CEDAR email: Cedar session on Auroral System Science Enabled by Heterogeneous Distributed Data and Model Fusion

Kristina A. Lynch Kristina.A.Lynch at dartmouth.edu
Fri May 13 08:23:53 MDT 2022

For this Cedar session workshop:

Auroral System Science Enabled by Heterogeneous Distributed Data and Model Fusion


(Friday 24 June, 10-12)

we plan two sessions of shared presentations followed by mediated discussion.  The topics in the session description can be ordered along many topic axes.  For the first hour, we will have a 30-minute shared presentation focussing on flows and currents, followed by a panel discussion.  For the second hour, we will have a 30-minute shared presentation focussing on density and energy, again followed by panel discussion.  There will be a short break between the two sessions.  We encourage those working on the topics in the session description to submit posters on their work, and to propose a brief (3-slide, 5-minute) contribution to one of the shared presentations.

If you would like to propose a presentation contribution, please let one of us (kal at dartmouth.edu, zettergm at erau.edu, meghan.burleigh at nrl.navy.mil , or jules.van.irsel.gr at dartmouth.edu ).

The developing shared presentation plan will be updated on the session website.  We might consider some sort of associated-to-this-session sticker to put on associated posters for identification during the poster session.   Please let us know if your poster has bearing on this session, and join our session Friday morning even if you do not have a formal part of the shared presentations.  We look forward to interesting conversations with an intent to seed new collaborations and projects in this area.

Kristina Lynch, Dartmouth
Matt Zettergren, ERAU
Meghan Burleigh, NRL
Jules van Irsel, Dartmouth

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