CEDAR email: 2022 Sun-Climate Symposium, Madison, WI

Kelly Hepburn Kelly.Hepburn at lasp.colorado.edu
Thu Mar 17 08:41:41 MDT 2022

2022 Sun-Climate Symposium:
Improved Climate-Record Reconstructions from Solar Variability and Earth System Observations
May 16-20, 2022   *   Madison, WI

The Science Program is ready and we are excited to share it!

Join us for the 2022 Sun-Climate Symposium - sponsored by the Sun-Climate Research Center (SCRC), a joint venture between NASA GSFC and LASP at the University of Colorado.  The meeting website, https://lasp.colorado.edu/home/meetings/2022-sun-climate-symposium/, includes a detailed program description and a list of all presenters.  The abstracts will be available to view on our webpage in the coming days, however, you can get all of your logistical information (hotel, registration, etc.) today!

Symposium overview:   Climate studies require records of longer duration than most direct individual measurements provide. These records can be created by combining measurements from different observers, sites, or instruments. Correlations between various measurements similarly enable extending climate-data records over the long timescales needed. Such reconstructions enable lengthier indicators of the climate itself as well as the natural and anthropogenic influences on climate. We explore such reconstructions and the understanding that can be gained from them, with emphasis on links between climate influences - particularly the natural driver provided by solar variability - and the Earth-climate system. These studies include improvements in recent and upcoming climate, atmosphere, and radiative observations and models, as those are often the most accurate tie points of historical reconstructions; correlations between various records used as proxies for historical reconstructions, as those provide the long-duration records needed for climate studies; new methodologies for extending or combining records; and studies of the climate variability associated with these records.

NASA travel guidelines:   NASA has approved this symposium for federal employees/contractors to attend following the NASA travel protocols.

NASA is currently at Travel Stage 2, and there is a possibility NASA may transition to Stage 1 before May.  Here are the NASA travel protocols/guidelines for Stage 2:
* Travelers who are fully vaccinated may go on non-mission critical travel and should follow the standard, pre-pandemic process to submit a travel request to their center travel office.
* If requesting non-mission-critical travel, you are certifying that you are fully vaccinated, as required by federal guidelines. Making a false claim or statement (using NASA's official travel system for non-mission essential/critical travel without meeting the vaccination requirement) can result in disciplinary action and - more importantly - can place you, others, and the agency at increased risk.
* Employees who are not fully vaccinated are limited to mission-critical travel only, domestic, and international. Federal employees who are not fully vaccinated should take recommended precautions during mission-critical travel.

These protocols are required for federal employees/contractors, but they also serve as guidelines for all attendees. In addition, any other federal or local COVID regulations will be followed at the symposium.

The deadline for group rate the Madison Concourse Hotel accommodations is Wednesday, April 20th, and the early-bird registration is Saturday, April 16th.  We encourage your participation and hope that you will share this announcement with colleagues.  Please join us!

Best regards,
2022 Sun-Climate Symposium Organizing Committee
(Peter Pilewskie, Odele Coddington, Greg Kopp, Jae Lee, Doug Rabin, Erik Richard, Marty Snow, Tom Woods, Dong Wu, Paul Menzel, Brad Pierce, Dave Tobin)

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