CEDAR email: Invitation to participate in GEM GIC Sessions

Dogacan Ozturk dsozturk at alaska.edu
Thu May 19 06:42:13 MDT 2022

Dear CEDAR Community,

We are cordially inviting you to participate in our newly selected Focus
Group titled "Understanding the causes of geomagnetic disturbances in
geospace for hazard analysis on geomagnetically induced currents (GIC)"
sessions that will take place during the 2022 GEM Workshop. This new focus
group aims to improve the physical understanding of the causes of
geomagnetic disturbances through observations, numerical simulations, and
machine learning techniques in the solar
wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere-ground coupled system for hazard analysis on
Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs).

The scheduled GIC sessions are as follows:

1. Stand-alone GIC session: 21 June 2022, 13.30-15.00 HDT

2. Stand-alone GIC session: 21 June 2022, 15.30-17.00 HDT

3. Joint GIC-GBMA session: 20 June 2022, 10.30-12.00 HDT

4. Joint IHMIC-GIC session: 24 June 2022, 10.30-12.00 HDT

5. Joint GIC-IEMIT session: 24 June 2022, 13.30-15.00 HDT

The stand-alone sessions will be organized by the topics and are open for
short contributed talks and invited talks. For remote GEM participants,
virtual contribution options will be available. Please contact Xueling Shi (
xueling7 at vt.edu) and Doga Ozturk (dsozturk at alaska.edu) with the title of
your presentation if you are interested in presenting.

*A field trip to the USGS HON magnetic observatory will be provided at 5pm
on Friday (24 June 2022). *We can only take a limited number of
participants (~ 12) to the facility due to the capacity and
transportation. Please
contact Josh Rigler (erigler at usgs.gov) and Xueling Shi (xueling7 at vt.edu) if
you are interested.

For more and up to date information, please see the GEM Wiki Page for our
FG: https://tinyurl.com/gic-gem

We are looking forward to your participation!

Xueling Shi

Dogacan Ozturk

Mark Engebretson

Zhonghua Xu

Erin Joshua Rigler
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