[Dart-dev] [3667] DART/trunk/doc/html/index.shtml:
notifying changes about the radar module
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Thu Nov 20 17:03:03 MST 2008
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Modified: DART/trunk/doc/html/index.shtml
--- DART/trunk/doc/html/index.shtml 2008-11-20 23:34:37 UTC (rev 3666)
+++ DART/trunk/doc/html/index.shtml 2008-11-21 00:03:03 UTC (rev 3667)
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
<td width="40" valign="top"> </td><!-- provides a little space -->
<td valign="middle">
<H1 align="center">The Data Assimilation Research Testbed -- DART</H1>
- <center><img src="DARTspaghettiSquare.gif" alt="cool
-spaghetti plot of North America demonstrating the uncertainty among the
-ensemble members"><br>
+ <center><img src="DARTspaghettiSquare.gif"
+ alt="cool spaghetti plot of North America demonstrating the uncertainty among the
+ ensemble members"><br>
The 500hPa geopotential height from 20 ensemble members of an 80 member experiment
with a T85 resolution of CAM (00Z 01 Feb 2003). The contour sets are from
5320 to 5800 by 80.</center></td>
@@ -43,8 +43,10 @@
<b>D</b>ata <b>A</b>ssimilation <b>R</b>esearch <b>T</b>estbed (<b>DART</b>).</h2>
<P align="center">
+ <font size="+1"><b>If you are using RADAR observations in DART</b>:
+ <a href="#RadarChanges">you need to know about recent (18Nov2008) changes</a>.<br>
<b>If you are using DART</b>:
- <a href="#BigChanges">you need to know about recent (2Jun2008) changes</a>.
+ <a href="#BigChanges">you need to know about recent (2Jun2008) changes</a>.</font>
<A NAME="index"></A>
@@ -394,6 +396,63 @@
+ <A NAME="RadarChanges"></A>
+ <H2>User-Visible changes to the DART radar module (obs_def_radar_mod.f90) version 3657 (circa 18 Nov 2008)</H2>
+ <P>For users of previous versions of <em class="file">obs_def_radar_mod.f90</em>,
+ here are a list of changes which are <b>not</b> backward compatible:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>The
+ <em class="file">obs_def_radar_mod</em>:<em class="code">obs_def_radar_mod_nml</em>
+ namelist has changed quite a bit; some items were removed,
+ some added, and some renamed. See the
+ <em class="file">obs_def_radar_mod.html</em>
+ documentation for the namelist for current item names and default values.</li>
+ <LI>Some constants which depend on the microphysics scheme have been
+ added to the
+ <em class="file">obs_def_radar_mod</em>:<em class="code">obs_def_radar_mod_nml</em>
+ namelist to make it easier to change the values for
+ different schemes, but the defaults have also changed. Verify they
+ are appropriate for the scheme being used.</li>
+ <LI>The interactive create routine prompts for the beam direction
+ differently now. It takes <em>azimuth</em> and <em>elevation</em>,
+ and then does the trigonometry to compute the three internal values
+ which are stored in the file. The previous version prompted for the
+ internal values directly.</li>
+ <LI>The value for gravity is currently hardcoded in this module.
+ Previous versions of this code used the gravity constant in the DART
+ <em class="file">types_mod.f90</em> code, but in reality the code
+ should be using whatever value of gravity is being used in the model
+ code. For now, the value is at least separated so users can change
+ the value in this code if necessary.</li>
+ <LI>The <em class="routine">get_expected_xxxx</em> routines try to call
+ the <em class="file">model_mod</em>:<em class="code">model_interpolate()</em>
+ routine for
+ <em class="code">KIND_POWER_WEIGHTED_FALL_SPEED</em> and
+ <em class="code">KIND_RADAR_REFLECTIVITY</em> values. If they are not
+ available, then the code calls the
+ <em class="file">model_mod</em>:<em class="code">model_interpolate()</em>
+ routine for several other kinds and computes these quantities.
+ However, this requires that the
+ <em class="file">model_mod</em>:<em class="code">model_interpolate()</em>
+ code returns gracefully if the kind is unknown or unsupported.</li>
+ <LI>
+ <b>WRF users take note!</b> All versions of WRF's
+ <em class="file">model_mod.f90</em> before V.3657 used to
+ print an error message and stop if the kind was unknown. The updated
+ version in the repository (V.3657) which went in with the corresponding
+ <em class="file">obs_def_radar_mod.f90</em> radar code has been
+ changed to return an error status code but continue if the kind is
+ unknown. The <em class="file">DEFAULT_obs_kind_mod.F90</em> file also
+ needs to be updated to define these new KINDs.</li>
+ </UL>
+ </P>
<A NAME="BigChanges"></A>
<H2>User-Visible changes to the TRUNK (circa 2 Jun 2008)</H2>
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