CEDAR email: 2022 AGU Session SA019

Zhang, Yongliang Yongliang.Zhang at jhuapl.edu
Tue Jul 26 12:49:41 MDT 2022

Dear Colleagues,
If you have not submitted your AGU abstracts yet, we cordially invite you to submit your contribution to SA019 session.
Yongliang Zhang
Larry J. Paxton
Yue Deng
Rebecca Bishop

Space Weather Challenges in Ionosphere/Thermosphere/Mesosphere Science

The next Heliophysics Decadal Survey begins in 2022: what are the needs for ITM space weather community? We solicit talks that address the challenges facing the modeling as well as the ground- and space-based measurement communities in understanding the variability of the ITM system and forecasting/nowcasting the state of the system. The ITM shows significant variability during both disturbed and 'quiet' times. We invite your analyses of the sources of variability and the variability itself (storms, waves, tides, TIDs, bubbles, scintillation, etc.), differences between models (e.g., first principles, empirical) and observations, and challenges such as representing gravity wave propagation, ion-neutral coupling, cross-scale coupling, high-latitude conductivity, etc. Specific questions to address include: what are the limiting factors to our ability to forecast the I/T region and what are the current models' capabilities and limitations  especially in terms of terrestrial sources (e.g., earthquakes, cyclones, volcanic eruptions, etc.)?

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