + skip_seconds/86400;
-plotdat.bin1 = datenum(first_bin_center); % a known date in matlab's time units
-plotdat.toff = plotdat.bin1 - t1; % determine temporal offset (calendar base)
-plotdat.day1 = datestr(t1+plotdat.toff+iskip,'yyyy-mm-dd HH');
-plotdat.dayN = datestr(tN+plotdat.toff,'yyyy-mm-dd HH');
-plotdat.linewidth = 2.0;
-plotdat.xlabel = 'observation count';
-% Loop around observation types
-for ivar = 1:length(All_Level_Varnames),
- % set up a structure with all the plotting components
- plotdat.varname = All_Level_Varnames{ivar};
- switch obs_select
- case 1,
- string1 = sprintf('%s (all data)', plotdat.varname);
- case 2,
- string1 = sprintf('%s (RaObs)', plotdat.varname);
- otherwise,
- string1 = sprintf('%s (ACARS,SATWND)', plotdat.varname);
- end
- plotdat.fname = sprintf('%s_ges_ver_ave.dat',All_Level_Varnames{ivar});
- plotdat.main = sprintf('%s %s -- %s',string1,plotdat.day1,plotdat.dayN);
- plotdat = SetLevels(plotdat);
- % plot by region
- page1 = 2*(ivar-1)+1;
- page2 = 2*(ivar-1)+2;
- figure(page1); orient landscape; clf; wysiwyg
- for iregion = 1:length(Regions),
- plotdat.title = Regions{iregion};
- plotdat.region = iregion;
- plotdat.ptype = ptypes{iregion};
- [nobs,obslevels] = myplot(plotdat);
- NbyRegion(:,iregion) = nobs;
- end
- CenterAnnotation(plotdat.main)
- BottomAnnotation(plotdat.fname)
- psfname = sprintf('%s_num_vert.ps',plotdat.varname);
- print(page1,'-dpsc',psfname);
- % All regions on one figure
- % We assume there is at least one region and then we'll add to that.
- figure(page2); clf;
- h = plot(NbyRegion(:,1), obslevels, ptypes{1}, 'LineWidth', plotdat.linewidth);
- [legh, objh, outh, outm] = legend(Regions{1});
- hold on;
- for iregion = 2:length(Regions),
- h = plot(NbyRegion(:,iregion), obslevels, ptypes{iregion}, ...
- 'LineWidth', plotdat.linewidth);
- % Must add salient information to the legend.
- % legh handle to the legend axes
- % objh handle for the text, lines, and patches in the legend
- % outh handle for the lines and patches in the plot
- % outm cell array for the text in the legend
- nlines = length(outm);
- outm{nlines + 1} = Regions{iregion};
- [legh, objh, outh, outm] = legend([outh; h],outm,0);
- %h = legend(Regions{1},Regions{2},Regions{3},Regions{4}, 'Location','Best');
- end
- legend boxoff
- grid
- ax = axis;
- axis([ax(1) ax(2) min(plotdat.ylims) max(plotdat.ylims)])
- set(gca,'YDir', plotdat.ydir)
- title(plotdat.main, 'Interpreter','none','FontSize', 12, 'FontWeight', 'bold')
- ylabel(plotdat.ylabel, 'fontsize', 10)
- xlabel(plotdat.xlabel, 'fontsize', 10)
- BottomAnnotation(plotdat.fname)
- str = sprintf('print -f%d -dpsc -append %s',page2,psfname);
- eval(str)
- hold off
-path(startpath); % restore MATLABPATH to original setting
-% 'Helper' functions
-function [Nobs,levels] = myplot(plotdat)
-if ( exist(plotdat.fname,'file') ~= 2 )
- error(sprintf('%s does not seem to exist.',plotdat.fname))
-regionindex = 3 + 2*(plotdat.region - 1);
-datmat = load(plotdat.fname);
-levels = datmat(:,1);
-obsmat = SqueezeMissing(datmat);
-Nobs = obsmat(:,regionindex);
- plot(Nobs, levels, plotdat.ptype , 'LineWidth', plotdat.linewidth)
- grid
- ax = axis;
- axis([ax(1) ax(2) min(plotdat.ylims) max(plotdat.ylims)])
- set(gca,'YDir', plotdat.ydir)
- title( plotdat.title, 'Interpreter','none','fontsize', 12,'FontWeight','bold')
- ylabel(plotdat.ylabel, 'fontsize', 10)
- xlabel(plotdat.xlabel, 'fontsize', 10)
-function y = SqueezeMissing(x)
-missing = find(x < -98); % 'missing' is coded as -99
-if isempty(missing)
- y = x;
- y = x;
- y(missing) = NaN;
-function CenterAnnotation(main)
-subplot('position',[0.48 0.48 0.04 0.04])
-axis off
-h = text(0.5,0.5,main);
-set(h,'HorizontalAlignment','center', ...
- 'VerticalAlignment','bottom', ...
- 'Interpreter','none', ...
- 'FontSize',12, ...
- 'FontWeight','bold')
-function BottomAnnotation(main)
-% annotates the directory containing the data being plotted
-subplot('position',[0.48 0.01 0.04 0.04])
-axis off
-bob = which(main);
-[pathstr,name,ext,versn] = fileparts(bob);
-h = text(0.0,0.5,pathstr);
-set(h,'HorizontalAlignment','center', ...
- 'VerticalAlignment','middle',...
- 'Interpreter','none',...
- 'FontSize',8)
-function plotstruct = SetLevels(plotdat)
-if ( exist(plotdat.fname,'file') ~= 2 )
- error(sprintf('%s does not seem to exist.',plotdat.fname))
-plotstruct = plotdat;
-datmat = load(plotstruct.fname);
-levels = datmat(:,1);
-plotstruct.top = levels(1);
-plotstruct.surface = levels(length(levels));
-if ( plotstruct.top > plotstruct.surface )
- plotstruct.ylabel = 'height(m)';
- plotstruct.ydir = 'normal';
- plotstruct.ylims = [plotstruct.surface plotstruct.top];
- plotstruct.ylabel = 'Pressure (hPa)';
- plotstruct.ydir = 'reverse';
- plotstruct.ylims = [plotstruct.surface plotstruct.top];
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