CEDAR email: Advertisement for the Postdoctoral Position at the Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee, India

Sumanta Sarkhel sarkhel at ph.iitr.ac.in
Fri Apr 29 01:04:43 MDT 2022

Dear Researcher, 
The Department of Physics at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee invites applications from outstanding and enthusiastic researchers from Indian Nationals for postdoctoral position under the mentorship of Prof. Sumanta Sarkhel focused on “ Investigation and characterization of ionospheric two dimensional plasma structures over the geomagnetic low-mid latitude transition region using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning ”. 

The p r osp e c t i ve c a ndidate is e x p ec ted to h a v e a s t ro n g b a c k g r ound in the a r e a o f Atmospheric Physics/Space P h y sics / Physics/Computer Science/Applied Mathematics/Statistics spe c ial l y r e lat e d to Machine Learning/Deep Learning/Artificial Intelligence. Prior experience in working with airglow imagers and knowledge of image analyses using MATLAB/Python will get an added advantage. The c a ndida t e should h a v e e x p e ri e n c e of w o r k i n g on c ut t i n g e d g e r e s e a r c h a nd must h a ve publ i ca t i ons in reputed p ee r r e v i e w e d jo u rn a ls. The selected candidate will work on the newly installed all-sky multi-wavelength airglow imaging system (557.7 and 630.0 nm filters) at the Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO), Hanle, Leh Ladakh (32.78 o N, 78.96 o E) for the investigation of the Earth’s ionosphere. The details of the all-sky airglow imager is available at [ https://allsky.iitr.ac.in/ | https://allsky.iitr.ac.in/ ] . A few details of above mentioned post is as follows: 

1. Emoluments: ₹ 54,000 + HRA (as per institute rule) 

2. Duration: One year (extendable up to three years after satisfactory progress in each year) 

3. Job description: To carry research work of the project. The work entails labeling of data, data preprocessing, and experimentation using CNNs and other architectures. Expertise in programming is essential: Python, Tensorflow/Keras, and other relevant libraries and tools. 

Candidates desirin g to appear for the Interview should submit their applications with the following documents to the Principal Investigator through email ( sarkhel at ph.iitr.ac.in ) only. The deadline for submission is extended to 20 May 2022 . 

The details of the advertisement is available in the following link: 

[ https://iitr.ac.in/Careers/static/Project_Jobs/2022/PH/adv310320222.pdf | https://iitr.ac.in/Careers/static/Project_Jobs/2022/PH/adv310320222.pdf ] 

I would request you to kindly circulate this email with your institute colleagues and prospective candidates. 

Thanks and regards, 
Kindly note that my email address has been changed to sarkhel at ph.iitr.ac.in . Please send emails to my new address only. 
Sumanta Sarkhel, Ph.D. 
Associate Professor, 
Department of Physics, 
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, 
Roorkee - 247667, 

Phone: +91-1332-284817 
Visit My Profile: https://ph.iitr.ac.in/~PH/Sumanta_Sarkhel 
Visit Our Webpage: https://allsky.iitr.ac.in 

My Google Scholar Citation Page: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=UotPqsMAAAAJ 
My ResearchGate Profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sumanta_Sarkhel/ 

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