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<p>Dear Colleagues,<br>
We invite you to participate in the <a
Current and Future Instrumentation and Experiments at
Mid-latitudes</a> CEDAR workshop scheduled for Tuesday, June
27th, 1:30 to 3:30pm. </p>
<p>This workshop will explore current and future experimental
capabilities for the study of the mid-latitude Geospace
environment. Instrumentation used at mid-latitudes needs to
combine detailed plasma and neutral atmosphere measurements with
the meso-scale fields of view necessary to specify boundary
conditions. Scientific progress requires co-located networks of
instrumentation that include both radio and radar systems, optical
imaging arrays, orbital platforms, and in-situ measurements made
using rocket instrumentation. Experimental measurement of physical
parameters of the ionosphere and neutral atmosphere are critical
to scientific progress in key areas such as ionospheric
variability, storm response and recovery, plasma instabilities,
sporadic-E layer formation, sub-auroral polarization streams and
drifts, and atmospheric coupling. We will discuss what is possible
with current instrumentation systems, near term developments that
are currently underway, and longer term visions for a
comprehensive set of experimental capabilities at mid-latitudes.
Efforts relevant to the upcoming Eclipse in April of 2024 are of
particular interest.</p>
<p>The sessions will consist of short presentations with moderated
discussion. A portion of the workshop will focus on coordination
of efforts associated with the upcoming April 2024 North American
eclipse. </p>
<p>Please contact one of the conveners by June 9th if possible to be
added to the agenda.
<p>Contributions from students and early career scientists are
welcome. </p>
<p>Best Regards,</p>
Frank Lind, John Swoboda, Stephen Kaeppler, Asti Bhatt, Alex
Chartier, Roger Varney