<div dir="ltr">Dear Colleagues,<br><br>We are pleased to <span>announce</span> the first 2023 ISWI Seminar by <b>Dr Ivan Galkin</b> scheduled for <b>January 25th at 3 PM Central European Time (9 AM EDT; 6:30 PM IST)</b>.<br><br>To register for this virtual seminar, please send an email to: <b><a href="mailto:iswisupport@bc.edu" target="_blank">iswisupport@bc.edu</a>.</b> Please include “ISWI Seminar Registration” in the subject line. There is a limit of 300 participants, so please register your interest as soon as possible. The MS Teams link will be sent to registered participants 2 days before the event.<br><br>Seminars will be recorded. Please visit the youtube channel of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs where the recording of the seminars from 2022 are available. The playlist which will also include future sessions can be accessed through the following link: <a href="https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaOqa4cng0GF3cKuj6Yz5kqG1BQ-Akkhr" target="_blank">https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaOqa4cng0GF3cKuj6Yz5kqG1BQ-Akkhr</a><br><br><br>With kind regards,<br>Graciela Molina<br>on behalf of the ISWI Seminar Committee<div><br> <div>***********************************************</div></div><div><div><b>Title:</b> Realistic Ionosphere (RION): data fusion project of GIRO and GNSS</div><div><b>Speaker:</b> Dr Ivan Galkin</div><div><b>Abstract:</b> RION is an ISWI project that involves 69 ionosonde observatories in 32 countries with established agreements to share real-time data for continuous monitoring of the ionosphere. The RION's ionosonde network "GIRO" (Global Ionosphere Radio Observatory) has been in coordinated operation since 2004. Its Lowell GIRO Data Center (LGDC) operates nine online central data repositories and several data sharing and dissemination services. In addition to the public ionosonde data provision, LGDC operates assimilative real-time models of the ionosphere and trans-ionospheric signal propagation that constitute RION. The models include GAMBIT (Global Assimilative Modeling of Bottomside Ionosphere with Topside extension) that interfaces one the International GNSS Service centers in Olsztyn, Poland to build global maps of the effective ionospheric slab thickness. Current state of art and prospective way forward will be presented, including an upcoming Pan-European alert system T-FORS for forecasting TID activity based on Deep Learning techniques.</div><div>***********************************************<br></div></div><div><img src="cid:ii_lcs6onh50" alt="ISWI Seminar Series (2).png" width="483" height="483"><br></div><div><br></div><div><div dir="ltr" data-smartmail="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><div>-------------------------------------------</div><div><div><font face="times new roman, serif"><b>Dra. María Graciela Molina</b><br>Professor FACET -UNT </font></div><div><span style="font-family:"times new roman",serif">Researcher CONICET</span></div><div><span style="font-family:"times new roman",serif">Associated researcher INGV</span></div><div><span style="font-family:"times new roman",serif"><br></span></div><div><span style="font-family:"times new roman",serif">Av. Independencia 1800, </span><span style="font-family:"times new roman",serif">Tucumán - Argentina</span><br></div><div><font face="times new roman, serif">
Tel: +54-381-4364093 (ext.7765)<br><a href="mailto:gmolina@herrera.unt.edu.ar" style="font-style:italic" target="_blank">gmolina@herrera.unt.edu.ar</a> /</font></div><div><font face="times new roman, serif"><a href="mailto:m.graciela.molina@gmail.com" target="_blank"><i>m.graciela.molina@gmail.com</i></a></font><br></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>