CEDAR email: Mark Your Calendars for the 5th CGS Community Workshop on November 18-20, 2024

Amy Keesee Amy.Keesee at unh.edu
Fri May 17 13:25:28 MDT 2024

The NASA DRIVE Science Center for Geospace Storms (CGS) is continuing the series of successful community workshops that we started in 2019. The details of the previous four workshops, including recorded presentations, can be found at cgs.jhuapl.edu/News-and-Events.  The overall CGS science themes and other details of the project can be found at cgs.jhuapl.edu. With this message, we would like to announce that the 5th CGS Workshop will be held on November 18-20, 2024 at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, MD and virtually on Zoom. The purpose of these workshops is to bring together experts, early career scientists and students in the fields of space and atmospheric sciences, for an open-forum discussion of outstanding issues in the physics of geospace storms as well as ways to broaden participation in our field. November 18-19 will be full workshop days with November 20 reserved for overflow discussion. This year we are also adding a new component to these workshops which is a dedicated Geospace Student Workshop — watch out for a separate announcement of that exciting opportunity. We will be working out the logistical details of the workshop in the next few months and will keep the community apprised of the details. Participation in the workshop will require registration but it will be free.
Slava Merkin, CGS Director on behalf of the CGS team

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