CEDAR email: MAGE model available to the CCMC

Merkin, Viacheslav G. Slava.Merkin at jhuapl.edu
Fri Apr 19 13:20:06 MDT 2024

Dear colleagues,

Thanks to the dedicated work by the development team for the Multiscale Atmosphere-Geospace Environment (MAGE) model and a productive close collaboration with the NASA/CCMC, the first version of MAGE is now available for runs-on-request at the CCMC. This marks a significant milestone for us at the NASA DRIVE Science Center for Geospace Storms (CGS) and we are happy to share it with the community!

This version of the model (MAGE 0.75) couples the GAMERA global magnetosphere MHD model, the RCM inner magnetosphere model, the REMIX ionospheric potential solver and the Dragon King auroral precipitation model. You can request model runs at: https://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/models/MAGE~0.75/.

The next model release will include a redeveloped version of RCM and coupling to a model of the ionosphere-thermosphere system (TIEGCM).

We look forward to working with the community as MAGE is put to good use at the CCMC.

Best regards,

Viacheslav G. Merkin
Director, NASA DRIVE Science Center for Geospace Storms

Space Exploration Sector
Applied Physics Laboratory
Johns Hopkins University
Phone: (240) 228-1756
Web: cgs.jhuapl.edu<http://cgs.jhuapl.edu/>

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