[Dart-dev] [3210] DART/trunk/models/wrf/model_mod.f90: Add new
namelist item: allow_obs_below_vol, which defaults to .false.
nancy at subversion.ucar.edu
nancy at subversion.ucar.edu
Tue Feb 5 09:56:15 MST 2008
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Modified: DART/trunk/models/wrf/model_mod.f90
--- DART/trunk/models/wrf/model_mod.f90 2008-02-04 23:27:02 UTC (rev 3209)
+++ DART/trunk/models/wrf/model_mod.f90 2008-02-05 16:56:14 UTC (rev 3210)
@@ -96,13 +96,11 @@
! Here is the appropriate place for other users to make additional routines
! contained within model_mod available for public use:
-public :: get_domain_info, &
- get_number_domains, &
- get_state_size, &
- get_state_components
+public :: get_number_domains, &
+ wrf_static_data_for_dart, &
+ get_wrf_static_data
! version controlled file description for error handling, do not edit
character(len=128), parameter :: &
@@ -131,6 +129,12 @@
integer :: center_search_half_size
integer :: center_spline_grid_scale = 10
integer :: vert_localization_coord = VERTISHEIGHT
+! Allow (or not) observations above the surface but below the lowest
+! sigma level.
+logical :: allow_obs_below_vol = .false.
+! Max height a surface obs can be away from the actual model surface
+! and still be accepted (in meters)
+!real (kind=r8) :: max_surface_delta = 500.0
!nc -- we are adding these to the model.nml until they appear in the NetCDF files
logical :: polar = .false.
logical :: periodic_x = .false.
@@ -140,7 +144,7 @@
namelist /model_nml/ output_state_vector, num_moist_vars, &
num_domains, calendar_type, surf_obs, soil_data, h_diab, &
adv_mod_command, assimilation_period_seconds, &
- vert_localization_coord, &
+ allow_obs_below_vol, vert_localization_coord, &
center_search_half_length, center_spline_grid_scale, &
polar, periodic_x
@@ -167,9 +171,6 @@
real (kind=r8), PARAMETER :: kappa = 2.0_r8/7.0_r8 ! gas_constant / cp
real (kind=r8), PARAMETER :: ts0 = 300.0_r8 ! Base potential temperature for all levels.
-! Private logical parameter controlling behavior within subroutine model_interpolate
-logical, parameter :: allow_obs_below_surf = .false.
!---- private data ----
! Got rid of surf_var as global private variable for model_mod and just defined it locally
@@ -957,34 +958,16 @@
-subroutine get_state_size(id, we, sn, bt, sls)
+function get_wrf_static_data(dom_num)
-integer, intent(in) :: id
-integer, intent(out) :: we, sn, bt, sls
+integer, intent(in) :: dom_num
-we = wrf%dom(id)%we
-sn = wrf%dom(id)%sn
-bt = wrf%dom(id)%bt
-sls = wrf%dom(id)%sls
+type(wrf_static_data_for_dart) :: get_wrf_static_data
-end subroutine get_state_size
+get_wrf_static_data = wrf%dom(dom_num)
-subroutine get_state_components(id, n_moist, surf_obs, soil_data, h_db)
-integer, intent(in) :: id
-integer, intent(out) :: n_moist
-logical, intent(out) :: surf_obs, soil_data, h_db
-n_moist = wrf%dom(id)%n_moist
-surf_obs = wrf%dom(id)%surf_obs
-soil_data = wrf%dom(id)%soil_data
-h_db = h_diab
-end subroutine get_state_components
+end function get_wrf_static_data
@@ -1201,6 +1184,7 @@
! local vars, used in calculating density, pressure, height
real(r8) :: rho1 , rho2 , rho3, rho4
real(r8) :: pres1, pres2, pres3, pres4, pres
+logical :: lev0
! Initialize stuff
@@ -1297,48 +1281,58 @@
! computed column pressure profile
call get_model_pressure_profile(i,j,dx,dy,dxm,dym,wrf%dom(id)%bt,x,id,v_p)
! get pressure vertical co-ordinate
- call pres_to_zk(xyz_loc(3), v_p, wrf%dom(id)%bt,zloc)
+ call pres_to_zk(xyz_loc(3), v_p, wrf%dom(id)%bt,zloc,lev0)
if(debug .and. obs_kind /= KIND_SURFACE_PRESSURE) &
- print*,' obs is by pressure and zloc =',zloc
+ print*,' obs is by pressure and zloc,lev0 =',zloc, lev0
if(debug) print*,'model pressure profile'
if(debug) print*,v_p
- !nc -- If location is below model terrain (and therefore has a missing_r8 value),
- ! then push its location back to the level of model terrain. This is only
- ! permitted if the user has set the logical parameter allow_obs_below_surf to
- ! be .true. (its default is .false.).
- if ( allow_obs_below_surf ) then
- if ( zloc == missing_r8 .and. xyz_loc(3) > v_p(0) ) then
- zloc = 1.0_r8 ! Higher pressure than p_surf (lower than model terrain)
- surf_var = .true. ! Estimate U,V,T,and Q from the model sfc states.
- end if
- end if
+ ! If location is above model surface but below the lowest sigma level,
+ ! the default is to reject it. But if the namelist value is true, then
+ ! accept the observation and later on extrapolate the values from levels
+ ! 1 and 2 downward.
+ if (lev0 == .true.) then
+ ! the pres_to_zk() routine has returned a valid zloc in case we
+ ! want to use it. the default is to reject the observation and so
+ ! we overwrite it with missing -- but, if the namelist value is set
+ ! to true, leave zloc alone.
+ if (.not. allow_obs_below_vol) zloc = missing_r8
+ if (debug .and. .not. allow_obs_below_vol) print*, 'setting zloc missing'
+ ! else need to set a qc here?
+ endif
elseif(vert_is_height(location)) then
! Ob is by height: get corresponding mass level zloc from
! computed column height profile
call get_model_height_profile(i,j,dx,dy,dxm,dym,wrf%dom(id)%bt,x,id,v_h)
! get height vertical co-ordinate
- call height_to_zk(xyz_loc(3), v_h, wrf%dom(id)%bt,zloc)
- if(debug) print*,' obs is by height and zloc =',zloc
+ call height_to_zk(xyz_loc(3), v_h, wrf%dom(id)%bt,zloc,lev0)
+ if(debug) print*,' obs is by height and zloc,lev0 =',zloc, lev0
if(debug) print*,'model height profile'
if(debug) print*,v_h
- !nc -- If location is below model terrain (and therefore has a missing_r8 value),
- ! then push its location back to the level of model terrain. This is only
- ! permitted if the user has set the logical parameter allow_obs_below_surf to
- ! be .true. (its default is .false.).
- if ( allow_obs_below_surf ) then
- if ( zloc == missing_r8 .and. xyz_loc(3) < v_h(0) ) then
- zloc = 1.0_r8 ! Lower than the model terrain.
- surf_var = .true. ! Estimate U,V,T,and Q from the model sfc states.
- end if
- end if
+ ! If location is above model surface but below the lowest sigma level,
+ ! the default is to reject it. But if the namelist value is true, then
+ ! accept the observation and later on extrapolate the values from levels
+ ! 1 and 2 downward.
+ if (lev0 == .true.) then
+ ! the height_to_zk() routine has returned a valid zloc in case we
+ ! want to use it. the default is to reject the observation and so
+ ! we overwrite it with missing. but if the namelist value is set
+ ! to true, leave zloc alone.
+ if (.not. allow_obs_below_vol) zloc = missing_r8
+ if (debug .and. .not. allow_obs_below_vol) print*, 'setting zloc missing'
+ ! else need to set a qc here?
+ endif
elseif(vert_is_surface(location)) then
zloc = 1.0_r8
surf_var = .true.
if(debug) print*,' obs is at the surface = ', xyz_loc(3)
+ ! if you want to have a distance check to see if the station height
+ ! is too far away from the model surface height, here is the place to
+ ! reject the observation.
elseif(vert_is_undef(location)) then
zloc = missing_r8
@@ -2368,20 +2362,28 @@
print*, 'model_mod.f90 :: model_interpolate :: getCorners GZ rc = ', rc
! Interpolation for GZ field at level k
- ill = wrf%dom(id)%dart_ind(ll(1), ll(2), k, TYPE_GZ) / gravity
- iul = wrf%dom(id)%dart_ind(ul(1), ul(2), k, TYPE_GZ) / gravity
- ilr = wrf%dom(id)%dart_ind(lr(1), lr(2), k, TYPE_GZ) / gravity
- iur = wrf%dom(id)%dart_ind(ur(1), ur(2), k, TYPE_GZ) / gravity
+ ill = wrf%dom(id)%dart_ind(ll(1), ll(2), k, TYPE_GZ)
+ iul = wrf%dom(id)%dart_ind(ul(1), ul(2), k, TYPE_GZ)
+ ilr = wrf%dom(id)%dart_ind(lr(1), lr(2), k, TYPE_GZ)
+ iur = wrf%dom(id)%dart_ind(ur(1), ur(2), k, TYPE_GZ)
- fld(1) = dym*( dxm*x(ill) + dx*x(ilr) ) + dy*( dxm*x(iul) + dx*x(iur) )
+ fld(1) = ( dym*( dxm*x(ill) + dx*x(ilr) ) + dy*( dxm*x(iul) + dx*x(iur) ) + &
+ dym*( dxm*wrf%dom(id)%phb(ll(1), ll(2), k) + &
+ dx *wrf%dom(id)%phb(lr(1), lr(2), k) ) + &
+ dy *( dxm*wrf%dom(id)%phb(ul(1), ul(2), k) + &
+ dx *wrf%dom(id)%phb(ur(1), ur(2), k) ) ) / gravity
! Interpolation for GZ field at level k+1
- ill = wrf%dom(id)%dart_ind(ll(1), ll(2), k+1, TYPE_GZ) / gravity
- iul = wrf%dom(id)%dart_ind(ul(1), ul(2), k+1, TYPE_GZ) / gravity
- ilr = wrf%dom(id)%dart_ind(lr(1), lr(2), k+1, TYPE_GZ) / gravity
- iur = wrf%dom(id)%dart_ind(ur(1), ur(2), k+1, TYPE_GZ) / gravity
+ ill = wrf%dom(id)%dart_ind(ll(1), ll(2), k+1, TYPE_GZ)
+ iul = wrf%dom(id)%dart_ind(ul(1), ul(2), k+1, TYPE_GZ)
+ ilr = wrf%dom(id)%dart_ind(lr(1), lr(2), k+1, TYPE_GZ)
+ iur = wrf%dom(id)%dart_ind(ur(1), ur(2), k+1, TYPE_GZ)
- fld(2) = dym*( dxm*x(ill) + dx*x(ilr) ) + dy*( dxm*x(iul) + dx*x(iur) )
+ fld(2) = ( dym*( dxm*x(ill) + dx*x(ilr) ) + dy*( dxm*x(iul) + dx*x(iur) ) + &
+ dym*( dxm*wrf%dom(id)%phb(ll(1), ll(2), k+1) + &
+ dx *wrf%dom(id)%phb(lr(1), lr(2), k+1) ) + &
+ dy *( dxm*wrf%dom(id)%phb(ul(1), ul(2), k+1) + &
+ dx *wrf%dom(id)%phb(ur(1), ur(2), k+1) ) ) / gravity
! If the boundsCheck functions return an unsatisfactory integer index, then set
! fld as missing data
@@ -2472,15 +2474,29 @@
obs_val = missing_r8
- ! Do vertical interpolation -- I believe this assumes zloc is well-defined and
- ! >= 1.0_r8.
+ ! Do vertical interpolation -- at this point zloc is >= 1 unless
+ ! the namelist value allow_obs_below_vol is true, in which case
+ ! it is >= 0, and < 1 is a request to extrapolate.
! Get fractional distances between grid points
call toGrid(zloc, k, dz, dzm)
+ if (debug) print*, 'zloc, k, dz, dzm = ', zloc, k, dz, dzm
+ if (debug) print*, 'fld(1), fld(2) = ', fld(1), fld(2)
- ! Linearly interpolate between grid points
- obs_val = dzm*fld(1) + dz*fld(2)
+ ! If you get here and zloc < 1.0, then k will be 0, and
+ ! we should extrapolate. fld(1) and fld(2) where computed
+ ! at levels 1 and 2.
+ if (k >= 1) then
+ ! Linearly interpolate between grid points
+ obs_val = dzm*fld(1) + dz*fld(2)
+ if (debug) print*, 'interpolated obs_val = ', obs_val
+ else
+ ! Extrapolate below first level.
+ obs_val = fld(1) - (fld(2)-fld(1))*dzm
+ if (debug) print*, 'extrapolated obs_val = ', obs_val
+ endif
end if
end if
@@ -2493,7 +2509,7 @@
if ( obs_val == missing_r8 ) istatus = 1
! Pring the observed value if in debug mode
-if(debug) print*,' interpolated value= ',obs_val
+if(debug) print*,'model_interpolate() return value= ',obs_val
! Deallocate variables before exiting
deallocate(v_h, v_p)
@@ -2545,6 +2561,7 @@
real(r8) :: pres1, pres2, pres3, pres4
real(r8) :: presa, presb
real(r8) :: hgt1, hgt2, hgt3, hgt4, hgta, hgtb
+logical :: lev0
istatus = 0
@@ -2677,7 +2694,7 @@
! get model pressure profile
call get_model_pressure_profile(i,j,dx,dy,dxm,dym,wrf%dom(id)%bt,x,id,v_p)
! get pressure vertical co-ordinate
- call pres_to_zk(xyz_loc(3), v_p, wrf%dom(id)%bt,zloc)
+ call pres_to_zk(xyz_loc(3), v_p, wrf%dom(id)%bt,zloc,lev0)
! convert obs vert coordinate to desired coordinate type
if (zloc==missing_r8) then
zvert = missing_r8
@@ -2735,7 +2752,7 @@
! get model height profile
call get_model_height_profile(i,j,dx,dy,dxm,dym,wrf%dom(id)%bt,x,id,v_h)
! get height vertical co-ordinate
- call height_to_zk(xyz_loc(3), v_h, wrf%dom(id)%bt,zloc)
+ call height_to_zk(xyz_loc(3), v_h, wrf%dom(id)%bt,zloc,lev0)
! convert obs vert coordinate to desired coordinate type
if (zloc==missing_r8) then
zvert = missing_r8
@@ -4225,7 +4242,7 @@
-subroutine pres_to_zk(pres, mdl_v, n3, zk)
+subroutine pres_to_zk(pres, mdl_v, n3, zk, lev0)
! Calculate the model level "zk" on half (mass) levels,
! corresponding to pressure "pres".
@@ -4234,14 +4251,27 @@
real(r8), intent(in) :: pres
real(r8), intent(in) :: mdl_v(0:n3)
real(r8), intent(out) :: zk
+ logical, intent(out) :: lev0
integer :: k
zk = missing_r8
+ lev0 = .false.
+ ! if out of range completely, return missing_r8 and lev0 false
if (pres > mdl_v(0) .or. pres < mdl_v(n3)) return
- do k = 0,n3-1
+ ! if above surface but below lowest sigma level, return the
+ ! sigma value but set lev0 true
+ if(pres <= mdl_v(0) .and. pres > mdl_v(1)) then
+ lev0 = .true.
+ zk = (mdl_v(0) - pres)/(mdl_v(0) - mdl_v(1))
+ return
+ endif
+ ! find the 2 sigma levels the value is between and return that
+ ! as a real number, including the fraction between the levels.
+ do k = 1,n3-1
if(pres <= mdl_v(k) .and. pres >= mdl_v(k+1)) then
zk = real(k) + (mdl_v(k) - pres)/(mdl_v(k) - mdl_v(k+1))
@@ -4252,7 +4282,7 @@
-subroutine height_to_zk(obs_v, mdl_v, n3, zk)
+subroutine height_to_zk(obs_v, mdl_v, n3, zk, lev0)
! Calculate the model level "zk" on half (mass) levels,
! corresponding to height "obs_v".
@@ -4261,14 +4291,27 @@
integer, intent(in) :: n3
real(r8), intent(in) :: mdl_v(0:n3)
real(r8), intent(out) :: zk
+ logical, intent(out) :: lev0
integer :: k
zk = missing_r8
+ lev0 = .false.
+ ! if out of range completely, return missing_r8 and lev0 false
if (obs_v < mdl_v(0) .or. obs_v > mdl_v(n3)) return
- do k = 0,n3-1
+ ! if above surface but below lowest 3-d height level, return the
+ ! height value but set lev0 true
+ if(obs_v >= mdl_v(0) .and. obs_v < mdl_v(1)) then
+ lev0 = .true.
+ zk = (mdl_v(0) - obs_v)/(mdl_v(0) - mdl_v(1))
+ return
+ endif
+ ! find the 2 height levels the value is between and return that
+ ! as a real number, including the fraction between the levels.
+ do k = 1,n3-1
if(obs_v >= mdl_v(k) .and. obs_v <= mdl_v(k+1)) then
zk = real(k) + (mdl_v(k) - obs_v)/(mdl_v(k) - mdl_v(k+1))
@@ -4292,6 +4335,7 @@
integer, dimension(2) :: ll, lr, ul, ur
integer :: ill,ilr,iul,iur,k, rc
real(r8) :: pres1, pres2, pres3, pres4
+logical :: debug = .false.
if ( boundsCheck( i, wrf%dom(id)%periodic_x, id, dim=1, type=TYPE_T ) .and. &
boundsCheck( j, wrf%dom(id)%polar, id, dim=2, type=TYPE_T ) ) then
@@ -4308,6 +4352,9 @@
v_p(k) = dym*( dxm*pres1 + dx*pres2 ) + dy*( dxm*pres3 + dx*pres4 )
+ if (debug) &
+ print*, 'model_mod.f90 :: get_model_pressure_profile :: n, v_p() ', n, v_p(1:n)
if( wrf%dom(id)%surf_obs ) then
ill = wrf%dom(id)%dart_ind(ll(1), ll(2), 1, TYPE_PS)
@@ -4345,6 +4392,8 @@
+ if (debug) &
+ print*, 'model_mod.f90 :: get_model_pressure_profile :: v_p(0) ', v_p(0)
v_p(:) = missing_r8
@@ -4630,6 +4679,7 @@
real(r8) :: fll(n+1)
integer :: ill,iul,ilr,iur,k, rc
integer, dimension(2) :: ll, lr, ul, ur
+logical :: debug = .false.
if ( boundsCheck( i, wrf%dom(id)%periodic_x, id, dim=1, type=TYPE_GZ ) .and. &
boundsCheck( j, wrf%dom(id)%polar, id, dim=2, type=TYPE_GZ ) ) then
@@ -4661,6 +4711,12 @@
dy*( dxm*wrf%dom(id)%hgt(ul(1), ul(2)) + &
dx*wrf%dom(id)%hgt(ur(1), ur(2)) )
+ if (debug) &
+ print*, 'model_mod.f90 :: get_model_height_profile :: n, v_h() ', n, v_h(1:n)
+ if (debug) &
+ print*, 'model_mod.f90 :: get_model_height_profile :: v_h(0) ', v_h(0)
! If the boundsCheck functions return an unsatisfactory integer index, then set
! fld as missing data
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