CEDAR email: ISR World Day Planning Meeting at CEDAR 2024

Lindsay Goodwin lindsaygoodw at gmail.com
Fri May 3 01:36:22 MDT 2024

Greetings All,

I would like to encourage you all to submit your proposals for ISR World
Day experiments and observations for the year 2025 before 8th June 2024.
These proposals will be presented during the "Incoherent Scatter Working
meeting that will take place at CEDAR 2024. At this meeting, we will begin
preliminary discussions for potential 2025 ISR world day operations, and
have other general ISR discussions. All are welcomed to participate in the
meeting and discussions.

"World Day" operations are an opportunity to direct the global network of
radars towards a single scientific objective for time scales of a few days.
Guidelines for applying for a World Day are at the following link, as is a
template for the application:
Please send applications to lindsay.v.goodwin at njit.edu

If you wish to be included as a participant in the discussion this year,
but cannot travel to CEDAR, then please send an email to
lindsay.v.goodwin at njit.edu so you can attend virtually. If you have
benefitted from World Day operations in the past, general research talks
related to these modes are very welcomed at this time.

Lindsay Goodwin on behalf of the "Incoherent Scatter Working Group" Session
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