[Dart-dev] [3279] DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/model_mod.f90:
The netCDF component is working.
thoar at subversion.ucar.edu
thoar at subversion.ucar.edu
Wed Mar 19 15:50:53 MDT 2008
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Modified: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/model_mod.f90
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/model_mod.f90 2008-03-18 22:54:23 UTC (rev 3278)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/model_mod.f90 2008-03-19 21:50:53 UTC (rev 3279)
@@ -347,7 +347,6 @@
read(iunit, nml = PARM04, iostat = io)
call check_namelist_read(iunit, io, "PARM04")
call find_namelist_in_file("data", "PARM05", iunit)
read(iunit, nml = PARM05, iostat = io)
call check_namelist_read(iunit, io, "PARM05")
@@ -357,6 +356,13 @@
! it returns the allocated, filled array, along with the timestep count.
! when we are done, drop_snapshot() frees the space.
+! right now the only way i know to compute the number of
+! levels/lats/lons is that i set the default value of delZ to 0.0
+! before reading the namelist. now loop until you get back
+! to zero and that is the end of the list. not a very
+! satisfying solution, but maybe good enough for now?
Nx = -1
do i=1, size(delX)
if (delX(i) == 0.0_r4) then
@@ -365,7 +371,7 @@
if (Nx == -1) then
- write(errstring,*)'could not figure out number of longitudes'
+ write(errstring,*)'could not figure out number of longitudes from delX in namelist'
call error_handler(E_ERR,"static_init_model", errstring, source, revision, revdate)
@@ -377,12 +383,24 @@
if (Ny == -1) then
- write(errstring,*)'could not figure out number of latitudes'
+ write(errstring,*)'could not figure out number of latitudes from delY in namelist'
call error_handler(E_ERR,"static_init_model", errstring, source, revision, revdate)
+Nz = -1
+do i=1, size(delZ)
+ if (delZ(i) == 0.0_r4) then
+ Nz = i-1
+ exit
+ endif
+if (Nz == -1) then
+ write(errstring,*)'could not figure out number of depth levels from delZ in namelist'
+ call error_handler(E_ERR,"static_init_model", errstring, source, revision, revdate)
-! first, X (longitude)
+! determine longitudes
call read_snapshot('XC', data_2d_array, timestepcount)
if (size(data_2d_array, 1) /= Nx) then
write(errstring,*)'XC.meta size for dim 1 does not match delX grid size in namelist'
@@ -394,21 +412,17 @@
call error_handler(E_ERR,"static_init_model", errstring, source, revision, revdate)
-!print *, 'XC data:'
do i=1, Nx
-! print *, i, data_2d_array(i, 1)
XC(i) = data_2d_array(i, 1)
call drop_snapshot(data_2d_array)
call read_snapshot('XG', data_2d_array, timestepcount)
if (size(data_2d_array, 1) /= Nx) then
- ! call error handler, files are inconsistent sizes
write(errstring,*)'XG.meta size for dim 1 does not match delX grid size in namelist'
call error_handler(E_ERR,"static_init_model", errstring, source, revision, revdate)
if (size(data_2d_array, 2) /= Ny) then
- ! call error handler, files are inconsistent sizes
write(errstring,*)'XG.meta size for dim 2 does not match delY grid size in namelist'
call error_handler(E_ERR,"static_init_model", errstring, source, revision, revdate)
@@ -418,15 +432,14 @@
call drop_snapshot(data_2d_array)
-! then Y (latitude)
+! determine latitudes
call read_snapshot('YC', data_2d_array, timestepcount)
if (size(data_2d_array, 1) /= Nx) then
- ! call error handler, files are inconsistent sizes
write(errstring,*)'YC.meta size for dim 1 does not match delX grid size in namelist'
call error_handler(E_ERR,"static_init_model", errstring, source, revision, revdate)
if (size(data_2d_array, 2) /= Ny) then
- ! call error handler, files are inconsistent sizes
write(errstring,*)'YC.meta size for dim 2 does not match delY grid size in namelist'
call error_handler(E_ERR,"static_init_model", errstring, source, revision, revdate)
@@ -438,12 +451,10 @@
call read_snapshot('YG', data_2d_array, timestepcount)
if (size(data_2d_array, 1) /= Nx) then
- ! call error handler, files are inconsistent sizes
write(errstring,*)'YG.meta size for dim 1 does not match delX grid size in namelist'
call error_handler(E_ERR,"static_init_model", errstring, source, revision, revdate)
if (size(data_2d_array, 2) /= Ny) then
- ! call error handler, files are inconsistent sizes
write(errstring,*)'YG.meta size for dim 2 does not match delY grid size in namelist'
call error_handler(E_ERR,"static_init_model", errstring, source, revision, revdate)
@@ -453,32 +464,14 @@
call drop_snapshot(data_2d_array)
-! compute ZC and ZG here based on delZ from the namelist
-! right now the only way i know to compute the number of
-! levels is that i set the default value of delZ to 0.0
-! before reading the namelist. now loop until you get back
-! to zero and that is the end of the list. not a very
-! satisfying solution, but maybe good enough for now?
-Nz = -1
-do i=2, max_nz
- if (delZ(i) == 0.0_r4) then
- nZ = i-1
- exit
- endif
-if (Nz == -1) then
- write(errstring,*)'could not figure out number of depth levels from delZ in namelist'
- call error_handler(E_ERR,"static_init_model", errstring, source, revision, revdate)
! the namelist contains a list of thicknesses of each
! depth level; the ZC array is a list of the depths of
! each cell center, so they must be computed.
-ZC(1) = -0.5 * delZ(1)
+ZC(1) = -0.5_r8 * delZ(1)
do i=2, Nz
- ZC(i) = ZC(i-1) - (0.5 * delZ(i-1) + 0.5 * delZ(i))
+ ZC(i) = ZC(i-1) - (0.5_r8 * delZ(i-1) + 0.5_r8 * delZ(i))
!! DEBUG: since we are computing these, check to be sure
@@ -510,14 +503,15 @@
start_index(V_index) = start_index(U_index) + (Nx * Ny * Nz)
start_index(SSH_index) = start_index(V_index) + (Nx * Ny * Nz)
! in spite of the staggering, all grids are the same size
! and offset by half a grid cell. 4 are 3D and 1 is 2D.
! e.g. S,T,U,V = 256 x 225 x 70
! e.g. SSH = 256 x 225
-print *, 'model_size computation: '
-print *, ' Nx, Ny, Nz = ', Nx, Ny, Nz
+write(logfileunit, *) 'Using grid size : '
+write(logfileunit, *) ' Nx, Ny, Nz = ', Nx, Ny, Nz
+write( * , *) 'Using grid size : '
+write( * , *) ' Nx, Ny, Nz = ', Nx, Ny, Nz
!print *, ' 3d field size: ', n3dfields * (Nx * Ny * Nz)
!print *, ' 2d field size: ', n2dfields * (Nx * Ny)
model_size = (n3dfields * (Nx * Ny * Nz)) + (n2dfields * (Nx * Ny))
@@ -1158,8 +1152,8 @@
! for the dimensions and coordinate variables
-integer :: XGDimID, XCDimID, YGDimID, YCDimID, ZGDimID
-integer :: XGVarID, XCVarID, YGVarID, YCVarID, ZGVarID
+integer :: XGDimID, XCDimID, YGDimID, YCDimID, ZGDimID, ZCDimID
+integer :: XGVarID, XCVarID, YGVarID, YCVarID, ZGVarID, ZCVarID
! for the prognostic variables
integer :: SVarID, TVarID, UVarID, VVarID, SSHVarID
@@ -1298,6 +1292,8 @@
len = Ny, dimid = YCDimID),"nc_write_model_atts", "YC def_dim "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncFileID, name="ZG", &
len = Nz, dimid = ZGDimID),"nc_write_model_atts", "ZG def_dim "//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncFileID, name="ZC", &
+ len = Nz, dimid = ZCDimID),"nc_write_model_atts", "ZC def_dim "//trim(filename))
! Create the (empty) Coordinate Variables and the Attributes
@@ -1318,7 +1314,7 @@
! S,T,V,SSH Grid Longitudes
call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncFileID,name="XC",xtype=nf90_real,dimids=XCDimID,varid=XCVarID),&
"nc_write_model_atts", "XC def_var "//trim(filename))
- call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, XCVarID, "long_name", "longitude grid edges"), &
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, XCVarID, "long_name", "longitude grid centroids"), &
"nc_write_model_atts", "XC long_name "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, XCVarID, "cartesian_axis", "X"), &
"nc_write_model_atts", "XC cartesian_axis "//trim(filename))
@@ -1342,7 +1338,7 @@
! S,T,U,SSH Grid Latitudes
call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncFileID,name="YC",xtype=nf90_real,dimids=YCDimID,varid=YCVarID), &
"nc_write_model_atts", "YC def_var "//trim(filename))
- call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, YCVarID, "long_name", "latitude grid edges"), &
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, YCVarID, "long_name", "latitude grid centroids"), &
"nc_write_model_atts", "YC long_name "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, YCVarID, "cartesian_axis", "Y"), &
"nc_write_model_atts", "YC cartesian_axis "//trim(filename))
@@ -1351,45 +1347,83 @@
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, YCVarID, "valid_range", (/ -90.0_r8, 90.0_r8 /)), &
"nc_write_model_atts", "YC valid_range "//trim(filename))
+ ! Depths
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncFileID,name="ZG",xtype=nf90_real,dimids=ZGDimID,varid=ZGVarID), &
+ "nc_write_model_atts", "ZG def_var "//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, ZGVarID, "long_name", "depth at grid edges"), &
+ "nc_write_model_atts", "ZG long_name "//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, ZGVarID, "cartesian_axis", "Z"), &
+ "nc_write_model_atts", "ZG cartesian_axis "//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, ZGVarID, "units", "meters"), &
+ "nc_write_model_atts", "ZG units "//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, ZGVarID, "positive", "up"), &
+ "nc_write_model_atts", "ZG units "//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, ZGVarID, "comment", &
+ "more negative is closer to the center of the earth"), &
+ "nc_write_model_atts", "ZG comment "//trim(filename))
+ ! Depths
+ call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncFileID,name="ZC",xtype=nf90_real,dimids=ZCDimID,varid=ZCVarID), &
+ "nc_write_model_atts", "ZC def_var "//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, ZCVarID, "long_name", "depth at grid centroids"), &
+ "nc_write_model_atts", "ZC long_name "//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, ZCVarID, "cartesian_axis", "Z"), &
+ "nc_write_model_atts", "ZC cartesian_axis "//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, ZCVarID, "units", "meters"), &
+ "nc_write_model_atts", "ZC units "//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, ZCVarID, "positive", "down"), &
+ "nc_write_model_atts", "ZC units "//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, ZCVarID, "comment", &
+ "more negative is closer to the center of the earth"), &
+ "nc_write_model_atts", "ZC comment "//trim(filename))
! Create the (empty) Prognostic Variables and the Attributes
call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncFileID, name="S", xtype=nf90_real, &
- dimids = (/XCDimID,YCDimID,ZGDimID,MemberDimID,unlimitedDimID/),varid=SVarID),&
+ dimids = (/XCDimID,YCDimID,ZCDimID,MemberDimID,unlimitedDimID/),varid=SVarID),&
"nc_write_model_atts", "S def_var "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, SVarID, "long_name", "salinity"), &
"nc_write_model_atts", "S long_name "//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, SVarID, "_FillValue", NF90_FILL_REAL), &
+ "nc_write_model_atts", "S fill "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, SVarID, "units", "psu"), &
"nc_write_model_atts", "S units "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, SVarID, "units_long_name", "practical salinity units"), &
"nc_write_model_atts", "S units_long_name "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncFileID, name="T", xtype=nf90_real, &
- dimids=(/XCDimID,YCDimID,ZGDimID,MemberDimID,unlimitedDimID/),varid=TVarID),&
+ dimids=(/XCDimID,YCDimID,ZCDimID,MemberDimID,unlimitedDimID/),varid=TVarID),&
"nc_write_model_atts", "T def_var "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, TVarID, "long_name", "Temperature"), &
"nc_write_model_atts", "T long_name "//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, TVarID, "_FillValue", NF90_FILL_REAL), &
+ "nc_write_model_atts", "T fill "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, TVarID, "units", "C"), &
"nc_write_model_atts", "T units "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, TVarID, "units_long_name", "degrees celsius"), &
"nc_write_model_atts", "T units_long_name "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncFileID, name="U", xtype=nf90_real, &
- dimids=(/XGDimID,YCDimID,ZGDimID,MemberDimID,unlimitedDimID/),varid=UVarID),&
+ dimids=(/XGDimID,YCDimID,ZCDimID,MemberDimID,unlimitedDimID/),varid=UVarID),&
"nc_write_model_atts", "U def_var "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, UVarID, "long_name", "Zonal Velocity"), &
"nc_write_model_atts", "U long_name "//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, UVarID, "_FillValue", NF90_FILL_REAL), &
+ "nc_write_model_atts", "U fill "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, UVarID, "units", "m/s"), &
"nc_write_model_atts", "U units "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, UVarID, "units_long_name", "meters per second"), &
"nc_write_model_atts", "U units_long_name "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncFileID, name="V", xtype=nf90_real, &
- dimids=(/XCDimID,YGDimID,ZGDimID,MemberDimID,unlimitedDimID/),varid=VVarID),&
+ dimids=(/XCDimID,YGDimID,ZCDimID,MemberDimID,unlimitedDimID/),varid=VVarID),&
"nc_write_model_atts", "V def_var "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, VVarID, "long_name", "Meridional Velocity"), &
"nc_write_model_atts", "V long_name "//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, VVarID, "_FillValue", NF90_FILL_REAL), &
+ "nc_write_model_atts", "V fill "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, VVarID, "units", "m/s"), &
"nc_write_model_atts", "V units "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, VVarID, "units_long_name", "meters per second"), &
@@ -1400,6 +1434,8 @@
"nc_write_model_atts", "SSH def_var "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, SSHVarID, "long_name", "sea surface height"), &
"nc_write_model_atts", "SSH long_name "//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, SSHVarID, "_FillValue", NF90_FILL_REAL), &
+ "nc_write_model_atts", "SSH fill "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, SSHVarID, "units", "meters"), &
"nc_write_model_atts", "SSH units "//trim(filename))
@@ -1421,6 +1457,8 @@
"nc_write_model_atts", "YC put_var "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncFileID, ZGVarID, ZG ), &
"nc_write_model_atts", "ZG put_var "//trim(filename))
+ call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncFileID, ZCVarID, ZC ), &
+ "nc_write_model_atts", "ZC put_var "//trim(filename))
@@ -1469,11 +1507,12 @@
integer :: ierr ! return value of function
integer :: nDimensions, nVariables, nAttributes, unlimitedDimID
-integer :: VarID
+integer :: VarID, i, j, k
real(r4), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: s,t,u,v
real(r4), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: ssh
character(len=128) :: filename
+!real(r4), dimension(4) :: mask
ierr = -1 ! assume things go poorly
@@ -1508,6 +1547,65 @@
call vector_to_prog_var(statevec,s,t,u,v,ssh) ! arrays allocated internally
+ ! Replace missing values (0.0) with netcdf missing value.
+ ! Staggered grid causes some logistical problems.
+ ! Hopefully, the conversion between r8 and r4 still preserves 'hard' zeros.
+! do j = 1,Ny ! latitudes
+! do i = 1,Nx ! longitudes
+! ! These three live on the same grid (the centers) ... if these are missing
+! ! at the surface, they are truly missing.
+! if (( s(i,j,1) == 0.0_r4) .and. &
+! ( t(i,j,1) == 0.0_r4) .and. &
+! (ssh(i,j ) == 0.0_r4)) then
+! s(i,j,:) = NF90_FILL_REAL
+! t(i,j,:) = NF90_FILL_REAL
+! ssh(i,j ) = NF90_FILL_REAL
+! endif
+! enddo
+! enddo
+ ! Check for other ways to be missing (dry bottom)
+! do k = 2,Nz ! vertical
+! do j = 1,Ny ! latitudes
+! do i = 1,Nx ! longitudes
+! if ((s(i,j,k) == 0.0_r4) .and. (t(i,j,k) == 0.0_r4)) then
+! s(i,j,k) = NF90_FILL_REAL
+! t(i,j,k) = NF90_FILL_REAL
+! endif
+! enddo
+! enddo
+! enddo
+ ! U,V live on staggered grids ... no way to hedge against errant zeros
+ Ver: do k = 1,Nz ! vertical
+ Lat: do j = 1,Ny ! latitudes
+ Lon: do i = 1,Nx ! longitudes
+ if (s(i,j,k) == 0.0_r4) s(i,j,k) = NF90_FILL_REAL
+ if (t(i,j,k) == 0.0_r4) t(i,j,k) = NF90_FILL_REAL
+ if (u(i,j,k) == 0.0_r4) u(i,j,k) = NF90_FILL_REAL
+ if (v(i,j,k) == 0.0_r4) v(i,j,k) = NF90_FILL_REAL
+ if (ssh(i,j) == 0.0_r4) ssh(i,j) = NF90_FILL_REAL
+! mask(1) = s(i,j,k)
+! mask(2) = t(i,j,k)
+! mask(3) = u(i,j,k)
+! mask(4) = v(i,j,k)
+! if (any(mask) .and. .not. all(mask)) then
+! not sure this works on a staggered grid ...
+! endif
+ enddo Lon
+ enddo Lat
+ enddo Ver
call nc_check(NF90_inq_varid(ncFileID, "S", VarID), &
"nc_write_model_vars", "S inq_varid "//trim(filename))
call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncFileID,VarID,s,start=(/1,1,1,copyindex,timeindex/)),&
@@ -1641,7 +1739,10 @@
open(unit=iunit, file=filename, action='read', form='formatted', iostat = io)
if (io /= 0) then
write(msgstring,*) 'unable to open file ', trim(filename), ' for reading'
- call error_handler(E_ERR,'model_mod:read_meta',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
+ call error_handler(E_WARN,'model_mod:read_meta',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
+ return
+ ! Use the namelist values as the defaults ??? unable to determin 2D or 3D file
! Read every line looking for the nDims entry
@@ -2358,45 +2459,10 @@
integer :: i,j,k,ii
-! check shapes
-if (size(s,1) /= Nx) then
- write(msgstring,*) 'dim 1 of S /= Nx ',size(s,1),Nx
- call error_handler(E_ERR,'model_mod:vector_to_prog_var', &
- msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
-if (size(s,2) /= Ny) then
- write(msgstring,*) 'dim 2 of S /= Ny ',size(s,2),Ny
- call error_handler(E_ERR,'model_mod:vector_to_prog_var', &
- msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
-if (size(s,3) /= Nz) then
- write(msgstring,*) 'dim 3 of S /= Nz ',size(s,3),Nz
- call error_handler(E_ERR,'model_mod:vector_to_prog_var', &
- msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
-if (size(ssh,1) /= Nx) then
- write(msgstring,*) 'dim 1 of SSH /= Nx ',size(ssh,1),Nx
- call error_handler(E_ERR,'model_mod:vector_to_prog_var', &
- msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
-if (size(ssh,2) /= Ny) then
- write(msgstring,*) 'dim 2 of SSH /= Ny ',size(ssh,2),Ny
- call error_handler(E_ERR,'model_mod:vector_to_prog_var', &
- msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
-! Should check sizes of T,U,V against that of S
-! make these the right size
+allocate( s(Nx,Ny,Nz))
+allocate( t(Nx,Ny,Nz))
+allocate( u(Nx,Ny,Nz))
+allocate( v(Nx,Ny,Nz))
ii = 0
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