CEDAR email: [Announcement] Next ISWI Seminar

Maria Graciela Molina gmolina at herrera.unt.edu.ar
Mon Mar 13 07:50:50 MDT 2023

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the next ISWI Seminar of 2023 by *Dr Manuela
Temmer *scheduled for *March 29th at 3 PM Central European Time (9 AM EDT;
6:30 PM IST)*.

To register for this virtual seminar, please send an email to:
*iswisupport at bc.edu
<iswisupport at bc.edu>.* Please include “ISWI Seminar Registration” in the
subject line. There is a limit of 300 participants, so please register your
interest as soon as possible. The MS Teams link will be sent to registered
participants 2 days before the event.

Seminars will be recorded. The playlist with the previous seminars, which
will also include future sessions, can be accessed through the following
link: https://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/psa/bssi/iswi_webinars.html

With kind regards,
Graciela Molina
on behalf of the ISWI Seminar Committee

*Title:* Understanding Space Weather – an interdisciplinary field of

*Speaker:* Manuela Temmer
Institute of Physics, University of Graz, Austria

The Sun is an active star interacting with the planets in our solar system.
For our modern society a topic of highest interest are near-Earth
disturbances emanating from the Sun that shape our “Space Weather”. Most
important are solar phenomena like flares, coronal mass ejections (CMEs),
and stream interaction regions (SIRs). CMEs present massive clouds of
magnetized plasma having speeds up to a few thousand km/s, that may
propagate over the Sun-Earth distance within less than a day. CMEs are
embedded in the ambient solar wind flow which is structured itself due to
the interaction between slow and fast wind streams (so-called SIRs). These
may interact with the Earth’s magnetosphere and generate disturbances as
well in the lower atmospheric layers, which may cause strong geomagnetic
effects. Upstream and downstream of the Earth’s bow shock, different
processes on different scales are observed which makes Space Weather a
highly interdisciplinary field of research. A better understanding of the
physical processes involved in the interaction between solar wind flow and
CMEs down to the interaction of these large-scale solar wind structures
with the magnetic field and atmospheric layers of Earth will enable us to
improve models for more reliable forecasts.

[image: ISWI Seminar Series March2023.png]

*Dra. María Graciela Molina*
Professor FACET -UNT
Researcher CONICET
Associated researcher INGV

Av. Independencia 1800, Tucumán - Argentina
Tel: +54-381-4364093 (ext.7765)
gmolina at herrera.unt.edu.ar /
*m.graciela.molina at gmail.com* <m.graciela.molina at gmail.com>
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