CEDAR email: Ground-based observation workshop; Young scientist award

Shun-Rong Zhang shunrong at mit.edu
Fri Apr 26 01:15:27 MDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

The workshop on “Monitoring Geospace Disturbances from the Ground: Scientific Challenges, Observational Networks, and International Collaboration (2024 Workshop on International Meridian Circle Program, IMCP)” will be held on Sept 23-27, 2024, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The main objective of the workshop is to advocate the unique contributions of ground-based observations and the particular significance of global and regional collaboration in addressing the broad challenge of monitoring and understanding geospace and space weather. In this second announcement, we provide more details about the scientific sessions and logistic information.

We are also delighted to announce the annual competition for the IMCP Young Scientist Award. This award aims to acknowledge the outstanding contributions of young scientists in the field of ground-based geospace observation and research, particularly those actively engaged in IMCP-related studies. Each year, approximately three winners will be selected to receive an honorable certificate and a cash prize of up to USD 1500, all of which will be presented at the Workshop. This year’s deadline for application is 15 June 2024. More information can be found here:

Limited funding is available to support participating in the Workshop, with priorities to younger researchers and developing country researchers.

Workshop Website:  https://workshop2024.imcp.ac.cn/

Important Deadlines

Young Scientist Award application: 15 June 2024
Abstract submission: 31 July 2024
Financial support application: 31 July 2024
Early-bird registration: 31 July 2024
Hotel reservations (starting in early May): Guaranteed room in the Itamambuca Eco Resort by 20 August 2024

Scientific Sessions

Session 1: International, regional, and national space weather programs

Session 2: Scientific challenges and progress in understanding space weather processes driven by solar storms and disturbances from above

Session 3: Scientific challenges and progress in understanding space weather processes under lower atmospheric and lithospheric forcing and global climate change impact

Session 4: South-American Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA) and impact on geospace

Session 5: Space weather monitoring with ground-based observational networks: current and new developments

Session 6: Data fusion, assimilation and AI; space weather modeling and forecast

Session 7: Synthesis - regional and global collaboration for effective geospace observation and research - IMCP in the global cooperation context


Day 0 (22 Sept): Registration

Day 1 (23 Sept): Scientific sessions at INPE

Days 2-4 (24-26 Sept): Scientific sessions at Itamambuca Eco Resort, Ubatuba

Day 5 (27 Sept): Excursion


The organizers will provide complimentary transportation:

--São Paulo International Airport (GRU) to conference hotels near INPE

--INPE to Itamambuca Eco Resort, Ubatuba
--Itamambuca Eco Resort to GRU at the end of the workshop

Round-way transportation from Itamambuca Eco Resort to the excursion destination will be available for an additional fee.

This workshop is sponsored by the National Space Science Center (NSSC), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Brazil, SCOSTEP, Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization(APSCO), Natural Science Foundation of China, and other organizations.

For further information, please contact Dr. Fang Yang at fyang at nssc.ac.cn<mailto:fyang at nssc.ac.cn> (LOC)

On behalf of Workshop organizers

Shun-Rong Zhang (he/him), PhD
MIT Haystack Observatory
99 Millstone Rd, Westford, MA 01886, US
http://srz.mit.edu | shunrong at mit.edu
Phone: 617-715-5725

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