CEDAR email: ELSP Community Report

Burrell, Angeline G CIV USN NRL WASHINGTON DC (USA) angeline.g.burrell.civ at us.navy.mil
Fri May 10 12:44:11 MDT 2024

Dear CEDAR community,

Equitable Letters for Space and Physics (ELSP) has finished their second year of offering a review service for recommendation and nomination letters to the English-speaking space physics community. In this year we have:

1. Provided three reviews for recommendation or nomination letters
2. Offered training sessions for reviewer volunteers
3. Grew volunteer reviewer community to 27 members
4. Changed our name slightly to encourage engagement from the wider community
5. Updated web page to provide more letter writing resources
6. Engaged with the scientific community by presenting at conferences, community meetings, and university events
7. Wrote an article in Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences to provide tips for writing a good recommendation letter: https://doi.org/10.3389/fspas.2023.1114821

We hope to continue to grow and expand our engagement with the space and physics communities. Our next reviewer training sessions are ready to be scheduled!  If you would like to attend, please contact us (if you are not already a reviewer) and fill out this form: https://www.when2meet.com/?24917651-KfKvA

We are also open for volunteers to rotate onto our board. If you have questions or would like to become involved, please contact any of the board members or email us at equitable.space.letters at gmail.com<mailto:equitable.space.letters at gmail.com>.

Best regards,
Angeline Burrell, Kate Zawdie, John Coxon, Mack Jones Jr., and Alexa Halford

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