[Dart-dev] [3391] DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean:
The README explains the critical settings in the ocean model namelists.
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Fri May 23 10:01:47 MDT 2008
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Added: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/README
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/README (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/README 2008-05-23 16:01:47 UTC (rev 3391)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# $Id: $
+The MITgcm_ocean model needs a bunch of input files.
+Peruse the namelists in the 'data*' files and make sure that
+all the files mentioned live in the 'MITgcm_ocean/inputs' directory.
+To allow DART to control the model advances, a couple things have to be
+#1 - data: &PARM03 : startTime = 0
+ DART:advance_model.csh reformats its state vector (trans_sv_pv) and
+ renames the files to be those declared by the variables in &PARM05.
+#2 - data: &PARM03 : endTime = xxxx
+ This is fundamentally the assimilation period. The model stops
+ after xxxx seconds. DART reads the &PARM03 namelist and uses
+ 'endTime' as the 'model_time_step'. Given the time from the DART
+ initial conditions (or input.nml:filter_nml:init_time_[days,seconds])
+ the model may be advanced in 'steps' of 'endTime'. Observations
+ within +/- half of 'endTime' (centered at the current time) are
+ assimilated.
+#3 - The ocean code was compiled as a parallel executable to use 20 MPI tasks.
+ in SIZE.h ... the nprocs for the latitudes was 5 (we needed 225 lats)
+ and 4 for the longitudes (we needed 256). There are some magic '20's
+ floating around and ONLY ASYNC == 4 WAS TESTED. At present,
+ async = 2 is guaranteed not to work without modifications to the
+ job.simple.csh and advance_model.csh scripts.
+ Because the code and datasets were configured to run for the Gulf of Mexico
+ (we had to start somewhere) the following boundary conditions,
+ forcing, and namelist files are needed to advance the model - with or
+ without DART. Some of them are pretty big and consequently are not part
+ of the DART code tree. Contact Tim Hoar thoar 'at' ucar . edu to get
+ the rest of the input datasets.
+ data
+ data.cal
+ data.exf
+ data.kpp
+ data.obcs
+ data.pkg
+ eedata
+ ncep_air_19960101.bin
+ ncep_dlwrf_19960101.bin
+ ncep_dswrf_19960101.bin
+ ncep_nswrs_19960101.bin
+ ncep_prate_19960101.bin
+ ncep_shum_19960101.bin
+ ncep_uwnd_19960101.bin
+ ncep_vwnd_19960101.bin
+ bathymetry.bin
+ gom_H_199601.bin
+ gom_S_199601.bin
+ gom_T_199601.bin
+ gom_U_199601.bin
+ gom_V_199601.bin
+ run-off.bin_1x1
+ lev05_monthly_sss_relax.bin
+ lev05_monthly_sst_relax.bin
+ Rs_SobcsE_52_01_nPx1.bin
+ Rs_SobcsN_52_01_nPy1.bin
+ Rs_TobcsE_52_01_nPx1.bin
+ Rs_TobcsN_52_01_nPy1.bin
+ Rs_UobcsE_52_01_nPx1_c1.bin
+ Rs_UobcsN_52_01_nPy1.bin
+ Rs_VobcsE_52_01_nPx1.bin
+ Rs_VobcsN_52_01_nPy1_c1.bin
Added: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data 2008-05-23 16:01:47 UTC (rev 3391)
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# ====================
+# | Model parameters |
+# ====================
+# Continuous equation parameters
+ &PARM01
+ tRef = 23.,22.,21.,20.,19.,18.,17.,16.,15.,14.,13.,
+ 12.,11.,9.,8.,7.,6.,5.,4.,3.,2*2.,18*1.,
+ sRef = 40*34.5,
+ viscAz = 1.E-4,
+ viscA4 = 1.e10,
+ viscAh = 1.e2,
+ cosPower = 3.,
+ no_slip_sides = .true.,
+ no_slip_bottom = .TRUE.,
+ bottomDragQuadratic = 0.002,
+ diffKhT = 1.e2,
+ diffk4T = 1.E10,
+ diffKzT = 1.E-6,
+ diffKhS = 1.e2,
+ diffk4S = 1.E10,
+ diffKzS = 1.E-6,
+ tAlpha = 2.E-4,
+ sBeta = 7.4E-4,
+ gravity = 9.81,
+ rigidLid = .FALSE.,
+ implicitFreeSurface = .TRUE.,
+ eosType = 'JMD95Z',
+ readBinaryPrec = 32,
+ writeBinaryPrec = 32,
+ globalFiles = .false.,
+ useSingleCpuIO = .true.,
+ tempAdvScheme = 4,
+ saltAdvScheme = 4,
+ hFacMin = 0.3,
+ hFacMinDz = 50.,
+ multiDimAdvection = .FALSE.,
+ staggerTimeStep = .TRUE.,
+ implicitDiffusion = .true.,
+ implicitViscosity = .true.,
+ allowFreezing = .false.,
+ debugMode = .false.,
+ debugLevel = 0,
+ exactConserv = .true.,
+ &
+# Elliptic solver parameters
+ &PARM02
+ cg2dMaxIters=1000,
+ cg2dTargetResidual=1.E-8,
+ &
+# Time stepping parameters
+# dumpFreq = 86400.,
+# taveFreq = 86400.,
+# to get 20 ensemble members ... from a 14 day run ...
+# I'm going to dump more often than every day.
+# endTime = 1209600., 14 days
+# endTime = 172800., two days
+#dumpFreq = 43200.,
+#taveFreq = 43200.,
+ &PARM03
+ startTime = 0.,
+ endTime = 172800.,
+ deltaTmom = 900.,
+ deltaTtracer = 900.,
+ deltaTClock = 900.,
+ abEps = 0.1,
+ chkptFreq = 0.,
+ pChkptFreq = 1209600.,
+ dumpFreq = 172800.,
+ taveFreq = 172800.,
+ tauThetaClimRelax = 0.,
+ tauSaltClimRelax = 2592000.,
+ monitorFreq=259200000.0,
+ forcing_In_AB=.false.
+ &
+# Gridding parameters
+ &PARM04
+ usingCartesianGrid=.FALSE.,
+ usingSphericalPolarGrid=.TRUE.,
+ phiMin=8.4,
+ thetaMin=262.0,
+ delY = 225*0.1,
+ delX = 256*0.1,
+ delZ = 5.0037,
+ 5.5860,
+ 6.2725,
+ 7.0817,
+ 8.0350,
+ 9.1575,
+ 10.4786,
+ 12.0322,
+ 13.8579,
+ 16.0012,
+ 18.5147,
+ 21.4583,
+ 24.9006,
+ 28.9188,
+ 33.5994,
+ 39.0386,
+ 45.3416,
+ 52.6217,
+ 60.9989,
+ 70.5969,
+ 81.5393,
+ 93.9440,
+ 107.9170,
+ 123.5436,
+ 140.8794,
+ 159.9405,
+ 180.6944,
+ 203.0513,
+ 226.8604,
+ 251.9079,
+ 277.9217,
+ 304.5812,
+ 331.5313,
+ 358.4013,
+ 384.8251,
+ 410.4601,
+ 435.0053,
+ 458.2124,
+ 479.8950,
+ 499.3929,
+# Input datasets
+#mdsiolocaldir= '/home/koehl/work/Gulf_Mexico/run/',
+ &PARM05
+ bathyFile = 'bathymetry.bin',
+ hydrogThetaFile = 'gom_T_199601.bin',
+ hydrogSaltFile = 'gom_S_199601.bin',
+ uVelInitFile = 'gom_U_199601.bin',
+ vVelInitFile = 'gom_V_199601.bin',
+ pSurfInitFile = 'gom_H_199601.bin',
Added: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data.cal
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data.cal (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data.cal 2008-05-23 16:01:47 UTC (rev 3391)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# *******************
+# Calendar Parameters
+# *******************
+ TheCalendar='gregorian',
+ startDate_1=19960101,
+ startDate_2=60000,
+ &
Added: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data.exf
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data.exf (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data.exf 2008-05-23 16:01:47 UTC (rev 3391)
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+# $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm_contrib/eh3/llc/ecco-godae/input_50lev/data.exf,v 1.1 2007/03/06 19:13:51 heimbach Exp $
+# *********************
+# External Forcing Data
+# *********************
+ &EXF_NML_01
+ exf_iprec = 32,
+ exf_yftype = 'RL',
+ useExfYearlyFields= .false.,
+ twoDigitYear = .false.,
+ useExfCheckRange=.false.,
+ &
+ &EXF_NML_02
+ climsstfile = 'lev05_monthly_sst_relax.bin',
+ climsssfile = 'lev05_monthly_sss_relax.bin',
+ precipfile = 'ncep_prate_19960101.bin',
+ atempfile = 'ncep_air_19960101.bin',
+ aqhfile = 'ncep_shum_19960101.bin',
+ swdownfile = 'ncep_dswrf_19960101.bin',
+ swfluxfile = 'ncep_nswrs_19960101.bin',
+ lwfluxfile = '',
+ lwdownfile = 'ncep_dlwrf_19960101.bin',
+ uwindfile = 'ncep_uwnd_19960101.bin',
+ vwindfile = 'ncep_vwnd_19960101.bin',
+ runofffile = 'run-off.bin_1x1',
+ climsststartdate1 = 19960101,
+ climsststartdate2 = 60000,
+ climsstperiod = -12,
+ climsssstartdate1 = 19960101,
+ climsssstartdate2 = 60000,
+ climsssperiod = -12,
+ runoffstartdate1=19960101,
+ runoffstartdate2=060000,
+ runoffperiod=-12,
+ precipstartdate1=19960101,
+ precipstartdate2=060000,
+ precipperiod=86400.0,
+ atempstartdate1=19960101,
+ atempstartdate2=060000,
+ atempperiod=86400.0,
+ aqhstartdate1=19960101,
+ aqhstartdate2=060000,
+ aqhperiod=86400.0,
+ swdownstartdate1=19960101,
+ swdownstartdate2=060000,
+ swdownperiod=86400.0,
+ lwfluxstartdate1=19960101,
+ lwfluxstartdate2=060000,
+ lwfluxperiod=86400.0,
+ swfluxstartdate1=19960101,
+ swfluxstartdate2=060000,
+ swfluxperiod=86400.0,
+ lwdownstartdate1=19960101,
+ lwdownstartdate2=060000,
+ lwdownperiod=86400.0,
+ uwindstartdate1=19960101,
+ uwindstartdate2=060000,
+ uwindperiod=86400.0,
+ vwindstartdate1=19960101,
+ vwindstartdate2=060000,
+ vwindperiod=86400.0,
+ hfluxstartdate1=19960101,
+ hfluxstartdate2=060000,
+ hfluxperiod=86400.0,
+ sfluxstartdate1=19960101,
+ sfluxstartdate2=060000,
+ sfluxperiod=86400.0,
+ ustressstartdate1=19960101,
+ ustressstartdate2=060000,
+ ustressperiod=86400.0,
+ vstressstartdate1=19960101,
+ vstressstartdate2=060000,
+ vstressperiod=86400.0,
+ &
+ &EXF_NML_03
+ exf_inscal_precip=1.,
+ exf_offset_atemp=0.0,
+ exf_inscal_runoff = 3.1710e-08,
+ &
+ &EXF_NML_04
+ precip_lon0 = 0.00D0,
+ precip_lon_inc = 1.875D0,
+ precip_lat0 = -88.5420D0,
+ precip_lat_inc = 1.8888, 1.9000, 1.9024, 1.9034, 1.9039, 1.9042,
+ 1.9042, 1.9044, 1.9045, 1.9045, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046,
+ 1.9047, 1.9046, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9047,
+ 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9048, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9047,
+ 1.9047, 1.9048, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9048, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9048,
+ 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9048, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9048, 1.9047, 1.9047,
+ 1.9048, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9048, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9048, 1.9047,
+ 1.9047, 1.9048, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9048, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9048,
+ 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9048, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9047,
+ 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9046,
+ 1.9047, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9045, 1.9045, 1.9044,
+ 1.9042, 1.9042, 1.9039, 1.9034, 1.9024, 1.9000, 1.8888, 1.8888,
+ precip_nlon = 192,
+ precip_nlat = 94,
+ atemp_lon0 = 0.00D0,
+ atemp_lon_inc = 1.875D0,
+ atemp_lat0 = -88.5420D0,
+ atemp_lat_inc = 1.8888, 1.9000, 1.9024, 1.9034, 1.9039, 1.9042,
+ 1.9042, 1.9044, 1.9045, 1.9045, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046,
+ 1.9047, 1.9046, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9047, 1.9047,
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+ 1.9047, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9045, 1.9045, 1.9044,
+ 1.9042, 1.9042, 1.9039, 1.9034, 1.9024, 1.9000, 1.8888, 1.8888,
+ atemp_nlon = 192,
+ atemp_nlat = 94,
+ aqh_lon0 = 0.00D0,
+ aqh_lon_inc = 1.875D0,
+ aqh_lat0 = -88.5420D0,
+ aqh_lat_inc = 1.8888, 1.9000, 1.9024, 1.9034, 1.9039, 1.9042,
+ 1.9042, 1.9044, 1.9045, 1.9045, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046,
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+ 1.9042, 1.9042, 1.9039, 1.9034, 1.9024, 1.9000, 1.8888, 1.8888,
+ aqh_nlon = 192,
+ aqh_nlat = 94,
+ swdown_lon0 = 0.00D0,
+ swdown_lon_inc = 1.875D0,
+ swdown_lat0 = -88.5420D0,
+ swdown_lat_inc = 1.8888, 1.9000, 1.9024, 1.9034, 1.9039, 1.9042,
+ 1.9042, 1.9044, 1.9045, 1.9045, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046,
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+ 1.9042, 1.9042, 1.9039, 1.9034, 1.9024, 1.9000, 1.8888, 1.8888,
+ swdown_nlon = 192,
+ swdown_nlat = 94,
+ lwflux_lon0 = 0.00D0,
+ lwflux_lon_inc = 1.875D0,
+ lwflux_lat0 = -88.5420D0,
+ lwflux_lat_inc = 1.8888, 1.9000, 1.9024, 1.9034, 1.9039, 1.9042,
+ 1.9042, 1.9044, 1.9045, 1.9045, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046,
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+ lwflux_nlon = 192,
+ lwflux_nlat = 94,
+ swflux_lon0 = 0.00D0,
+ swflux_lon_inc = 1.875D0,
+ swflux_lat0 = -88.5420D0,
+ swflux_lat_inc = 1.8888, 1.9000, 1.9024, 1.9034, 1.9039, 1.9042,
+ 1.9042, 1.9044, 1.9045, 1.9045, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046,
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+ 1.9042, 1.9042, 1.9039, 1.9034, 1.9024, 1.9000, 1.8888, 1.8888,
+ swflux_nlon = 192,
+ swflux_nlat = 94,
+ lwdown_lon0 = 0.00D0,
+ lwdown_lon_inc = 1.875D0,
+ lwdown_lat0 = -88.5420D0,
+ lwdown_lat_inc = 1.8888, 1.9000, 1.9024, 1.9034, 1.9039, 1.9042,
+ 1.9042, 1.9044, 1.9045, 1.9045, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046,
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+ 1.9047, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9045, 1.9045, 1.9044,
+ 1.9042, 1.9042, 1.9039, 1.9034, 1.9024, 1.9000, 1.8888, 1.8888,
+ lwdown_nlon = 192,
+ lwdown_nlat = 94,
+ uwind_lon0 = 0.00D0,
+ uwind_lon_inc = 1.875D0,
+ uwind_lat0 = -88.5420D0,
+ uwind_lat_inc = 1.8888, 1.9000, 1.9024, 1.9034, 1.9039, 1.9042,
+ 1.9042, 1.9044, 1.9045, 1.9045, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046,
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+ 1.9047, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9045, 1.9045, 1.9044,
+ 1.9042, 1.9042, 1.9039, 1.9034, 1.9024, 1.9000, 1.8888, 1.8888,
+ uwind_nlon = 192,
+ uwind_nlat = 94,
+ vwind_lon0 = 0.00D0,
+ vwind_lon_inc = 1.875D0,
+ vwind_lat0 = -88.5420D0,
+ vwind_lat_inc = 1.8888, 1.9000, 1.9024, 1.9034, 1.9039, 1.9042,
+ 1.9042, 1.9044, 1.9045, 1.9045, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046,
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+ 1.9042, 1.9042, 1.9039, 1.9034, 1.9024, 1.9000, 1.8888, 1.8888,
+ vwind_nlon = 192,
+ vwind_nlat = 94,
+ hflux_lon0 = 0.00D0,
+ hflux_lon_inc = 1.875D0,
+ hflux_lat0 = -88.5420D0,
+ hflux_lat_inc = 1.8888, 1.9000, 1.9024, 1.9034, 1.9039, 1.9042,
+ 1.9042, 1.9044, 1.9045, 1.9045, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046,
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+ hflux_nlon = 192,
+ hflux_nlat = 94,
+ sflux_lon0 = 0.00D0,
+ sflux_lon_inc = 1.875D0,
+ sflux_lat0 = -88.5420D0,
+ sflux_lat_inc = 1.8888, 1.9000, 1.9024, 1.9034, 1.9039, 1.9042,
+ 1.9042, 1.9044, 1.9045, 1.9045, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046,
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+ sflux_nlon = 192,
+ sflux_nlat = 94,
+ ustress_lon0 = 0.00D0,
+ ustress_lon_inc = 1.875D0,
+ ustress_lat0 = -88.5420D0,
+ ustress_lat_inc = 1.8888, 1.9000, 1.9024, 1.9034, 1.9039, 1.9042,
+ 1.9042, 1.9044, 1.9045, 1.9045, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046,
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+ 1.9042, 1.9042, 1.9039, 1.9034, 1.9024, 1.9000, 1.8888, 1.8888,
+ ustress_nlon = 192,
+ ustress_nlat = 94,
+ vstress_lon0 = 0.00D0,
+ vstress_lon_inc = 1.875D0,
+ vstress_lat0 = -88.5420D0,
+ vstress_lat_inc = 1.8888, 1.9000, 1.9024, 1.9034, 1.9039, 1.9042,
+ 1.9042, 1.9044, 1.9045, 1.9045, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046,
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+ 1.9047, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9046, 1.9045, 1.9045, 1.9044,
+ 1.9042, 1.9042, 1.9039, 1.9034, 1.9024, 1.9000, 1.8888, 1.8888,
+ vstress_nlon = 192,
+ vstress_nlat = 94,
+ runoff_lon0 = 0.50D0,
+ runoff_lon_inc = 1.0D0,
+ runoff_lat0 = -79.5D0,
+ runoff_lat_inc = 160*1.0D0,
+ runoff_nlon = 360,
+ runoff_nlat = 160,
+ &
+ obcsNstartdate1 = 19520115,
+ obcsNstartdate2 = 00000,
+ obcsNperiod = 2626560.0,
+ obcsEstartdate1 = 19520115,
+ obcsEstartdate2 = 00000,
+ obcsEperiod = 2626560.0,
+ &
Added: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data.kpp
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data.kpp (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data.kpp 2008-05-23 16:01:47 UTC (rev 3391)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# KPP parameters
+ KPPmixingMaps = .FALSE.,
+ KPPwriteState = .FALSE.,
+ kpp_dumpFreq = 864000.0,
+ Riinfty = 0.3,
Added: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data.obcs
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data.obcs (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data.obcs 2008-05-23 16:01:47 UTC (rev 3391)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Open-boundaries
+ OB_Ieast = 35*0,62*-1,19*0,109*-1,
+ OB_Jnorth = 166*0,90*-1,
+ useOBCSsponge = .TRUE.,
+ useOBCSprescribe = .true.,
+ OBEuFile = 'Rs_UobcsE_52_01_nPx1_c1.bin',
+ OBEvFile = 'Rs_VobcsE_52_01_nPx1.bin',
+ OBEtFile = 'Rs_TobcsE_52_01_nPx1.bin',
+ OBEsFile = 'Rs_SobcsE_52_01_nPx1.bin'
+ OBNuFile = 'Rs_UobcsN_52_01_nPy1.bin',
+ OBNvFile = 'Rs_VobcsN_52_01_nPy1_c1.bin',
+ OBNtFile = 'Rs_TobcsN_52_01_nPy1.bin',
+ OBNsFile = 'Rs_SobcsN_52_01_nPy1.bin',
+# Orlanski parameters
+#Cmax = 0.45,
+#cVelTimeScale = 1000.,
+ &
+# Sponge layer parameters
+ spongeThickness = 10,
+ Urelaxobcsinner = 432000.0,
+ Urelaxobcsbound = 86400.0,
+ Vrelaxobcsinner = 432000.0,
+ Vrelaxobcsbound = 86400.0,
Added: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data.pkg
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data.pkg (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/data.pkg 2008-05-23 16:01:47 UTC (rev 3391)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Packages
+ useGMRedi=.FALSE.,
+ useKPP=.true.,
+ useECCO=.true.,
+ useEXF=.true.,
+ useOBCS=.true.,
+ useSEAICE=.false.,
+ &
Added: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/eedata
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/eedata (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/inputs/eedata 2008-05-23 16:01:47 UTC (rev 3391)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Example "eedata" file
+# Lines beginning "#" are comments
+# nTx - No. threads per process in X
+# nTy - No. threads per process in Y
+ useCubedSphereExchange=.FALSE.,
+ nTx=1,
+ nTy=1,
+ &
+# Note: Some systems use & as the
+# namelist terminator. Other systems
+# use a / character (as shown here).
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