<div dir="ltr">Dear CEDAR students and advisors:<br>we <b>extended the deadline to apply for workshop attendance support for students to April 4. </b>Notification will be sent out around April 11.<div><pre style="white-space:pre-wrap;color:rgb(0,0,0)"><font face="arial, sans-serif">Below is more detailed information</font></pre><pre style="white-space:pre-wrap;color:rgb(0,0,0)"><font face="arial, sans-serif">--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font></pre><pre style="white-space:pre-wrap;color:rgb(0,0,0)"><font face="arial, sans-serif">Dear CEDAR community:
One of the hallmarks of the CEDAR program has been the ability to support a
significant number of undergraduate and graduate students to attend the
annual workshop. This support from the NSF has been critical in engaging
and training the next generation of CEDAR scientists and preparing them for
their careers as scientists.
However, it may not always be possible to support all students interested
in attending the CEDAR workshop, necessitating a selection process to
determine which students will receive support.
In order to have a well-defined selection process that is equitable and
provides for the fulfillment of the CEDAR program goals of engagement and
education, the CEDAR Science Steering Committee (CSSC) has developed
guidelines <a href="https://cedarscience.org/student-attendance-support">https://cedarscience.org/student-attendance-support</a> for the
selection of students for receiving financial support from the CEDAR
program to attend the annual CEDAR workshop.
We encourage all CEDAR students and their advisers to read the
<a>guidelines https://cedarscience.org/student-attendance-support</a> for the
selection of students for receiving financial support from the CEDAR program to attend
the annual CEDAR workshop.
This year CEDAR student workshop attendance support is
limited to approximately 75 students that request it via the registration
site by the April 4 deadline. Students receiving workshop
attendance support (lodging and/or travel) must present a poster.*
Students traveling from outside the US and/or enrolled in an institution
outside the United States can apply for support which is limited to
lodging. *Students will be notified by April 4 if they have been selected
*Air travel requests will be submitted through the registration
* Students who do NOT request travel support can register any time
(Rates go up after May 19).
* Students requesting travel support must submit an abstract by the
April 4 deadline
* Students receiving workshop attendance support (lodging and/or travel)
must present a poster.
* Students traveling from outside the US and/or enrolled in an institution
outside the United States can apply for support which is limited to lodging.
* Students will be notified by April 11 if they have been selected for
travel support.
* All student airfare must be purchased through CPAESS travel.
* Air travel requests will be submitted through the registration process.
* Students who do NOT request travel support can register any time
(Rates go up after May 19).
For detailed information about the student support visit this site
<<a href="https://web.cvent.com/event/298c84e5-744a-42af-9a45-612d2e521ec5/websitePage:30a2de83-f258-40b4-b073-bad806339f90">https://web.cvent.com/event/298c84e5-744a-42af-9a45-612d2e521ec5/websitePage:30a2de83-f258-40b4-b073-bad806339f90</a>>
and read about the selection process
<<a href="https://cedarscience.org/student-attendance-support">https://cedarscience.org/student-attendance-support</a>>
Send questions to Michelle McCambridge mmccamb at <a href="http://ucar.edu">ucar.edu</a>
<<a href="https://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/cedar_email">https://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/cedar_email</a>></font></pre><div><br></div></div></div>