CEDAR email: URSI AT-RASC 2024: Commission H02: Plasma waves, wave-particle interactions, and their multifold effects on the radiation belts

Hartley, David P david-hartley at uiowa.edu
Fri Dec 1 09:53:53 MST 2023

Dear colleagues,

The 4th URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting, URSI AT-RASC 2024 (https://www.atrasc.com), will take place in Gran Canaria, May 19-24, 2024. For information on convened sessions for Commission H: Waves in Plasmas (including conveners and session descriptions), please visit: https://cloud.ilabt.imec.be/index.php/s/WLXgBHPcmMzb95S.

Please consider submitting an abstract to the URSI Commission H Session H02: “Plasma waves, wave-particle interactions, and their multifold effects on the radiation belts”. The deadline for abstract submission is 20 January 2024, through this website: https://www.eventure-online.com/eventure/login.form?A366e99a4-33f8-4841-9ec7-6fb8257a111f.

Session H02: 
“Plasma waves, wave-particle interactions, and their multifold effects on the radiation belts”

Session H02 Description: 
“In the collisionless magnetospheric environment, plasma waves are crucial for the rapid storm-time enhancements in the radiation belts, as well as abrupt dropouts and gradual rebuilding of the belts, in combination with radial transport. However, major uncertainties remain on the spatial distribution, propagation, and spectral properties of key plasma waves in the inner magnetosphere and their feedback on energetic particle dynamics. Improved knowledge on the inclusion of nonlinear wave- particle interactions and the role of cold and hot plasma in the wave growth and propagation are needed. This session invites studies that advance our current understanding of wave-particle interactions and their role in radiation belt dynamics from observational, theoretical, and numerical points of view. We especially welcome investigations related to the development of new methods and mission concepts, as well as those that can gain insights on the global dynamics from multi-spacecraft and ground-based network observations.”

Session H02 Conveners:
David Hartley
Ondrej Santolik
Vania Jordanova
Yoshizumi Miyoshi

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