CEDAR email: CEDAR-relevant AGU session

MISHIN, EVGENY V DR-04 USSF AFMC AFRL/RVBXC evgeny.mishin at spaceforce.mil
Tue Jul 5 13:21:47 MDT 2022

Dear CEDAR participants,

Please consider to submit an abstract about your current research to the
session  SM029 " Wave, Plasma, and Optical Structures in Subauroral
Geospace"  session at the Fall 2022 AGU Meeting. 
Session Description:
Ground-based and in situ observations during the last decade greatly
advanced our knowledge of the subauroral dynamical structure, including
density troughs, and its external and internal drivers, such as
reconnection-ejected mesoscale plasma flows and ionospheric feedback, just
to name a few. In particular, the recently established relation of
subauroral arcs, STEVE and Picket Fence, to strong subauroral flows (SAID
and SAPS) helped to "visualize" plasma and wave processes occurring in the
course of substorms near the plasma sheet inner boundary. The understanding
of these, often nonlinear, processes necessarily requires an approach that
combines dedicated observations and advanced theoretical/numerical studies.
To facilitate such broad collaboration and usher in a "golden era" of
subauroral research, we propose a special section that can bring theorists
and modelers together with observers to present observations and
theoretical/numerical simulations models using/explaining observations from
ground and space platforms focusing on, but not limited to, multiscale wave,
current, plasma, and optical phenomena.

Rezy Pradipta 
Evgeny Mishin  
Anatoly Streltsov

Dr. Sc. Evgeny Mishin
AFRL Space Vehicles Directorate
Phone: 505-853-3666
Email: evgeny.mishin at spaceforce.mil

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