CEDAR email: 2024 AOGS ST30_Monitoring Space Weather and Geospace Hazards with IMCP

lwren at spaceweather.ac.cn lwren at spaceweather.ac.cn
Sat Dec 9 22:18:37 MST 2023

Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that we are accepting abstract submissions to our session at AOGS (https://www.asiaoceania.org/aogs2024/public.asp?page=home.asp) in Pyeongchang, Gangwon-do (23rd-28th June 2024).Our session, ST30, is entitled "Monitoring Space Weather and Geospace Hazards with the International Meridian Circle Program." The abstract submission deadline is January 2, 2024.
Session Description:
Earth's ecosystems and human activities are threatened by a broad spectrum of hazards of major importance for the safety of ground infrastructures, space systems and space flight: solar activity, atmospheric and climatic disturbances, space weather, earthquakes, changes in the geomagnetic field, fluctuations of the global electric circuit. Monitoring and understanding these major hazards to better predict and mitigate their effects is one of the greatest scientific and operational challenges of the 21st century. Since these diverse hazards all leave specific imprints on the ionosphere and middle-upper atmosphere (IMUA) and the Magnetosphere-ionosphere-Themersphere coupling system (MIT), they can be detected by means of a global network of instruments monitoring solar activity, interplanetary space, IMUA and MIT. The objective of the International Meridian Circle Program (IMCP), an international cooperative project proposed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is to coordinate the deployment, integration, operation and concurrent data analysis of a global network of this type. 

In this session, we solicit contributions that deal with ground-based observations to provide systematic solar activity and space weather monitoring, relevant or irrelevant to the IMCP efforts.
We particularly welcome presentations describing new observational capabilities as well as potential plans for new facility  and instrument deployments, along various latitudinal chains including but not limited to the meridian circles of 120°E-60°W and 30°E-150°W. 
We also encourage presentations of space missions, theoretical research as well as modelling and advanced data assimilation developments that will enhance the science return from the coordinated global networks of scientific instruments.
Session conveners:
* Prof Qing-He Zhang (Shandong University/NSSC, zhangqinghe at sdu.edu.cn)
Prof Michel Blanc (Institute for Research in Astrophysics and Planetology, michel.blanc at irap.omp.eu  )
Dr Geonhwa Jee (Korea Polar Research Institute, ghjee at kopri.re.kr)
Dr Jiuhou Lei (University of Science and Technology of China,  leijh at ustc.edu.cn)
Dr Yuichi Otsuka (Nagoya University,  otsuka at isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp )
As we believe in fostering collaboration and promoting diverse perspectives, we welcome submissions from researchers at all career stages, including early-career scientists and students. 
We kindly invite you to share this information with your colleagues and friends.
Looking forward to seeing you in person at the meeting!
For further information, feel free to contact me (lwren at spaceweather.ac.cn) and the session conveners.
Thank you,
Liwen Ren

International Meridian Circle Program(IMCP) Manager
National Space Science Center(NSSC), Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) 
Beijing, China
lwren at spaceweather.ac.cn
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