[Dart-dev] [3444] DART/trunk/models/cam:
New directory and shell script for running a perfect model experiment.
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Tue Jul 8 12:46:42 MDT 2008
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Added: DART/trunk/models/cam/perfect_model/pmo.csh
--- DART/trunk/models/cam/perfect_model/pmo.csh (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/models/cam/perfect_model/pmo.csh 2008-07-08 18:46:42 UTC (rev 3444)
@@ -0,0 +1,777 @@
+# Data Assimilation Research Testbed -- DART
+# Copyright 2004-2007, Data Assimilation Research Section
+# University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
+# Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html
+# <next three lines automatically updated by CVS, do not edit>
+# $Id: pmo.csh 3103 2007-09-12 16:05:21Z nancy $
+# $Source: /home/thoar/CVS.REPOS/DART/models/cam/shell_scripts/pmo.csh,v $
+# $Name: $
+# pmo.csh ... Script to run perfect_model_obs to generate synthetic observations
+# from multiple obs_seq.in files.
+# The CENTRAL directory needs to have:
+# caminput_0.nc
+# clminput_0.nc
+# input_X.nml X = the first obs_seq to be processed. (Used in input_X.nml name)
+# perfect_ic
+# cam_phis.nc (DART as of 1/2008)
+# The following will be retrieved from $CAM_src if necessary
+# advance_model.csh
+# perfect_model_obs
+# run-cam.csh
+# trans_pv_sv
+# trans_sv_pv
+# trans_time
+# You need to know which of several batch systems you are using. The most
+# common one is LSF. PBS is also common. (POE is another but is
+# not supported directly by this script. It is not recommended that you have a
+# parallel cluster without a batch system (it schedules which nodes are assigned
+# to which processes) but it is possible to run that way -- you have to do
+# more work to get the information about which nodes are involved to the
+# parallel tasks -- but anyway, there is a section below that uses ssh and no
+# batch.
+# How to submit this job:
+# 1. Look at the #BSUB or #PBS sections below and adjust any of the parameters
+# on your cluster. Queue names are very system specific; some systems
+# require wall-clock limits; some require an explicit charge code.
+# 2. Submit this script to the queue:
+# LSF: bsub < pmo.csh
+# PBS: qsub pmo.csh
+# NONE: pmo.csh
+# The script moves the necessary files to the current directory and then
+# starts 'perfect_model_obs' as a single-threaded job;
+# This central directory is where the scripts reside and where script and
+# program I/O are expected to happen.
+# This block of directives constitutes the preamble for the LSF queuing system
+# LSF is used on the IBM Linux cluster 'lightning'
+# LSF is used on the IMAGe Linux cluster 'coral'
+# LSF is used on the IBM 'bluevista'
+# The queues on lightning and bluevista are supposed to be similar.
+# an explanation of the most common directives follows:
+# -J Job name
+# -o STDOUT filename
+# -e STDERR filename
+# -P account
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# coral;
+# -q queue long share standby economy regular premium special
+# min # procs 2 1 1 6 12 24 -
+# max time 5 dy 6 hr 12 hr 12 hr 12 hr 12 hr 5 dy
+# blueice
+# -q queue debug share standby economy regular premium special hold
+# MAX # NODES 2 2 25 25 25 25 100 25 (16 procs/node)
+# max time 30 m 3 hr 2 hr 6 hr 6 hr 6 hr unlim 6 hr
+# factor 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.0 0.33
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# -n number of processors (it really only needs one; the scripts it creates will
+# use more, as specified below)
+# -m all possible computational nodes; select your subset here
+# -W hr:mn max wallclock time (required on some systems)
+# -b [[mm:]dd:]hh:mm allow job to run only after this time.
+#BSUB -J pmo
+#BSUB -o pmo.%J.log
+#BSUB -P 93300315
+#BSUB -q share
+#BSUB -W 0:30
+#BSUB -n 1
+#BSUB -R "span[ptile=1]"
+## This block of directives constitutes the preamble for the PBS queuing system
+## PBS is used on the CGD Linux cluster 'bangkok'
+## PBS is used on the CGD Linux cluster 'calgary'
+## an explanation of the most common directives follows:
+## -N Job name
+## -r n Declare job non-rerunable
+## -e <arg> filename for standard error
+## -o <arg> filename for standard out
+## -q <arg> Queue name (choose the queue that will allow a single processor job
+## to execute quickly; share, debug, ...)
+## -l nodes=xx:ppn=2 requests BOTH processors on the node. On both bangkok
+## and calgary, there is no way to 'share' the processors
+## on the node with another job, so you might as well use
+## them both. (ppn == Processors Per Node)
+#PBS -N pmo
+#PBS -r n
+#PBS -e pmo.err
+#PBS -o pmo.log
+#PBS -q debug
+##PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
+##PBS -l ncpus=32
+#PBS -S /bin/csh
+##PBS -l mem=1GB
+##PBS -W group_list=[group name]
+# A common strategy for the beginning is to check for the existence of
+# some variables that get set by the different queuing mechanisms.
+# This way, we know which queuing mechanism we are working with,
+# and can set 'queue-independent' variables for use for the remainder
+# of the script.
+if ($?LS_SUBCWD) then
+ # LSF has a list of processors already in a variable (LSB_HOSTS)
+# for multi-thread
+# set run_command = 'mpirun.lsf '
+# for single-thread (?)
+ set run_command = ' '
+else if ($?PBS_O_WORKDIR) then
+ # PBS has a list of processors in a file whose name is (PBS_NODEFILE)
+ # pmo doesn't run parallel
+ # set run_command = 'mpirun '
+ set run_command = ' '
+ # interactive
+ # YOU need to know if you are using the PBS or LSF queuing
+ # system ... and set 'submit' accordingly.
+ set CENTRALDIR = `pwd`
+ set JOBNAME = pmo
+ set submit = 'csh '
+ set run_command = ' '
+# some systems don't like the -v option to any of the following
+set OSTYPE = `uname -s`
+switch ( ${OSTYPE} )
+case IRIX64:
+ setenv REMOVE 'rm -rf'
+ setenv COPY 'cp -p'
+ setenv MOVE 'mv -f'
+case AIX:
+ setenv REMOVE 'rm -rf'
+ setenv COPY 'cp -p'
+ setenv MOVE 'mv -f'
+ setenv LINK 'ln -fs'
+ setenv REMOVE 'rm -rvf'
+ setenv COPY 'cp -vp'
+ setenv MOVE 'mv -fv'
+ setenv LINK 'ln -s'
+echo " "
+echo "Running $JOBNAME on host "`hostname`
+echo "Initialized at "`date`
+# User set run parameters to change
+# Directory where output will be kept (relative to '.')
+set resol = FV1.9x2.5
+set parallel_cam = false
+set exp = PMO2
+# The "day" of the first obs_seq.in file of the whole experiment
+# (if it's not 1, then script changes may be required, esp defining OBS_SEQ)
+set obs_seq_first = 1
+# Time spacing of obs_seq files
+# freq > 0 number of obs_seq *files* / day (not timeslots)
+# freq = 0 set OBS_SEQ = ${CENTRALDIR}/obs_seq.in
+# -15 < freq < 0 that number of days from one to the next (3 means 20070101, 20070104, ...)
+# freq = -15 look for the first and 15th of each month
+# freq < -15 look for the first of each month
+set obs_seq_freq = 2
+# 'day'/obs_seq.in numbers to assimilate during this job
+# First and last obs seq files.
+set obs_seq_1 = 1
+set obs_seq_n = 2
+# The month of the obs_seq.in files for this run, and
+# the month of the first obs_seq.in file for this experiment.
+# This will be a misnomer for the spin-up run that has obs_seq files
+# only at the first day of the month; the 'days' will refer to months
+# and this mo can be thought of as the year (2001).
+set mo = 7
+set mo_first = 7
+# set obs_seq_root = /ptmp/dart/raeder/Obs_sets/Allx12_I/obs_seq2003
+# ascii to avoid byteswapping; but beware of machines filling in extra/missing
+# digits, causing locations with latitude > 90 degrees.
+# set obs_seq_root = ${CENTRALDIR}/obs_seq2007
+set obs_seq_root = /ptmp/dart/Obs_sets/Allx12_I_ascii/obs_seq2007
+# DART source code directory trunk, and CAM interface location.
+set DARTDIR = /blhome/${user}/J-svn/DART
+set DARTCAMDIR = ${DARTDIR}/models/cam
+# The maximum number of processors that will be used by
+# the $exp_#.script jobs spawned by this script.
+# (FV core jobs may use less, depending on the domain decomposition)
+# ptile is the number of processors/node on this machine.
+# It has no bearing on whether CAM is MPI or not, as long as perfect_model_obs is MPI.
+set max_num_procs = 1
+set ptile = 1
+# accounting code used for batch jobs (if no accounting needed, you may need
+# to remove the -P lines in the script generation sections below.
+set proj_num = 93300315
+# The queue to which the $exp_#.script scripts will be submitted,
+# and the requested time in that queue.
+set queue = share
+set wall_clock = 1:00
+# ICs for obs_seq_first only. After that the ICs will come from the previous iteration.
+# This copies just the initial conditions for the correct number of ensemble members.
+# num_lons, num_lats and num_levs are needed for the FV CAM domain decomposition algorithm,
+# in order to use larger numbers of processors.
+set num_levs = 26
+if ($resol == T21) then
+ set DART_ics_1 = /ptmp/dart/CAM_init/T21/03-01-01/DART_MPI
+ set CAM_ics_1 = /ptmp/dart/CAM_init/T21/03-01-01/CAM/caminput_
+ set CLM_ics_1 = /ptmp/dart/CAM_init/T21/03-01-01/CLM/clminput_
+ # -mpi will be attached to this name if parallel_cam = true; don't add it here
+ set CAM_src = /ptmp/dart/CAM/CAM_src/Cam3/cam3.1/models/atm/cam/bld/T21_3.1-O3
+ set CAM_phis = $CAM_src/cam_phis.nc
+ set num_lons = 64
+ set num_lats = 32
+else if ($resol == T42) then
+# T42
+ set DART_ics_1 = /ptmp/dart/CAM_init/T42/03-01-01/DART_MPI
+ set CAM_ics_1 = /ptmp/dart/CAM_init/T42/03-01-01/CAM/caminput_
+ set CLM_ics_1 = /ptmp/dart/CAM_init/T42/03-01-01/CLM/clminput_
+ # The CAM_src directory is MORE than just the location of the executable.
+ # There are more support widgets expected in the directory tree.
+ # -mpi will be attached to this name if parallel_cam = true; don't add it here
+ set CAM_src = /ptmp/dart/CAM/CAM_src/Cam3/cam3.1/models/atm/cam/bld/T42_3.1-O3
+ set CAM_phis = $CAM_src/cam_phis.nc
+ set num_lons = 128
+ set num_lats = 64
+else if ($resol == T85) then
+# T85
+ set DART_ics_1 = /ptmp/dart/CAM_init/T85_cam3.5/Jul_1/DART
+ set CAM_ics_1 = /ptmp/dart/CAM_init/T85_cam3.5/Jul_1/CAM/caminput_
+ set CLM_ics_1 = /ptmp/dart/CAM_init/T85_cam3.5/Jul_1/CLM/clminput_
+ # -mpi will be attached to this name if parallel_cam = true; don't add it here
+ set CAM_src = /blhome/raeder/Cam3/cam3.5/models/atm/cam/bld/T85-O3
+ # set CAM_src = /ptmp/dart/CAM/CAM_src/Cam3/cam3.1/models/atm/cam/bld/T85_3.1-O3
+ set CAM_phis = $CAM_src/cam_phis.nc
+ set num_lons = 256
+ set num_lats = 128
+else if ($resol == FV4x5) then
+ set DART_ics_1 = /ptmp/dart/CAM_init/FV4x5/03-01-01/DART_MPI
+ set CAM_ics_1 = /ptmp/dart/CAM_init/FV4x5/03-01-01/CAM/caminput_
+ set CLM_ics_1 = /ptmp/dart/CAM_init/FV4x5/03-01-01/CLM/clminput_
+ # -mpi will be attached to this name if parallel_cam = true; don't add it here
+ set CAM_src = /ptmp/dart/CAM/CAM_src/Cam3/cam3.5/models/atm/cam/bld/FV4x5-O2
+ set CAM_phis = $CAM_src/cam_phis.nc
+ set num_lons = 72
+ set num_lats = 46
+else if ($resol == FV2x2.5) then
+# the first ICs should be in c[al]minput_0.nc and perfect_ic
+ set DART_ics_1 = ${CENTRALDIR}
+ set CAM_ics_1 = ${CENTRALDIR}/caminput_
+ set CLM_ics_1 = ${CENTRALDIR}/clminput_
+ # -mpi will be attached to this name if parallel_cam = true; don't add it here
+ set CAM_src = /ptmp/dart/CAM/CAM_src/Cam3/cam3.5/models/atm/cam/bld/FV2x2.5-O2
+ set CAM_phis = $CAM_src/cam_phis.nc
+ set num_lons = 144
+ set num_lats = 91
+else if ($resol == FV1.9x2.5) then
+ set DART_ics_1 = ${CENTRALDIR}
+ set CAM_ics_1 = ${CENTRALDIR}/caminput_
+ set CLM_ics_1 = ${CENTRALDIR}/clminput_
+ # -mpi will be attached to this name if parallel_cam = true; don't add it here
+ set CAM_src = /blhome/raeder/Cam3/cam3.5/models/atm/cam/bld/FV1.9x2.5-O3
+ set CAM_phis = $CAM_src/cam_phis.nc
+ set num_lons = 144
+ set num_lats = 96
+# If another FV resolution is added, then another qualifier is needed in the
+# domain decomposition section below.
+# e-mail will be sent to this address when obs_seq finishes
+set runner = raeder at ucar.edu
+# Each obs_seq file gets its own input.nml ...
+# the following variable helps set this up.
+set input = input_
+# Choose which sets of restart files will be backed to up a permanent storage place.
+# Scripts auto_re2ms*.csh and auto_diag2ms_LSF.csh may need to be modified/replaced on your system.
+# Restarts are backed up when
+# if (previous_obs_seq % $save_freq == $mod_save) save to mass store
+# where in the obs_seq loop below j = current obs_seq file - 1
+# where in the obs_seq loop below j = current obs_seq file - 1
+set save_freq = 1
+set mod_save = 1
+# END of run parameters to change
+# This is the CENTRAL directory for whole perfect_model_obs job
+# jobs submitted to batch queues from here
+# I/O between perfect_model_obs and advance_model and assim_region goes through here.
+# perfect_model_obs output is put here, then moved to final storage.
+set myname = $0 # this is the name of this script
+set MASTERLOG = ${CENTRALDIR}/run_job.log # Set Variable for a 'master' logfile
+${REMOVE} ${MASTERLOG} # clean up old links
+set num_ens = 1
+echo "There are ${num_ens} ensemble members."
+echo "There are ${num_ens} ensemble members." > $MASTERLOG
+# Get executable programs and scripts from DART-CAM directories
+if (! -x perfect_model_obs) then
+ ${COPY} ${DARTCAMDIR}/work/perfect_model_obs .
+ ${COPY} ${DARTCAMDIR}/work/trans_pv_sv .
+ ${COPY} ${DARTCAMDIR}/work/trans_sv_pv .
+ ${COPY} ${DARTCAMDIR}/work/trans_time .
+if (! -e advance_model.csh) then
+ ${COPY} ${DARTCAMDIR}/shell_scripts/advance_model.csh .
+ ${COPY} ${DARTCAMDIR}/shell_scripts/run-cam.csh .
+set days_in_mo = (31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31)
+# leap years (but year not defined here);
+# if (($year % 4) == 0) @ days_in_mo[2] = $days_in_mo[2] + 1
+# leap year every 4 years except for century marks, but include centuries divisible by 400
+# So, all modern years divisible by 4 are leap years.
+echo "exp num_ens obs_seq_1 obs_seq_n obs_seq_first"
+echo "$exp $num_ens $obs_seq_1 $obs_seq_n $obs_seq_first"
+echo "DART_ics_1 is $DART_ics_1"
+echo "exp num_ens obs_seq_1 obs_seq_n obs_seq_first" >> $MASTERLOG
+echo "$exp $num_ens $obs_seq_1 $obs_seq_n $obs_seq_first" >> $MASTERLOG
+echo "DART_ics_1 is $DART_ics_1" >> $MASTERLOG
+# clean up old CAM inputs and obs_seq.out that may be laying around
+if (-e caminput_1.nc) then
+ ${REMOVE} clminput_[1-9]*.nc
+ ${REMOVE} caminput_[1-9]*.nc
+if (-e obs_seq.out) ${REMOVE} obs_seq.out
+# Ensure the experiment directory exists
+if (-d ${exp}) then
+ echo "${exp} already exists" >> $MASTERLOG
+ echo "${exp} already exists"
+ echo "Making run-time directory $exp ..." >> $MASTERLOG
+ echo "Making run-time directory $exp ..."
+ mkdir -p ${exp}
+# Subdirectory name root, where output from each obs_seq iteration will be kept.
+# obs_diag looks for obs_seq.final files in directories of the form xx_##[#].
+# where xx_ = output_root before 2008 signified the month OF THE OBS_SEQ_FIRST.
+# Now xx is always 'obs'.
+# ##[#] signified the 2+ digit obs_seq number within this experiment before 2008.
+# Now it's always 4 digits.
+set output_root = obs
+# Have an overall outer loop over obs_seq.in files
+set i = $obs_seq_1
+while($i <= $obs_seq_n) ;# start i/obs_seq loop
+echo ' '
+echo ' ' >> $MASTERLOG
+echo '----------------------------------------------------'
+echo '----------------------------------------------------' >> $MASTERLOG
+echo "starting observation sequence file $i at "`date`
+echo "starting observation sequence file $i at "`date` >> $MASTERLOG
+# Each iteration of this loop will run perfect_model_obs for one obs_seq.in file
+# Construct directory name of location of restart files
+@ j = $i - 1
+set out_prev = `printf "%s_%04d" ${output_root} $j`
+set start_time = `date +%s`
+# Get perfect_model_obs input files
+# The first one is different than all the rest ...
+if ($i == $obs_seq_first) then
+ ${COPY} ${input}${obs_seq_first}.nml input.nml
+ if (-e ${input}n.nml) then
+ ${COPY} ${input}n.nml input.nml
+ else if (-e ${input}${i}.nml) then
+ ${COPY} ${input}${i}.nml input.nml
+ else
+ echo "input_next is MISSING" >> $MASTERLOG
+ echo "input_next is MISSING"
+ exit 19
+ endif
+# Get obs_seq file for this assimilation based on date, derived from
+# the obs_seq NUMBER of this iteration ("i").
+# At this time this script assumes that assimilation experiments start
+# at the beginning of the chosen month.
+# As such, we need to ensure any existing obs_seq.in is GONE, which is
+# a little scary.
+# UGLY; need more general calendar capability in here.
+${REMOVE} obs_seq.in
+set seq = $i
+if ($seq == 0) then
+ set OBS_SEQ = ${CENTRALDIR}/obs_seq.in
+else if ($obs_seq_freq < -15) then
+ @ month = $i + 1
+ set day = 01
+ set OBS_SEQ = ${obs_seq_root}${month}${day}
+else if ($obs_seq_freq == -15) then
+ @ month = ($i / 2) + 1
+ @ day = (($i % 2) * 14) + 1
+ if ($month > 12) then
+ set month = $month % 12
+ set obs_seq_root = ${CENTRALDIR}/obs_seq2002
+ endif
+ if ($month < 10) set month = 0$month
+ if ($day < 10) set day = 0$day
+ set OBS_SEQ = ${obs_seq_root}${month}${day}
+ echo "obs_seq, root, month, day = $i $obs_seq_root $month $day " >> $MASTERLOG
+else if ($obs_seq_freq > 0) then
+ @ month = $mo - 1
+ while ($month >= $mo_first)
+ @ seq = $seq - $days_in_mo[$month] * $obs_seq_freq
+ @ month = $month - 1
+ end
+ @ month = $month + 1
+ if ($month < 10) set month = 0$month
+ @ day = (($seq - 1) / $obs_seq_freq) + 1
+ if ($day < 10) set day = 0$day
+ if ($obs_seq_freq == 1) then
+ set hour = ' '
+ else
+ @ hour = ($seq % $obs_seq_freq) * 24 / $obs_seq_freq
+ if ($hour == 0) then
+ set hour = 24
+ else if ($hour < 10) then
+ set hour = 0$hour
+ endif
+ endif
+ set OBS_SEQ = ${obs_seq_root}${month}${day}${hour}
+ echo "obs_seq, day, hour = $i $day $hour " >> $MASTERLOG
+if ( -e ${OBS_SEQ} && ! -z ${OBS_SEQ}) then
+ ${LINK} $OBS_SEQ obs_seq.in
+ echo "ERROR - no obs_seq.in for $i - looking for:"
+ echo $OBS_SEQ
+ exit 123
+echo "job- obs_seq $i used is $OBS_SEQ" >> $MASTERLOG
+echo "job- obs_seq $i used is $OBS_SEQ"
+# Get initial conditions for DART, model from 'permanent' storage or
+# from the result of a previous experiment.
+# from_root defines location of DART initial condition(s)
+# cam_init, clm_init are where CAM gets it's initial files (in advance_model.csh)
+if ($i == $obs_seq_first) then
+# Get 'initial' initial files
+set from_root = ${DART_ics_1}
+set cam_init = ${CAM_ics_1}
+set clm_init = ${CLM_ics_1}
+# Get initial files from result of previous experiment.
+set from_root = `pwd`/$exp/${out_prev}/DART
+set cam_init = `pwd`/$exp/${out_prev}/CAM/caminput_
+set clm_init = `pwd`/$exp/${out_prev}/CLM/clminput_
+# transmit info to advance_model.csh
+# The second item echoed must be the directory where CAM is kept
+echo "$exp " >! casemodel.$i
+echo "$CAM_src " >> casemodel.$i
+echo "$cam_init " >> casemodel.$i
+echo "$clm_init" >> casemodel.$i
+echo "$parallel_cam" >> casemodel.$i
+echo "$run_command" >> casemodel.$i
+# advance_model wants to see a file 'casemodel' and not keep track of which obs_seq it's for
+${REMOVE} casemodel
+${LINK} casemodel.$i casemodel
+# link to perfect_ic_old file(s), so that perfect_model_obs can copy them to a compute node
+if (-e ${from_root}/perfect_ic_old) then
+${REMOVE} perfect_ic_old
+ endif
+ ${LINK} ${from_root}/perfect_ic perfect_ic_old
+ echo ' '
+ echo "job- perfect_ic_old is/are"
+ ls -lt perfect_ic_old*
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # link local CAM input files to generic names in CENTRALDIR.
+ # These just provide grid info to perfect_model_obs, not state info.
+ # CAM namelist input file; will be augmented with model advance time and
+ # domain decomposition info by run-cam.csh
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ${REMOVE} caminput.nc clminput.nc
+ ${LINK} ${CAM_src}/caminput.nc caminput.nc
+ ${LINK} ${CAM_src}/clminput.nc clminput.nc
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # get name of file containing PHIS from the CAM namelist. This will be used by
+ # static_init_model to read in the PHIS field, which is used for height obs.
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ${REMOVE} namelistin
+ ${LINK} ${CAM_src}/namelistin namelistin
+ sleep 1
+ if (! -e namelistin ) then
+ echo "ERROR ... need a namelistin file." >> $MASTERLOG
+ echo "ERROR ... need a namelistin file."
+ exit 89
+ endif
+ if (! -e ${exp}/namelistin) ${COPY} namelistin ${exp}/namelistin
+ # Observations on heights require PHIS, which are on a CAM surface fields file.
+ # Only need to do this for obs_seq_1.
+ rm cam_phis.nc
+ if (-e $CAM_phis) then
+ ${COPY} $CAM_phis cam_phis.nc
+# ? chmod 744 cam_phis.nc
+ else
+ echo "ERROR ... need a cam_phis file from CAM h0 history file." >> $MASTERLOG
+ echo "ERROR ... need a cam_phis file from CAM h0 history file."
+ exit 99
+ endif
+ #======================================================================
+ # runs perfect_model_obs, which tells the model to model advance and assimilates obs
+ # Run the perfect_model_obs in async=2 mode.
+ # runs perfect_model_obs, which tells the model to model advance and assimilates obs
+ ${run_command} ./perfect_model_obs
+ set KILLCOMMAND = 'touch BOMBED; exit'
+ #-----------------------------------------------
+ # Move the output to storage after perfect_model_obs signals completion.
+ # At this point, all the restart,diagnostic files are in the CENTRALDIR
+ # and need to be moved to the 'experiment permanent' directory.
+ # We have had problems with some, but not all, files being moved
+ # correctly, so we are adding bulletproofing to check to ensure the filesystem
+ # has completed writing the files, etc. Sometimes we get here before
+ # all the files have finished being written.
+ echo "Listing contents of CENTRALDIR before archiving at "`date`
+ ls -l
+ echo "Listing contents of CENTRALDIR before archiving at "`date` >> $MASTERLOG
+ ls -l >> $MASTERLOG
+# Ensure the (output) experiment directories exist
+# All the CAM-related files will get put in ${exp}/${output_dir}/CAM
+# All the CLM-related files will get put in ${exp}/${output_dir}/CLM
+# All the DART-related files will get put in ${exp}/${output_dir}/DART
+ set output_dir = `printf "%s_%04d" ${output_root} $i`
+ mkdir -p ${exp}/${output_dir}/{CAM,CLM,DART}
+ if ( -e True_State.nc && ! -z True_State.nc) then
+ ${MOVE} True_State.nc ${exp}/${output_dir}
+ if ( ! $status == 0 ) then
+ echo "failed moving ${CENTRALDIR}/True_State.nc" >> $MASTERLOG
+ echo "failed moving ${CENTRALDIR}/True_State.nc"
+ endif
+ else
+ echo "... THUMP ... ${CENTRALDIR}/True_State.nc does not exist and should"
+ echo "directory contents follow"
+ ls -l
+ endif
+ if ( -e obs_seq.out && ! -z obs_seq.out) then
+ set date_name = $OBS_SEQ:t
+ ${MOVE} obs_seq.out ${exp}/${output_dir}/syn_$date_name
+ if ( ! $status == 0 ) then
+ echo "failed moving ${CENTRALDIR}/obs_seq.out" >> $MASTERLOG
+ echo "failed moving ${CENTRALDIR}/obs_seq.out"
+ endif
+ else
+ echo "... THUMP ... ${CENTRALDIR}/obs_seq.out does not exist and should"
+ echo "directory contents follow"
+ ls -l
+ endif
+ # inflate_diag may or may not exist (when do_obs_inflate=F do_single_ss_inflate=F)
+ # so don't die if it's missing. We'd have to query input.nml to learn if it should exist.
+ # Move the perfect_model_obs restart file(s) to the storage subdirectory
+ echo "moving perfect_ic_new to ${exp}/${output_dir}/DART/perfect_ic"
+ if (-e perfect_ic_new) then
+ ${MOVE} perfect_ic_new ${exp}/${output_dir}/DART/perfect_ic
+ if (! $status == 0 ) then
+ echo "failed moving perfect_ic_new to ${exp}/${output_dir}/DART/perfect_ic"
+ endif
+ else
+ echo "NO perfect_ic_new FOUND"
+ echo "NO perfect_ic_new FOUND"
+ echo "NO perfect_ic_new FOUND"
+ echo "NO perfect_ic_new FOUND"
+ endif
+ set n = 1
+ while ($n <= ${num_ens}) ;# loop over all ensemble members
+ set CAMINPUT = caminput_${n}.nc
+ set CLMINPUT = clminput_${n}.nc
+ if ( -e $CAMINPUT && ! -z $CAMINPUT) then
+ ${MOVE} $CAMINPUT ${exp}/${output_dir}/CAM
+ if (! $status == 0 ) then
+ echo "failed moving ${CENTRALDIR}/$CAMINPUT "
+ endif
+ else
+ echo "${CENTRALDIR}/$CAMINPUT does not exist and maybe should."
+# kdr debug; this should be dependent on whether a model advance was needed before
+# the assim.
+ endif
+ if ( -e $CLMINPUT && ! -z $CLMINPUT) then
+ ${MOVE} $CLMINPUT ${exp}/${output_dir}/CLM
+ if (! $status == 0 ) then
+ echo "failed moving ${CENTRALDIR}/$CLMINPUT "
+ endif
+ else
+ echo "${CENTRALDIR}/$CLMINPUT does not exist and maybe should."
+# kdr debug; this should be dependent on whether a model advance was needed before
+# the assim.
+ endif
+ @ n++
+ end
+ if (! -e times ) then
+ # There may have been no advance;
+ # use the CAM_ics_1 as the CAM ics for this time
+ set ens = 1
+ while ($ens <= "$num_ens" )
+ cp ${CAM_ics_1}${ens}.nc ${exp}/${output_dir}/CAM
+ cp ${CLM_ics_1}${ens}.nc ${exp}/${output_dir}/CLM
+ @ ens++
+ end
+ endif
+ # test whether it's safe to end this obs_seq_
+ if ( -e $exp/${output_dir}/DART/perfect_ic && \
+ ! -z $exp/${output_dir}/DART/perfect_ic ) then
+ echo "it is OK to proceed with next obs_seq at "`date` >> $MASTERLOG
+ echo "it is OK to proceed with next obs_seq at "`date`
+ else
+ echo "RETRIEVE perfect_ic files from perfect_model_obs temp directory ?"
+ echo "Then remove temp and cam advance temps"
+ echo "RETRIEVE perfect_ic files from perfect_model_obs temp directory ?" >> $MASTERLOG
+ echo "Then remove temp and cam advance temps" >> $MASTERLOG
+ exit
+ endif
+# save a representative model advance
+ ${MOVE} input.nml ${exp}/${output_dir}
+ ${MOVE} casemodel.$i ${exp}/${output_dir}
+# stdout from perfect_model_obs.f90
+ ${MOVE} dart_log.out ${exp}/${output_dir}
+ ${MOVE} cam_out_temp1 ${exp}/${output_dir}
+ ${MOVE} namelist ${exp}
+ ${REMOVE} cam_out_temp* *_ud* *_ic[0-9]* *_ic_old*
+ set end_time = `date +%s`
+ @ length_time = $end_time - $start_time
+ echo "duration = $length_time"
+ echo "completed iteration $i ($OBS_SEQ) at "`date`
+ @ i++
+end # end of the huge "i" loop
+${REMOVE} ~/lnd.*.rpointer
Property changes on: DART/trunk/models/cam/perfect_model/pmo.csh
Name: svn:executable
+ *
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