CEDAR email: The 12th International Workshop on Long-Term Trends

Liying Qian lqian at ucar.edu
Mon Apr 29 11:23:09 MDT 2024

Dear colleagues,

The 12th International Workshop on Long-Term Changes and Trends in the
Atmosphere (25 years—the Silver Anniversary), with the support of the
IUGG, IAGA, and IAMAS, will be held next week (6-10 May 2024) in
Ourense, Galicia, Spain.

Participation in the workshop will be in a hybrid format (in person and
online). Presentations will be recorded and made available to
registered participants. The programme is available in:

We want to encourage online participation. If you wish to attend online,
please register using the form on the workshop website.

We look forward to your participation in this exciting workshop!


Liying Qian (NCAR) and Juan Añel (Univ. de Vigo), on behalf of the
Workshop Scientific Organizing Committee and the Local Organizing Committee
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