[Dart-dev] [3257] DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/model_mod.f90:
partially working
thoar at subversion.ucar.edu
thoar at subversion.ucar.edu
Fri Mar 14 09:58:02 MDT 2008
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Modified: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/model_mod.f90
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/model_mod.f90 2008-03-14 02:46:58 UTC (rev 3256)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_ocean/model_mod.f90 2008-03-14 15:58:01 UTC (rev 3257)
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@
get_close_obs_init, &
get_close_obs, &
ens_mean_for_model, &
- MIT_meta_type, read_meta, read_snapshot
+ prog_var_to_vector, &
+ MIT_meta_type, read_meta, read_snapshot, drop_snapshot
@@ -78,11 +79,12 @@
! must match the value in EEPARAMS.h
integer, parameter :: MAX_LEN_FNAM = 512
-! these come from SIZE.h and can vary. should they be namelist
-! controlled?
-integer, parameter :: Nx = 1024
-integer, parameter :: Ny = 1024
-integer, parameter :: Nr = 512
+! these come from SIZE.h and can vary.
+! should they be namelist controlled?
+integer, parameter :: max_nx = 1024
+integer, parameter :: max_ny = 1024
+integer, parameter :: max_nz = 512
+integer, parameter :: max_nr = 512
! must match lists declared in ini_parms.f
@@ -136,7 +138,7 @@
!-- Time stepping parameters variable declarations
real(r8) :: nIter0, nTimeSteps, nEndIter, pickupSuff, &
deltaT, deltaTClock, deltaTmom, &
- deltaTtracer, dTtracerLev(Nr), deltaTfreesurf, &
+ deltaTtracer, dTtracerLev(max_nr), deltaTfreesurf, &
abEps, alph_AB, beta_AB, &
tauCD, rCD, &
baseTime, startTime, endTime, chkPtFreq, &
@@ -156,9 +158,9 @@
logical :: usingCartesianGrid, usingCylindricalGrid, &
usingSphericalPolarGrid, usingCurvilinearGrid, &
-real(r8) :: dxSpacing, dySpacing, delX(Nx), delY(Ny), &
+real(r8) :: dxSpacing, dySpacing, delX(max_nx), delY(max_ny), &
phiMin, thetaMin, rSphere, &
- Ro_SeaLevel, delZ, delP, delR(Nr), delRc(Nr+1), &
+ Ro_SeaLevel, delZ(max_nz), delP, delR(max_nr), delRc(max_nr+1), &
rkFac, groundAtK1
character(len=MAX_LEN_FNAM) :: delXFile, delYFile, &
delRFile, delRcFile, &
@@ -195,6 +197,8 @@
! standard MITgcm namelist and filled in here.
integer, parameter :: nfields = 5
+integer, parameter :: n3dfields = 4
+integer, parameter :: n2dfields = 1
integer, parameter :: S_index = 1
integer, parameter :: T_index = 2
@@ -202,23 +206,35 @@
integer, parameter :: V_index = 4
integer, parameter :: SSH_index = 5
+! FIXME: put the input/restart data filenames into an array
+! so we can loop over all 3d arrays and then 2d arrays as we
+! fill the state vector.
! grid counts for each field
-integer :: num_x(nfields), num_y(nfields), num_z(nfields)
+integer :: Nx, Ny, Nz
integer :: start_index(nfields)
+! locations of the cell centers (C) and cell faces (grid?) (G)
+! for each axis.
+real(r8), allocatable :: XC(:), XG(:), YC(:), YG(:), ZC(:), ZG(:)
+! temp space to hold data while we are reading it
+real(r4), allocatable :: data_2d_array(:,:), data_3d_array(:,:,:)
! location information - these grids can either be regularly
! spaced or the spacing along each axis can vary.
-real(r8) :: lat_origin, lon_origin
-logical :: regular_lat, regular_lon, regular_depth
-real(r8) :: delta_lat, delta_lon, delta_depth
-real(r8), allocatable :: lat_grid(:), lon_grid(:), depth_grid(:)
-real(r8), allocatable :: data_2d_array(:,:), data_3d_array(:,:,:)
+!real(r8) :: lat_origin, lon_origin
+!logical :: regular_lat, regular_lon, regular_depth
+!real(r8) :: delta_lat, delta_lon, delta_depth
+!real(r8), allocatable :: lat_grid(:), lon_grid(:), depth_grid(:)
! What is the natural model timestep?
real(r8) :: model_timestep
type(time_type) :: time_step
+integer :: timestepcount
integer :: time_step_days = 0
integer :: time_step_seconds = 900
@@ -248,8 +264,13 @@
MODULE PROCEDURE read_3d_snapshot
+INTERFACE drop_snapshot
+ MODULE PROCEDURE drop_3d_snapshot
+ MODULE PROCEDURE drop_2d_snapshot
@@ -263,6 +284,7 @@
! it reads in the grid information and then the model data.
integer :: iunit, io
+integer :: i, j, k, indx
! The Plan:
@@ -302,6 +324,8 @@
read(iunit, nml = PARM03, iostat = io)
call check_namelist_read(iunit, io, "PARM03")
+delZ(:) = 0.0_r4
! depths are going to be in this namelist
call find_namelist_in_file("data", "PARM04", iunit)
read(iunit, nml = PARM04, iostat = io)
@@ -311,30 +335,74 @@
read(iunit, nml = PARM05, iostat = io)
call check_namelist_read(iunit, io, "PARM05")
-! for reading/writing the restart files, tim is writing
-! some utility routines which will look like this:
-! call read_snapshot('XC', array(:,:), data_time)
-! call read_snapshot('XG', array(:,:), data_time)
-! call read_snapshot('YC', array(:,:), data_time)
-! call read_snapshot('YG', array(:,:), data_time)
! we pass in a filename (without the .meta and the .data)
! and an unallocated array of the right dimensionality.
-! it returns the allocated, filled array, along with the timestamp.
+! it returns the allocated, filled array, along with the timestep count.
+! when we are done, drop_snapshot() frees the space.
-! when we are done, drop_snapshot() frees the space for symmetry
+! first, X (longitude)
+call read_snapshot('XC', data_2d_array, timestepcount)
+Nx = size(data_2d_array, 1)
+Ny = size(data_2d_array, 2)
+do i=1, Nx
+ XC(i) = data_2d_array(i, 1)
+call drop_snapshot(data_2d_array)
+call read_snapshot('XG', data_2d_array, timestepcount)
+if (size(data_2d_array, 1) /= Nx) then
+ ! call error handler, files are inconsistent sizes
+if (size(data_2d_array, 2) /= Ny) then
+ ! call error handler, files are inconsistent sizes
+do i=1, Nx
+ XG(i) = data_2d_array(i, 1)
+call drop_snapshot(data_2d_array)
-! for now, here's a hard-coded example to get this compiling:
+! then Y (latitude)
+call read_snapshot('YC', data_2d_array, timestepcount)
+Nx = size(data_2d_array, 1)
+Ny = size(data_2d_array, 2)
+do i=1, Ny
+ YC(i) = data_2d_array(i, 1)
+call drop_snapshot(data_2d_array)
+call read_snapshot('YG', data_2d_array, timestepcount)
+if (size(data_2d_array, 1) /= Nx) then
+ ! call error handler, files are inconsistent sizes
+if (size(data_2d_array, 2) /= Ny) then
+ ! call error handler, files are inconsistent sizes
+do i=1, Ny
+ YG(i) = data_2d_array(i, 1)
+call drop_snapshot(data_2d_array)
+! compute ZC and ZG here based on delZ from the namelist
+! record where in the state vector the data type changes
+! from one type to another, by computing the starting
+! index for each block of data.
+start_index(S_index) = 1
+start_index(T_index) = start_index(S_index) + (Nx * Ny * Nz)
+start_index(U_index) = start_index(T_index) + (Nx * Ny * Nz)
+start_index(V_index) = start_index(U_index) + (Nx * Ny * Nz)
+start_index(SSH_index) = start_index(V_index) + (Nx * Ny * Nz)
! in spite of the staggering, all grids are the same size
! and offset by half a grid cell. 4 are 3D and 1 is 2D.
-! S,T,U,V = 256 x 225 x 70
-! SSH = 256 x 225
+! e.g. S,T,U,V = 256 x 225 x 70
+! e.g. SSH = 256 x 225
-model_size = 4 * (256*225*70) + (256*225)
+model_size = (n3dfields * (Nx * Ny * Nz)) + (n2dfields * (Nx * Ny))
-! Create storage for locations
+! Create storage for model data
! The time_step in terms of a time type must also be initialized.
@@ -1123,6 +1191,9 @@
metadata = read_meta(fbase,vartype)
+write(*,*)'nDims ',metadata%nDims
+write(*,*)'dimList ',metadata%dimList
! check to make sure storage modes match
! somehow have to pair the string with the fortran kind
! and protect against the redefinition of 'r4' ...
@@ -1141,6 +1212,8 @@
allocate(x(metadata%dimList(1), metadata%dimList(2)))
+write(*,*)'shape ',shape(x)
reclen = product(shape(x))
! Get next available unit number, read file.
@@ -1231,6 +1304,120 @@
+subroutine drop_3d_snapshot(x)
+real(r4), allocatable, intent(inout) :: x(:,:,:)
+end subroutine drop_3d_snapshot
+subroutine drop_2d_snapshot(x)
+real(r4), allocatable, intent(inout) :: x(:,:)
+end subroutine drop_2d_snapshot
+subroutine prog_var_to_vector(s,t,u,v,ssh,svector)
+real(r4), dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: s,t,u,v
+real(r4), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: ssh
+real(r8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: svector
+integer :: i,j,k,ii
+! check shapes
+if (size(s,1) /= Nx) then
+ write(msgstring,*),'dim 1 of S /= Nx ',size(s,1),Nx
+ call error_handler(E_ERR,'model_mod:prog_var_to_vector', &
+ msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
+if (size(s,2) /= Ny) then
+ write(msgstring,*),'dim 2 of S /= Nx ',size(s,2),Nx
+ call error_handler(E_ERR,'model_mod:prog_var_to_vector', &
+ msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
+if (size(s,3) /= Nz) then
+ write(msgstring,*),'dim 3 of S /= Nx ',size(s,3),Nx
+ call error_handler(E_ERR,'model_mod:prog_var_to_vector', &
+ msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
+if (size(ssh,1) /= Nx) then
+ write(msgstring,*),'dim 1 of SSH /= Nx ',size(ssh,1),Nx
+ call error_handler(E_ERR,'model_mod:prog_var_to_vector', &
+ msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
+if (size(ssh,2) /= Nx) then
+ write(msgstring,*),'dim 2 of SSH /= Nx ',size(ssh,2),Nx
+ call error_handler(E_ERR,'model_mod:prog_var_to_vector', &
+ msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
+! Should check sizes of T,U,V against that of S
+ii = 0
+! Salinity
+do k = 1,Nz ! vertical
+do j = 1,Ny ! latitudes
+do i = 1,Nx ! longitudes
+ ii = ii + 1
+ svector(ii) = s(i,j,k)
+! Temperature
+do k = 1,Nz ! vertical
+do j = 1,Ny ! latitudes
+do i = 1,Nx ! longitudes
+ ii = ii + 1
+ svector(ii) = t(i,j,k)
+! E-W
+do k = 1,Nz ! vertical
+do j = 1,Ny ! latitudes
+do i = 1,Nx ! longitudes
+ ii = ii + 1
+ svector(ii) = u(i,j,k)
+! N-S
+do k = 1,Nz ! vertical
+do j = 1,Ny ! latitudes
+do i = 1,Nx ! longitudes
+ ii = ii + 1
+ svector(ii) = v(i,j,k)
+! Sea Surface Height
+do j = 1,Ny ! latitudes
+do i = 1,Nx ! longitudes
+ ii = ii + 1
+ svector(ii) = ssh(i,j)
+if (ii /= get_model_size()) then
+ write(msgstring,*)'data size ',ii,' /= ',get_model_size(),' model size'
+ call error_handler(E_ERR,'model_mod:prog_var_to_vector', &
+ msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
+end subroutine prog_var_to_vector
! End of model_mod
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