[Dart-dev] [3239] DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab:
Updated to ask a couple more questions for additional
nancy at subversion.ucar.edu
nancy at subversion.ucar.edu
Fri Feb 15 09:05:33 MST 2008
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Modified: DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/PlotObsLocs.m
--- DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/PlotObsLocs.m 2008-02-15 00:21:19 UTC (rev 3238)
+++ DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/PlotObsLocs.m 2008-02-15 16:05:33 UTC (rev 3239)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
function phandle = PlotObsLocs(in_dartqc, in_box, in_typelist, in_epochlist, ...
in_subset, in_plotd, in_world, in_invertz, in_writeplot, ...
- in_legend2dloc, in_legend3dloc, in_viewlist)
+ in_legend2dloc, in_legend3dloc, in_viewlist, ...
+ in_ncfname, in_orientation, in_plotname)
% PLOTOBSLOCS - Plot an observation_locations.NNN.dat file as output from the latest obs_diag program in DART.
% (You must enable an obs_diag_nml namelist entry to get the output files;
% they are not created by default.)
@@ -12,7 +13,8 @@
% usage:
% PlotObsLocs(in_dartqc, in_box, in_typelist, in_epochlist, in_subset,
% in_plotd, in_world, in_invertz, in_writeplot,
-% in_legend2dloc, in_legend3dloc, in_viewlist)
+% in_legend2dloc, in_legend3dloc, in_viewlist,
+% in_ncfname, in_orientation, in_plotname)
% where:
@@ -79,6 +81,20 @@
% printed in the lower left corner during the rotation; these
% views can be used to create .ps files if you are saving the
% plots to a file or if you want the same viewpoints reused.
+% in_ncfname = 'obs_diag_output.nc' by default - the netcdf file created by
+% the obs_diag program. It contains the mapping between the
+% observation type numbers and the string labels identifying them.
+% in_orientation = 'landscape' but can be 'portrait' or 'tall'. The best
+% use of page space depends sharply on the aspect ratio of
+% the area you are plotting. 'landscape' works well for
+% a whole-earth 2d plot; 'portrait' is good for CONUS.
+% in_plotname = name of output postscript file if writeplot is 1. The default
+% filename is generated as 'Nd_locations_epochNNN.ps', but
+% subsequent plots will overwrite earlier ones, so this input
+% can be used to customize the name.
% Data Assimilation Research Testbed -- DART
% Copyright 2004-2007, Data Assimilation Research Section
@@ -92,7 +108,7 @@
% $Date$
% data subset selections:
-% used vs unused (or both) obs
+% dart QC values - whether assimilated or not
% subregions - lon, lat, height min/max
% obs type list
% random subset to thin data
@@ -116,7 +132,8 @@
% user_specified (prompt user for 4 or 6 corners)
-arg_used = 0; % dart QC values to use ... see in_dartqc table above
+arg_ncfname = 'obs_diag_output.nc'; % default file to use for obs info
+arg_dartqc = 0; % dart QC values to use ... see in_dartqc table above
arg_box = []; % [[lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max], v_min, v_max]
arg_typelist = []; % numeric observation type list; if ~[], integer list
arg_epochlist = []; % list of epochs to process; if ~[], integer list
@@ -127,16 +144,17 @@
arg_writeplot = 0; % write out postscript plot files (1=yes)
arg_legend2dloc = 'SouthWest'; % where on the plot to plop the 2d legend box
arg_legend3dloc = 'NorthWest'; % where on the plot to plop the 3d legend box
- % see matlab doc for alternatives
+ % see matlab doc for alternatives
+arg_orientation = 'landscape'; % could be portrait, tall
arg_viewlist = [10 10; 10 80; ];
% default viewpoints for 3D plots.
% [90 0], [0 90] and [0 0] are also good.
+arg_plotname = 'default'; % default is Nd_locations_epoch00N.ps
- ncfname = 'obs_diag_output.nc';
% get the values from the arguments and fill them in:
if (~isa(in_dartqc,'char'))
- arg_used = in_dartqc;
+ arg_dartqc = in_dartqc;
if (~isa(in_box,'char'))
arg_box = in_box;
@@ -171,6 +189,15 @@
if (~isa(in_viewlist,'char'))
arg_viewlist = in_viewlist;
+if (~strcmp(in_ncfname,'default'))
+ arg_ncfname = in_ncfname;
+if (~strcmp(in_orientation,'default'))
+ arg_orientation = in_orientation;
+if (~strcmp(in_plotname,'default'))
+ arg_plotname = in_plotname;
@@ -181,8 +208,8 @@
if (~isequal(arg_epochlist,[]))
epochlist = arg_epochlist;
- epochtime = getnc(ncfname,'time');
- epochbnds = getnc(ncfname,'time_bounds');
+ epochtime = getnc(arg_ncfname,'time');
+ epochbnds = getnc(arg_ncfname,'time_bounds');
epochlist = 1:length(epochtime);
@@ -209,7 +236,7 @@
% format of the data in these files must be:
- % lon lat ivert flavor key used
+ % lon lat ivert flavor key dartqc
t = reshape(r, 6, []);
s = transpose(t);
@@ -221,7 +248,7 @@
% in the 'Observation_Kind()' array. (this file is produced by
% running obs_diag -- full name is ObsDiagAtts.m)
- Observation_Kind = getnc(ncfname,'ObservationTypes');
+ Observation_Kind = getnc(arg_ncfname,'ObservationTypes');
% Use a different marker and color for each observation type
% (12*6) = 72 combinations at the moment. Could extend these
@@ -267,8 +294,8 @@
% select the rows we want to plot, optionally with a variety
% of subsetting. function form is:
- % out = select_subset(rawdata_in, used/unused, boundingbox, subset_count)
- l = select_subset(thisobs, arg_used, arg_box, arg_subset);
+ % out = select_subset(rawdata_in, dartqc, boundingbox, subset_count)
+ l = select_subset(thisobs, arg_dartqc, arg_box, arg_subset);
% if there are any of this obs type left, plot them
if (size(l, 1) ~= 0)
@@ -369,28 +396,31 @@
% whole world in (lon, lat) degree coords
if (arg_world)
- % add a 2D plot of the world continent outlines
- worldmap(lmax);
+ % add a 2D plot of the world continent outlines
+ worldmap(lmax);
- % these plots are generally longer than high, and add 3d-box.
- % orient landscape;
- set(gca, 'Box', 'on');
+ % set the default orientation
+ orient(arg_orientation);
+ set(gca, 'Box', 'on');
- % various attempts to make the x/y axis have the same spacing per degree
- % but shrink the vertical because it can be much larger. but all these
- % did strange things to the viewpoint so i am giving up on them for now.
- %axis equal;
+ % various attempts to make the x/y axis have the same spacing per degree
+ % but shrink the vertical because it can be much larger. but all these
+ % did strange things to the viewpoint so i am giving up on them for now.
+ %axis equal;
- %vert = lmax / 100;
- %set(gca, 'DataAspectRatio', [1 1 vert], 'PlotBoxAspectRatio', [1 1 vert], 'Box', 'on');
- %set(gca, 'DataAspectRatio', [1 1 10], 'Box', 'on');
+ %vert = lmax / 100;
+ %set(gca, 'DataAspectRatio', [1 1 vert], 'PlotBoxAspectRatio', [1 1 vert], 'Box', 'on');
+ %set(gca, 'DataAspectRatio', [1 1 10], 'Box', 'on');
xlabel('Longitude (degrees)', 'FontSize', 14);
- ylabel('Latitude (degrees)', 'FontSize', 14);
+ ylabel('Latitude (degrees)', 'FontSize', 14);
if (arg_plotd == 3)
zlabel('Height (units = ?)', 'FontSize', 14);
+ % set the default orientation
+ orient(arg_orientation);
xlabel('First coordinate', 'FontSize', 14);
ylabel('Second coordinate', 'FontSize', 14);
if (arg_plotd == 3)
@@ -405,12 +435,12 @@
- if (arg_used < 0)
+ if (arg_dartqc < 0)
tstring = sprintf('Obs Locs for Epoch %d with DART QC values <= %d', ...
- epoch, abs(arg_used));
- elseif (arg_used >= 0)
+ epoch, abs(arg_dartqc));
+ elseif (arg_dartqc >= 0)
tstring = sprintf('Obs Locs for Epoch %d with DART QC value == %d', ...
- epoch, arg_used);
+ epoch, arg_dartqc);
if (arg_subset > 0)
@@ -441,18 +471,27 @@
% view angles -- you can set a list and get multiple plots out.
if (arg_writeplot)
if (arg_plotd == 2)
- fname = sprintf('2d_locations_epoch%.03d.ps', epoch);
- print('-dpsc', fname);
+ if (~strcmp(arg_plotname,'default'))
+ fname = sprintf('%s_epoch%.03d.ps', arg_plotname, epoch);
+ else
+ fname = sprintf('2d_locations_epoch%.03d.ps', epoch);
+ end
+ print('-dpsc', fname);
+ % set up viewlist as: arg_viewlist = [ az el; az el; ... ];
+ for v = 1 : size(arg_viewlist, 1)
+ view(arg_viewlist(v, :));
+ if (~strcmp(arg_plotname,'default'))
+ fname = sprintf('%s_view%.02d_epoch%.03d.ps', arg_plotname, v, epoch);
+ else
+ fname = sprintf('3d_locations_view%.02d_epoch%.03d.ps', v, epoch);
+ end
+ print('-dpsc', fname);
+ end
- % set up viewlist as: arg_viewlist = [ az el; az el; ... ];
- for v = 1 : size(arg_viewlist, 1)
- view(arg_viewlist(v, :));
- fname = sprintf('3d_locations%d_epoch%.03d.ps', v, epoch);
- print('-dpsc', fname);
- end
end % 2d vs 3d
+ disp('Plot(s) written to disk.');
end % create .ps files?
end % for epoch (main loop)
@@ -466,7 +505,7 @@
% given a raw data array and possible selectors, return
% the subset of rows which match.
-function out = select_subset(raw, used, box, number)
+function out = select_subset(raw, dartqc, box, number)
% default is to assume we found no data. set it at the
% end if we get there.
@@ -480,14 +519,14 @@
% select based on dart QC flag
% -99 implies everything, -3 implies 0,1,2,3
-if (used < 0)
- data = raw(raw(:,6) <= abs(used),:);
-elseif (used >= 0)
- data = raw(raw(:,6) == used ,:);
+if (dartqc < 0)
+ data = raw(raw(:,6) <= abs(dartqc),:);
+elseif (dartqc >= 0)
+ data = raw(raw(:,6) == dartqc ,:);
if (isequal(data, []))
- fprintf('all observations removed after used/unused selection\n');
+ fprintf('all observations removed after DART QC selection\n');
@@ -526,7 +565,7 @@
out = data;
-end % function out = select_subset(raw, used, box, number)
+end % function out = select_subset(raw, dartqc, box, number)
% generate a list of R random numbers between 1 and N
Modified: DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/plot_observation_locations.m
--- DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/plot_observation_locations.m 2008-02-15 00:21:19 UTC (rev 3238)
+++ DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/plot_observation_locations.m 2008-02-15 16:05:33 UTC (rev 3239)
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
% setup all args to be the string 'default', which will be interpreted by
% the PlotObsLocs routine to use the default values.
+ncfname = 'default';
plotd = 'default';
-ncfname = 'default';
-used = 'default';
+dartqc = 'default';
typelist = 'default';
box = 'default';
epochs = 'default';
@@ -36,11 +36,15 @@
writeplot = 'default';
loc2dstring = 'default';
loc3dstring = 'default';
+orientation = 'default';
viewlist = 'default';
invertz = 'default';
+plotname = 'default';
% what the arg list looks like:
-%PlotObsLocs(in_used, in_box, in_typelist, in_epochlist, in_subset, in_plotd, in_world, in_invertz, in_writeplot, in_legend2dloc, in_legend_3dloc, in_viewlist)
+%PlotObsLocs(in_dartqc, in_box, in_typelist, in_epochlist, in_subset, in_plotd,
+% in_world, in_invertz, in_writeplot, in_legend2dloc, in_legend_3dloc,
+% in_viewlist, in_ncfname, in_orientation, in_plotname)
done = 0;
disp('Plot observations at their proper locations. Many subsetting options exist.');
@@ -53,7 +57,7 @@
disp(' ');
% What file has the metadata
- reply = input('Enter the netCDF file name with the metadata: ');
+ reply = input('Enter the netCDF file name with the metadata (default: ''obs_diag_output.nc''): ');
if (~isempty(reply))
ncfname = reply;
@@ -62,13 +66,13 @@
while done == 0
% 2D or 3D plot?
- reply = input('Input 2 for 2D plot, 3 for 3D plot: ');
+ reply = input('Input 2 for 2D plot, 3 for 3D plot (default: 2D): ');
if (~isempty(reply))
plotd = reply;
- % plot used, unused, or both
+ % plot selecting on dart QC value
disp('DART QC Values ... 0 == all OK')
disp('DART QC Values ... 1 == Evaluated only')
@@ -80,9 +84,9 @@
disp('DART QC Values ... 7 == outlier rejected')
disp(' a negative value means everything ''up to'' that value, i.e.')
disp(' -3 == 0, 1, 2, and 3 -99 == everything');
- reply = input('Input DART QC val: ');
+ reply = input('Input DART QC val (default: 0): ');
if (~isempty(reply))
- used = reply;
+ dartqc = reply;
% restrict observations to a particular observation type?
@@ -111,18 +115,34 @@
% plot world map beneath?
- reply = input('Input 0 to remove world map, 1 to restore it: ');
+ reply = input('Input 0 to remove world map, 1 to restore it (default: 1): ');
if (~isempty(reply))
world = reply;
% write out .ps files?
- reply = input('Input 1 to write .ps files for each plot, 0 to reset: ');
+ reply = input('Input 1 to write .ps files for each plot, 0 to reset (default: 0): ');
if (~isempty(reply))
writeplot = reply;
+ % output plot filename
+ if (writeplot == 1)
+ reply = input('Set output plot filename, ''default'' to reset: ');
+ if (~isempty(reply))
+ plotname = reply;
+ end
+ end
% legendloc
+ disp('Examples of valid legend strings:');
+ disp(' ''North'' : inside plot box near top');
+ disp(' ''South'',''East'',''West'',''NorthEast'', etc');
+ disp(' ''NorthOutside'' : outside plot box near top');
+ disp(' ''SouthOutside'', ''NorthEastOutside'', etc');
+ disp(' ''Best'' : least conflict with data in plot');
+ disp(' ''BestOutside'' : least unused space outside plot');
+ disp(' defaults to: ''SouthWest'' for 2D plots; ''NorthWest'' for 3D plots');
reply = input('Input Matlab string for legend location, ''default'' to reset: ');
if (~isempty(reply))
if (plotd == 3)
@@ -132,6 +152,13 @@
+ % page orientation
+ disp('Possible page orientations: ''landscape'', ''portrait'', ''tall'' ');
+ reply = input('Input Matlab string for page orientation, ''default'' to reset (default: ''landscape''): ');
+ if (~isempty(reply))
+ orientation = reply;
+ end
% viewlist and invert z axis
invertz = 1;
if (plotd == 3)
@@ -146,7 +173,8 @@
- PlotObsLocs(used, box, typelist, epochs, subset, plotd, world, invertz, writeplot, loc2dstring, loc3dstring, viewlist)
+ PlotObsLocs(dartqc, box, typelist, epochs, subset, plotd, world, invertz, writeplot, ...
+ loc2dstring, loc3dstring, viewlist, ncfname, orientation, plotname);
reply = input('Quit now or plot again? 1 = quit, <cr> plots again: ');
if (~isempty(reply))
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