[Dart-dev] [3221] DART/trunk/matlab/SimpleMap.m:
quick-look 2d maps of DART netcdf files with prognostic variables.
thoar at subversion.ucar.edu
thoar at subversion.ucar.edu
Mon Feb 11 13:52:02 MST 2008
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Added: DART/trunk/matlab/SimpleMap.m
--- DART/trunk/matlab/SimpleMap.m (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/matlab/SimpleMap.m 2008-02-11 20:52:01 UTC (rev 3221)
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+function h = SimpleMap(fname,var,time,copystring,level)
+% SimpleMap plots a horizontal slice from a DART netcdf file.
+% Right now, the hard assumption is the netcdf variable has
+% order [time, copy, lat, lon (,lev)].
+% Since WRF does not have tidy coordinate variables for lat/lon,
+% this script will not directly support WRF/DART netCDF files.
+% fname = 'PriorDiag.nc';
+% var = 'T'; % 'PS','T','US','VS','Q','CLDLIQ','CLDICE' ...
+% time = 1; % index into time array
+% copy = 'ensemble mean'; % anything from ncdump -v CopyMetaData
+% level = 1; % index into level array
+% h = SimpleMap(fname,var,time,copy,level);
+% Data Assimilation Research Testbed -- DART
+% Copyright 2004-2007, Data Assimilation Research Section
+% University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
+% Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html
+% <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+% $URL:
+% http://subversion.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/fit_ens_mean_time.m
+% $
+% $Id$
+% $Revision$
+% $Date$
+% Get some information from the netCDF file.
+plotdat = netCDFinfo(fname,var);
+% Figure out the starting date
+timebase = sscanf(plotdat.timeunits,'%*s%*s%d%*c%d%*c%d'); % YYYY MM DD
+timeorigin = datenum(timebase(1),timebase(2),timebase(3));
+timearr = getnc(fname,'time');
+timestring = datestr(timearr(1) + timeorigin);
+% create the hyperslab indices ...
+% most are [time,copy,lat,lon,lev] but some (i.e. PS)
+% have no 'lev' dimension.
+% There is a HARD assumption about variable shape here ...
+copyindex = get_copy_index(fname,copystring);
+if ( length(plotdat.dimcells) < 5 )
+ corner = [time,copyindex,-1,-1];
+ end_point = [time,copyindex,-1,-1];
+ corner = [time,copyindex,-1,-1,level];
+ end_point = [time,copyindex,-1,-1,level];
+datmat = getnc(fname,var,corner,end_point);
+% Create the plot.
+% The figure window is partitioned into two parts ... one has
+% the actual graphic ... the other (the bottom part) is a text
+% table of all the attributes of interest for the graphic.
+h0 = subplot('position',[0.1 0.3 0.8 0.6]); set(h0,'FontSize',14)
+h = imagesc(plotdat.lons,plotdat.lats,datmat);
+axis image;
+h1 = colorbar;
+title(sprintf('%s ''%s''',plotdat.model,var))
+t0 = subplot('position',[0.1 0.05 0.8 0.25]);
+t1 = plot([0 1],[0 1],'.','Visible','off');
+axis off
+text(0.0, 0.6, sprintf('%s %s',plotdat.model,fname),'Interpreter','none');
+text(0.0, 0.4, timestring);
+text(0.0, 0.2, sprintf('%s %s %s', copystring, var, plotdat.varlname));
+text(0.0, 0.0, sprintf('level index %d at timestep %d', level, time));
+% helper function(s) follow ...
+function plotdat = netCDFinfo(fname,var)
+ft = netcdf(fname);
+plotdat.model = ft.model(:);
+plotdat.varlname = ft{var}.long_name(:);
+plotdat.varunits = ft{var}.units(:);
+plotdat.timeunits = ft{'time'}.units(:);
+plotdat.calendar = ft{'time'}.calendar(:);
+plotdat.dimcells = dim(ft{var});
+plotdat.dimnames = ncnames(plotdat.dimcells);
+for i = 1:length(plotdat.dimcells)
+ dimstring = lower(ft{plotdat.dimnames{i}}.units(:));
+ switch dimstring
+ case 'degrees_east'
+ plotdat.londimname = plotdat.dimnames{i};
+ plotdat.lons = getnc(fname,plotdat.dimnames{i});
+ plotdat.lonunits = dimstring;
+ case 'degrees_north'
+ plotdat.latdimname = plotdat.dimnames{i};
+ plotdat.lats = getnc(fname,plotdat.dimnames{i});
+ plotdat.latunits = dimstring;
+ case 'levels'
+ plotdat.levdimname = plotdat.dimnames{i};
+ plotdat.levels = getnc(fname,plotdat.dimnames{i});
+ plotdat.levunits = dimstring;
+ otherwise
+ end
+% Surface variables generally do not have a 'level'
+if ( ~exist('plotdat.levdimname','var') )
+ plotdat.levdimname = 'no level dimension';
+ plotdat.levels = 1;
+ plotdat.levunits = 'no level units';
Property changes on: DART/trunk/matlab/SimpleMap.m
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/x-matlab
Name: svn:keywords
+ Date Rev Author URL Id
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
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