CEDAR email: IMPORTANT -- CEDAR Community Feedback Regarding the GDC & DYNAMIC Spacecraft Missions

Mark Conde mgconde at alaska.edu
Thu Mar 28 16:05:59 MDT 2024

Members of the CEDAR Science Community:

The CEDAR Science Steering Committee is aware of (and generally 
supports) multiple grass-roots initiatives led by various scientists 
working in CEDAR-related fields to encourage individuals and 
institutions to reach out to their Congressional representatives, to 
express support for restoration of funding for the GDC and DYNAMIC 
spacecraft missions.

In its role as representing the entire CEDAR community, the CSSC would 
also like to issue a recommendation for restoration of funding for these 
missions. However, before the CSSC can credibly claim  to speak for the 
CEDAR community as a whole, quantitative evidence is required to show 
that this is indeed the majority view. We have therefore prepared a 
_Statement of Support_ for GDC & DYNAMIC, and an online poll soliciting 
a simple yes/no response to a question that asks whether you support 
this statement. The URL that links to this poll is here:


The yes/no question will be found near the bottom of the form. _The CSSC 
strongly urges all CEDAR community members to complete this online poll 
as soon as possible_. As soon as sufficient responses are available to 
provide a statistically significant indication of the community view, 
the support statement and poll results will be communicated to NASA, and 
also published (and updated) on the CEDAR web site. Individuals and 
institutions wishing to express support for these missions to their 
Congressional representatives will then be able refer to the CEDAR 
statement as an indication of broad support from within the relevant 
scientific community.

Thanks on behalf of the CSSC to all who will help us with this important 

- Mark Conde

CSSC Chair 2024
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