[Dart-dev] [3285]
figure showing stable (for one month)
adaptive inflations - image plot with associated time series above
thoar at subversion.ucar.edu
thoar at subversion.ucar.edu
Mon Mar 31 14:07:37 MDT 2008
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Added: group/posters/trunk/elements/DampedInflationFigure.m
--- group/posters/trunk/elements/DampedInflationFigure.m (rev 0)
+++ group/posters/trunk/elements/DampedInflationFigure.m 2008-03-31 20:07:36 UTC (rev 3285)
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+function h = DampedInflationFigure(level)
+% h = DampedInflationFigure(15);
+% /ptmp/raeder/J/T85_2/01_*/P*.nc no inflation
+% .............CSL/Damp.9.6/Prior_extract_1-31.nc damped adaptive prior state space inflation
+% ..................../62s2_500_all has the obs_space files in both T85_N directories.
+% 01_62 is the last obs_seq file in both cases.
+% Odd #s have 6Z and 12Z, even have 18Z and "24Z", aka 00Z.
+if ( exist('get_copy_index') ~=2 )
+ addpath /fs/image/home/thoar/DART/matlab
+basedir = '/ptmp/raeder/CSL';
+varlist = {'P0','PS','T','U','V','Q','CLDLIQ','CLDICE'};
+varlist = {'P0','T','U','V'};
+varlist = {'P0','PS','Q','T','US','VS'};
+% Get initial inflation values
+ddir = 'Damp.9.6';
+inffname = sprintf('%s/%s/Prior_extract_1-31.nc',basedir,ddir);
+lon = getnc(inffname,'lon');
+lat = getnc(inffname,'lat');
+levels = getnc(inffname,'lev');
+timearr = getnc(inffname,'time');
+nT = length(timearr);
+% (145,-30) is about Australia
+% (255, 40) is about Boulder
+lon1ind = find(abs(lon-145) == min(abs(lon-145)));
+lat1ind = find(abs(lat +30) == min(abs(lat+ 30)));
+lon2ind = find(abs(lon-255) == min(abs(lon-255)));
+lat2ind = find(abs(lat -40) == min(abs(lat- 40)));
+disp(sprintf('lon,lat is %.3f %.3f',lon(lon1ind),lat(lat1ind)))
+disp(sprintf('lon,lat is %.3f %.3f',lon(lon2ind),lat(lat2ind)))
+disp(sprintf('level %d is %f',level,levels(level)))
+inf_mean_index = get_copy_index(inffname,'inflation mean');
+corner = [nT, inf_mean_index, -1, -1, level];
+endpnt = [nT, inf_mean_index, -1, -1, level];
+for varnum=5:5
+ figure(varnum)
+ orient landscape
+ wysiwyg
+ % HARDWIRING for the moment ... 'US' is staggered zonal wind ... aka 'U'
+ varname = 'U'
+ %-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ % Get final inflation values from last timestep
+ %-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ finval = getnc(inffname, varlist{varnum}, corner, endpnt);
+ maxval = max(finval(:));
+ subplot('position',[0.05,0.05,0.85,0.60]);
+ set(gca,'FontSize',18,'FontWeight','normal')
+ imagesc(lon,lat,finval,[1,maxval]); hold on;
+ set(gca,'YDir','normal');
+ pos = get(gca,'Position');
+ h = colorbar([0.91,0.05,0.02,0.6]);
+ set(h,'FontSize',18);
+ set(get(h,'YLabel'),'String','inflation factor','FontSize',18);
+ h1 = worldmap;
+ set(h1,'Color','w','LineWidth',2.0);
+ % text(20,110,sprintf('%s at level %d ',varlist{varnum},levels(level)))
+ text(20,110,sprintf('%s at %.0f hPa, t = 08/01',varname,levels(level)),'FontSize',18,'FontWeight','normal')
+ h1 = plot(lon(lon1ind),lat(lat1ind),'kx');
+ set(h1,'MarkerSize',18,'LineWidth',4.0);
+ h1 = plot(lon(lon2ind),lat(lat2ind),'wx');
+ set(h1,'MarkerSize',18,'LineWidth',4.0);
+ hold off;
+ %-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ % Get initial inflation values from first timestep
+ %-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inf_mean_index = get_copy_index(inffname,'inflation mean');
+ corner = [1, inf_mean_index, -1, -1, level];
+ endpnt = [1, inf_mean_index, -1, -1, level];
+ startval = getnc(inffname, varlist{varnum}, corner, endpnt);
+ subplot('position',[0.10,0.75,0.2,0.125])
+ imagesc(lon,lat,startval,[1,maxval]);
+ h = worldmap;
+ set(h ,'Color',[0.95 0.95 0.95],'LineWidth',1.5);
+ set(gca,'YDir','normal');
+ axis off;
+ %-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ % Get Time series for two locations
+ %-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ corner = [-1, inf_mean_index, lat1ind, lon1ind, level];
+ endpnt = [-1, inf_mean_index, lat1ind, lon1ind, level];
+ australia = getnc(inffname, varlist{varnum}, corner, endpnt);
+ corner = [-1, inf_mean_index, lat2ind, lon2ind, level];
+ endpnt = [-1, inf_mean_index, lat2ind, lon2ind, level];
+ boulder = getnc(inffname, varlist{varnum}, corner, endpnt);
+ subplot('position',[0.40,0.725,0.50,0.175])
+ set(gca,'FontSize',18,'FontWeight','normal')
+ plot(timearr, australia, 'k--', ...
+ timearr, boulder, 'r-', 'LineWidth', 2.0)
+ axis([-Inf Inf 0 maxval])
+ datetick('x',6,'keeplimits','keepticks');
+ h1 = legend('New South Wales','Colorado');
+ set(h1,'Box','off','Location','NorthWest');
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