CEDAR email: Next SCOSTEP seminar

Lopez, Ramon Edgardo relopez at uta.edu
Wed May 4 09:04:36 MDT 2022

Dear SCOSTEP colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the next SCOSTEP/PRESTO Online Seminar by
Dr. Christine Gabrielse will be held via online as below. To join the seminar,
please register via the zoom addresses as below.

Best wishes,

Ramon Lopez, PRESTO Chair

13-1th SCOSTEP/PRESTO Online Seminar

Title: Mesoscales and their Contribution to the Global Response: A Focus on the Magnetotail Transition Region and Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
Author: Dr. Christine Gabrielse
Affiliation: The Aerospace Corporation, USA
Date/time: May 18 (Thu), 2022, 22:00-23:00 UT
Zoom Registration URL (pre-registration is necessary):


How do mesoscale phenomena contribute to the global response of the system?
This question has risen to the forefront of the space physics community in recent
years, and has been the topic of a Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) Focus
Group since 2017. Specifically, community members have been studying if and
how much mesoscale transport in the tail contributes to the more global response
at the dipole-stretched transition region with respect to magnetic flux and
dipolarization, particle transport and injections, and the substorm current wedge.
How this relates to the coupled ionosphere is also an important consideration.
This talk will summarize some results that were compiled to answer this question,
and poses more questions to the audience to consider with regards to further
understanding how mesoscale phenomena contribute to the system global response.

Dr. Ramon E. Lopez
Distinguished Professor
Member, U.T. System & U.T. Arlington Academy of Distinguished Teachers
Department of Physics
University of Texas at Arlington
Arlington, TX  76019
relopez at uta.edu<mailto:relopez at uta.edu>

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