CEDAR email: 2023 Los Alamos Space Weather Summer School

Delzanno, Gian Luca delzanno at lanl.gov
Wed Dec 21 14:24:15 MST 2022

Dear colleagues,
the Los Alamos National Laboratory is accepting applications for its 2023 Space Weather Summer School, scheduled for June 5th-July 28th 2023. The school, which will be in-presence, combines lectures and summer research projects. Information about the school can be found at:

The list of suggested projects and mentors can be found at:


Students interested in a specific project are welcome to contact the relevant mentor ahead of the application. Students are also welcome to propose their own research topic (which could be aligned with their PhD) as part of the application, in which case an effort will be made to pair the student with a LANL mentor interested in that topic. 

The details of the application process can be found at:

The deadline for application is January 31st 2023.

Please do not hesitate to contact the school for any clarifications.

Gian Luca Delzanno
Mike Henderson
LANL Space Weather Summer School co-directors

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