[Dart-dev] [3282] DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/matlab: rdslice.m,
wrslice.m, and rdmds.m are 'origina' routines from Ibrahim.
thoar at subversion.ucar.edu
thoar at subversion.ucar.edu
Thu Mar 27 14:45:52 MDT 2008
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Added: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/matlab/CheckMask.m
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/matlab/CheckMask.m (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/matlab/CheckMask.m 2008-03-27 20:45:52 UTC (rev 3282)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+function CheckMask()
+% CheckMask
+% Data Assimilation Research Testbed -- DART
+% Copyright 2004-2007, Data Assimilation Research Section
+% University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
+% Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html
+% <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+% $URL$
+% $Id$
+% $Revision$
+% $Date$
+mitbase = '/fs/image/home/nancy/subversion/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/data2/';
+S = rdmds(sprintf('%s/%s.0000040992',mitbase,'S'));
+Sinds = find(S == 0.0); clear S;
+T = rdmds(sprintf('%s/%s.0000040992',mitbase,'T'));
+Tinds = find(T == 0.0); clear T;
+U = rdmds(sprintf('%s/%s.0000040992',mitbase,'U'));
+Uinds = find(U == 0.0); clear U;
+V = rdmds(sprintf('%s/%s.0000040992',mitbase,'V'));
+Vinds = find(V == 0.0); clear V;
+SSH = rdmds(sprintf('%s/%s.0000040992',mitbase,'Eta'));
+disp(sprintf('S has %d zeros',length(Sinds)))
+disp(sprintf('T has %d zeros',length(Tinds)))
+disp(sprintf('U has %d zeros',length(Uinds)))
+disp(sprintf('V has %d zeros',length(Vinds)))
Property changes on: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/matlab/CheckMask.m
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/x-matlab
Name: svn:keywords
+ Date Rev Author URL Id
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/matlab/VerifyNetCDF.m
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/matlab/VerifyNetCDF.m (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/matlab/VerifyNetCDF.m 2008-03-27 20:45:52 UTC (rev 3282)
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+function VerifyNetCDF(varname)
+% VerifyNetCDF compares the fortran direct-access input files with the variables
+% in the True_State.nc file. This script was used to ensure the state variable was
+% being read properly and that we could parse it correctly ... and that the netCDF
+% routines were working as expected.
+% VerifyNetCDF('T')
+% Data Assimilation Research Testbed -- DART
+% Copyright 2004-2007, Data Assimilation Research Section
+% University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
+% Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html
+% <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+% $URL$
+% $Id$
+% $Revision$
+% $Date$
+varname = upper(varname);
+mitbase = '/fs/image/home/nancy/subversion/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/data2/';
+switch varname
+case {'S','T','U','V'}
+ mitO = rdmds(sprintf('%s/%s.0000040992',mitbase,varname));
+ [nx ny nz] = size(mitO);
+ mitO = rdmds(sprintf('%s/Eta.0000040992',mitbase));
+ [nx ny] = size(mitO);
+ nz = 1;
+ varname = 'SSH';
+levels = getnc('True_State.nc','ZC');
+% uncomfortable assumption about missing value flag
+% The DART routines make the same uncomfortable assumption.
+inds = find(mitO == 0.0);
+mitO(inds) = NaN;
+% fid = fopen('perfect_ics','rt');
+% [validtime, count] = fscanf(fid,'%d',2);
+% x = fscanf(fid,'%f');
+% fclose(fid)
+% mysize = prod(size(s)) + prod(size(t)) + prod(size(u)) + prod(size(v)) + prod(size(ssh));
+% psize = length(x);
+% disp(sprintf('MIT size is %d, DART size is %d',mysize,psize))
+% s_end = prod(size(s));
+% ICS = reshape(x(1:s_end),size(s));
+for i = 1:nz
+ figure(1); clf; colormap(gauss3);
+ switch varname
+ case {'S','T','U','V'}
+ mit = squeeze(mitO(:,:,i));
+ corner = [-1 -1 i -1 -1];
+ endpnt = [-1 -1 i -1 -1];
+ otherwise
+ mit = mitO(:,:);
+ corner = [-1 i -1 -1];
+ endpnt = [-1 i -1 -1];
+ end
+ dart = getnc('True_State.nc',varname,corner,endpnt,-1,-2);
+ datmat = (dart - mit);
+ inds = isfinite(mit);
+ mmin = min(mit(inds));
+ mmax = max(mit(inds));
+ nmitzeros = length(inds);
+ b = datmat(inds);
+ inds = isfinite(dart);
+ dmin = min(dart(inds));
+ dmax = max(dart(inds));
+ ndartzeros = length(inds);
+ if (ndartzeros ~= nmitzeros)
+ disp(sprintf('WARNING: mit has %d zeros dart has %d zeros',nmitzeros,ndartzeros))
+ end
+ if (mmin ~= dmin)
+ disp(sprintf('WARNING: mit minimum %f dart minimum %d',mmin,dmin))
+ end
+ if (mmax ~= dmax)
+ disp(sprintf('WARNING: mit maximum %f dart maximum %d',mmax,dmax))
+ end
+ subplot(2,2,1)
+ imagesc(mit'); set(gca,'YDir','normal')
+ title({sprintf('Original : level %d of %d %f',i,nz,levels(i)),...
+ sprintf('min %f max %f',mmin,mmax)})
+ colorbar
+ subplot(2,2,2)
+ imagesc(dart'); set(gca,'YDir','normal')
+ title(sprintf('netcdf min %f max %f',dmin,dmax))
+ colorbar
+ subplot(2,2,3)
+ imagesc(datmat'); set(gca,'YDir','normal')
+ title({'difference (netcdf - original)', ...
+ sprintf('min %f max %f',min(b), max(b))})
+ colorbar
+ subplot(2,2,4)
+ hist(b,50);
+ title({'difference (netcdf - original)', ...
+ sprintf('min %f max %f',min(b), max(b))})
+ % disp('Pausing - hit any key to continue')
+ disp('Pausing for one second')
+ pause(1.0)
Property changes on: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/matlab/VerifyNetCDF.m
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/x-matlab
Name: svn:keywords
+ Date Rev Author URL Id
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/matlab/rdmds.m
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/matlab/rdmds.m (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/matlab/rdmds.m 2008-03-27 20:45:52 UTC (rev 3282)
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+function [AA] = rdmds(fnamearg,varargin)
+% RDMDS Read MITgcmUV meta/data files
+% A = RDMDS(FNAME) reads data described by meta/data file format.
+% FNAME is a string containing the "head" of the file names.
+% eg. To load the meta-data files
+% T.0000002880.000.000.meta, T.0000002880.000.000.data
+% T.0000002880.001.000.meta, T.0000002880.001.000.data
+% T.0000002880.002.000.meta, T.0000002880.002.000.data
+% T.0000002880.003.000.meta, T.0000002880.003.000.data
+% use
+% >> A=rdmds('T.0000002880');
+% >> size(A)
+% ans =
+% 64 32 5
+% eg. To load a multiple record file
+% >> A=rdmds('pickup.0000002880');
+% >> size(A)
+% ans =
+% 64 32 5 61
+% A = RDMDS(FNAME,ITER) reads data described by meta/data file format.
+% FNAME is a string containing the "head" of the file name excluding the
+% 10-digit iterartion number.
+% ITER is a vector of positive integers that will expand to the 10-digit
+% number in the file name.
+% eg. To repeat above operation
+% >> A=rdmds('T',2880);
+% eg. To read multiple time steps
+% >> A=rdmds('T',[0 1440 2880]);
+% Note: this form can not read files with no iteration count in file name.
+% A = RDMDS(FNAME,ITER,MACHINEFORMAT) allows the machine format to be
+% specified which MACHINEFORMAT is on of the following strings:
+% 'n' 'l' 'b' 'd' 'g' 'c' 'a' 's' - see FOPEN for more details
+% $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/utils/matlab/rdmds.m,v 2002/02/06 15:48:10 heimbach Exp $
+% Default options
+% Check optional arguments
+for ind=1:size(varargin,2);
+ arg=varargin{ind};
+ if ischar(arg)
+ if strcmp(arg,'n') | strcmp(arg,'native')
+ ieee='n';
+ elseif strcmp(arg,'l') | strcmp(arg,'ieee-le')
+ ieee='l';
+ elseif strcmp(arg,'b') | strcmp(arg,'ieee-be')
+ ieee='b';
+ elseif strcmp(arg,'c') | strcmp(arg,'cray')
+ ieee='c';
+ elseif strcmp(arg,'a') | strcmp(arg,'ieee-le.l64')
+ ieee='a';
+ elseif strcmp(arg,'s') | strcmp(arg,'ieee-be.l64')
+ ieee='s';
+ else
+ error(['Optional argument ' arg ' is unknown'])
+ end
+ else
+ if isnan(arg)
+ iters=scanforfiles(fname);
+ disp([ sprintf('Reading %i time levels:',size(iters,2)) sprintf(' %i',iters) ]);
+ elseif isinf(arg)
+ iters=scanforfiles(fname);
+ disp([ sprintf('Found %i time levels, reading %i',size(iters,2),iters(end)) ]);
+ iters=iters(end);
+ elseif prod(arg>=0) & prod(round(arg)==arg)
+ if arg>=9999999999
+ error(sprintf('Argument %i > 9999999999',arg))
+ end
+ iters=arg;
+ else
+ error(sprintf('Argument %i must be a positive integer',arg))
+ end
+ end
+% Loop over each iteration
+for iter=1:size(iters,2);
+if iters(iter)>=0
+ fname=sprintf('%s.%10.10i',fnamearg,iters(iter));
+% Figure out if there is a path in the filename
+if size(NS)>0
+ Dir=fname(1:NS(end));
+ Dir='./';
+% Match name of all meta-files
+allfiles=dir( sprintf('%s*.meta',fname) );
+if size(allfiles,1)==0
+ disp(sprintf('No files match the search: %s.*.meta',fname));
+%allow partial reads% error('No files found.')
+% Loop through allfiles
+for j=1:size(allfiles,1);
+% Read meta- and data-file
+[A,N] = localrdmds([Dir allfiles(j).name],ieee);
+if (ndims == 1)
+ AA(r0(1):rN(1),iter)=A;
+elseif (ndims == 2)
+ AA(r0(1):rN(1),r0(2):rN(2),iter)=A;
+elseif (ndims == 3)
+ AA(r0(1):rN(1),r0(2):rN(2),r0(3):rN(3),iter)=A;
+elseif (ndims == 4)
+ AA(r0(1):rN(1),r0(2):rN(2),r0(3):rN(3),r0(4):rN(4),iter)=A;
+elseif (ndims == 5)
+ AA(r0(1):rN(1),r0(2):rN(2),r0(3):rN(3),r0(4):rN(4),r0(5):rN(5),iter)=A;
+ error('Dimension of data set is larger than currently coded. Sorry!')
+end % files
+end % iterations
+function [A,N] = localrdmds(fname,ieee)
+mname=strrep(fname,' ','');
+% Read and interpret Meta file
+fid = fopen(mname,'r');
+if (fid == -1)
+ error(['File' mname ' could not be opened'])
+% Scan each line of the Meta file
+allstr=' ';
+keepgoing = 1;
+while keepgoing > 0,
+ line = fgetl(fid);
+ if (line == -1)
+ keepgoing=-1;
+ else
+% Strip out "(PID.TID *.*)" by finding first ")"
+%old ind=findstr([line ')'],')'); line=line(ind(1)+1:end);
+ ind=findstr(line,')');
+ if size(ind) ~= 0
+ line=line(ind(1)+1:end);
+ end
+% Remove comments of form //
+ line=[line ' //']; ind=findstr(line,'//'); line=line(1:ind(1)-1);
+% Add to total string
+ allstr=[allstr line];
+ end
+% Close meta file
+% Strip out comments of form /* ... */
+ind1=findstr(allstr,'/*'); ind2=findstr(allstr,'*/');
+if size(ind1) ~= size(ind2)
+ error('The /* ... */ comments are not properly paired')
+while size(ind1,2) > 0
+ allstr=[allstr(1:ind1(1)-1) allstr(ind2(1)+3:end)];
+ ind1=findstr(allstr,'/*'); ind2=findstr(allstr,'*/');
+% This is a kludge to catch whether the meta-file is of the
+% old or new type. nrecords does not exist in the old type.
+nrecords = -987;
+% Everything in lower case
+% Fix the unfortunate choice of 'format'
+% Evaluate meta information
+N=reshape( dimlist , 3 , prod(size(dimlist))/3 );
+if nrecords ~= -987 & nrecords > 1
+ N=[N,[nrecords 1 nrecords]'];
+if nrecords == -987
+% This is the old 'meta' method that used sequential access
+% Open data file
+% Read record size in bytes
+if rat == 4
+ A=fread(fid,numels,'real*4');
+elseif rat == 8
+ A=fread(fid,numels,'real*8');
+ sprintf(' Implied size in meta-file = %d', numels )
+ sprintf(' Record size in data-file = %d', recsz )
+ error('Ratio between record size and size in meta-file inconsistent')
+if erecsz ~= recsz
+ sprintf('WARNING: Record sizes at beginning and end of file are inconsistent')
+% This is the new MDS format that uses direct access
+ ldims=N(3,:)-N(2,:)+1;
+ if dataprec == 'float32'
+ A=myrdda(dname,ldims,1,'real*4',ieee);
+ elseif dataprec == 'float64'
+ A=myrdda(dname,ldims,1,'real*8',ieee);
+ else
+ error(['Unrecognized format in meta-file = ' format]);
+ end
+% result = RDDA( file, dim, irec [options] )
+% This routine reads the irec'th record of shape 'dim' from the
+% direct-access binary file (float or double precision) 'file'.
+% Required arguments:
+% file - string - name of file to read from
+% dim - vector - dimensions of the file records and the resulting array
+% irec - integer - record number in file in which to write data
+% Optional arguments (must appear after the required arguments):
+% prec - string - precision of storage in file. Default = 'real*8'.
+% ieee - string - IEEE bit-wise representation in file. Default = 'b'.
+% 'prec' may take the values:
+% 'real*4' - floating point, 32 bits.
+% 'real*8' - floating point, 64 bits - the efault.
+% 'ieee' may take values:
+% 'ieee-be' or 'b' - IEEE floating point with big-endian
+% byte ordering - the default
+% 'ieee-le' or 'l' - IEEE floating point with little-endian
+% byte ordering
+% 'native' or 'n' - local machine format
+% 'cray' or 'c' - Cray floating point with big-endian
+% byte ordering
+% 'ieee-le.l64' or 'a' - IEEE floating point with little-endian
+% byte ordering and 64 bit long data type
+% 'ieee-be.l64' or 's' - IEEE floating point with big-endian byte
+% ordering and 64 bit long data type.
+% eg. T=rdda('t.data',[64 64 32],1);
+% T=rdda('t.data',[256],4,'real*4');
+% T=rdda('t.data',[128 64],2,'real*4','b');
+function [arr] = myrdda(file,N,k,varargin)
+% Defaults
+% Check optional arguments
+while (size(args,1) > 0)
+ if deblank(args(1,:)) == 'real*4'
+ rtype='real*4';
+ elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'real*8'
+ rtype='real*8';
+ elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'n' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'native'
+ ieee='n';
+ elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'l' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-le'
+ ieee='l';
+ elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'b' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-be'
+ ieee='b';
+ elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'c' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'cray'
+ ieee='c';
+ elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'a' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-le.l64'
+ ieee='a';
+ elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 's' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-be.l64'
+ ieee='s';
+ else
+ error(['Optional argument ' args(1,:) ' is unknown'])
+ end
+ args=args(2:end,:);
+[fid mess]=fopen(file,'r',ieee);
+if fid == -1
+ error('Error while opening file:\n%s',mess)
+if st ~= 0
+ mess=ferror(fid);
+ error('There was an error while positioning the file pointer:\n%s',mess)
+[arr count]=fread(fid,nnn,rtype);
+if count ~= nnn
+ error('Not enough data was available to be read: off EOF?')
+function [iters] = scanforfiles(fname)
+allfiles=dir([fname '.*.001.001.meta']);
+if isempty(allfiles)
+ allfiles=dir([fname '.*.meta']);
+ ioff=0;
+ ioff=8;
+for k=1:size(allfiles,1);
+ hh=allfiles(k).name;
+ iters(k)=str2num( hh(end-14-ioff:end-5-ioff) );
Property changes on: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/matlab/rdmds.m
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/x-matlab
Name: svn:keywords
+ Date Rev Author URL Id
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/matlab/rdslice.m
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/matlab/rdslice.m (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/matlab/rdslice.m 2008-03-27 20:45:52 UTC (rev 3282)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+% rdslice(filename,[nx ny ...],k) returns an array of shape [nx,ny,...]
+% read from a direct access binary file (float or double precisision) named
+% by the string 'filename'. The file may contain multi-dimensional
+% data. Note that cumsum([nx ny ...]*k) <= length of file.
+% eg. temp=rdslice('t.xyt',[160 120],4);
+% rdsclice(filename,[nx ny ...],k,type) returns an array of type 'type'.
+% where type can be one of 'real*4' or 'real*8'. The default is 'real*8'.
+function [arr] = rdslice(file,N,k,varargin)
+% Default word-length
+% Check optional arguments
+while (size(args,1) > 0)
+ if deblank(args(1,:)) == 'real*4'
+ rtype='real*4';
+ elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'real*8'
+ rtype='real*8';
+ elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'n' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'native'
+ ieee='n';
+ elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'l' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-le'
+ ieee='l';
+ elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'b' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-be'
+ ieee='b';
+ elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'c' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'cray'
+ ieee='c';
+ elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'a' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-le.l64'
+ ieee='a';
+ elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 's' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-be.l64'
+ ieee='s';
+ else
+ sprintf(['Optional argument ' args(1,:) ' is unknown'])
+ return
+ end
+ args=args(2:end,:);
+[fid mess]=fopen(file,'r',ieee);
+if fid == -1
+ sprintf('Error while opening file:\n%s',mess)
+ arr=0;
+ return
+if st ~= 0
+ mess=ferror(fid);
+ sprintf('There was an error while positioning the file pointer:\n%s',mess)
+ arr=0;
+ return
+[arr count]=fread(fid,nnn,rtype);
+if count ~= nnn
+ sprintf('Not enough data was available to be read: off EOF?')
+ arr=0;
+ return
Property changes on: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/matlab/rdslice.m
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/x-matlab
Name: svn:keywords
+ Date Rev Author URL Id
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/matlab/wrslice.m
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/matlab/wrslice.m (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/matlab/wrslice.m 2008-03-27 20:45:52 UTC (rev 3282)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+% wrslice(filename,arr,n,k) writes an array of shape [nx,ny,...]
+% to a direct access binary file (float or double precisision) named
+% by the string 'filename'. The file may contain multi-dimensional
+% data. 'n' is the record number to be written where the record length
+% is the size of the array 'arr'.
+% eg. wrslice('t.xyt',T,4);
+% rdsclice(filename,A,k,type) writes an array of type 'type'.
+% where type can be one of 'real*4' or 'real*8'. The default is 'real*8'.
+function [] = wrslice(file,arr,k,varargin)
+% Default word-length
+% Check optional arguments
+while (size(args,1) > 0)
+ if deblank(args(1,:)) == 'real*4'
+ rtype='real*4';
+ elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'real*8'
+ rtype='real*8';
+ elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'n' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'native'
+ ieee='n';
+ elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'l' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-le'
+ ieee='l';
+ elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'b' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-be'
+ ieee='b';
+ elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'c' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'cray'
+ ieee='c';
+ elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'a' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-le.l64'
+ ieee='a';
+ elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 's' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-be.l64'
+ ieee='s';
+ else
+ sprintf(['Optional argument ' args(1,:) ' is unknown'])
+ return
+ end
+ args=args(2:end,:);
+[fid mess]=fopen(file,'r+',ieee);
+if fid == -1
+ [fid mess]=fopen(file,'w',ieee);
+ if fid == -1
+ sprintf('Error while opening file:\n%s',mess)
+ return
+ end
+if st ~= 0
+ mess=ferror(fid);
+ sprintf('There was an error while positioning the file pointer:\n%s',mess)
+ return
+if count ~= nnn
+ sprintf('Not enough data was available to be read: off EOF?')
+ return
Property changes on: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/matlab/wrslice.m
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/x-matlab
Name: svn:keywords
+ Date Rev Author URL Id
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
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