CEDAR email: EGU2022 Call for abstracts ST3.3 - Electromagnetic Energy Input to the Earth’s Ionosphere-Thermosphere System and its Impacts

Billett, Daniel daniel.billett at usask.ca
Wed Jan 5 08:53:39 MST 2022

Dear CEDAR community,

As the abstract deadline for EGU 2022 is fast approaching, we would like to draw your attention to and invite abstract submissions for our session on electromagnetic energy inputs into the upper atmosphere. EGU 2022 is planned to be held as a hybrid format in Vienna, Austria, from 3-8th April 2022. The abstract submission deadline is 12th January 2022, 13:00 CET. Please email any of the conveners if you have any questions!

ST3.3 - Electromagnetic Energy Input to the Earth’s Ionosphere-Thermosphere System and its Impacts

Session information page and abstract submission:

Solar wind-magnetosphere interactions play a large role in depositing electromagnetic energy into Earth’s mid to high-latitude atmosphere. This energy, often quantified in terms of the Poynting flux, is responsible for large-scale ionospheric features such as plasma convection, field-aligned currents (FACs) and the auroral oval, but also small to meso-scale features like substorms and sub-auroral polarization streams (SAPS). The ionosphere is, in turn, coupled to the neutral thermosphere, resulting in its composition and dynamics varying on many spatial and temporal scales. Given the wide-reaching impact of the solar wind-magnetosphere energy source, there is still much that is not well understood about its effect on the Earth’s upper atmosphere.

In this session, we invite both observational and modelling contributions relating to magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling across all scale sizes. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the morphology and magnitude of Poynting flux, auroral dynamics during both storm and non-storm times, the structure and morphology of FACs and ionospheric convection, thermospheric density structures, ion-neutral interactions, and inter-hemispheric asymmetries.


Sincerely, conveners:
Daniel Billett (University of Saskatchewan)
Jade Reidy (British Antarctic Survey)
Ivan Pakhotin (University of Alberta)
Alex Chartier (Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory)

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