CEDAR email: REU Site at Institute of Space Weather Sciences of New Jersey Institute of Technology for Summer 2022

Kim, Hyomin hmkim at njit.edu
Tue Nov 30 11:42:58 MST 2021

Dear colleagues,

The Institute of Space Weather Sciences (ISWS)
at the New Jersey Institute of Technology will host a Research Experience
for Undergraduates in the summer of 2022 (May 23 to July 29, 2022), funded
by the National Science Foundation.

Undergraduate students in STEM fields will be invited to Newark, New Jersey
for 10 weeks to engage in cutting-edge heliophysics, terrestrial physics,
space weather, and big data research with space physicists, astronomers,
and computer scientists.

Students will be provided a total stipend of $6,000 for the 10-week
program. Additionally, a travel (between home and NJIT) and $140/week of
meal allowance is provided to each student. Housing on the NJIT campus
(shared rooms) will be provided.

We will accept applications until February 15, 2022.

For more detailed information about the program and application, visit the
ISWS REU website at https://sites.google.com/njit.edu/iswsreu/home

Contact Us:

   - - Dr. Hyomin Kim (hyomin.kim at njit.edu) or Dr. Bin Chen (
   bin.chen at njit.edu) for inquiries regarding the science program
   - - Dr. Elena Moise (elena.moise at njit.edu) for inquiries regarding the
   program management

This REU program is funded by the National Science Foundation under grant
AGS-2050792: "REU Site: Solar, Terrestrial, and Space Weather Sciences at
New Jersey Institute of Technology."

[image: NJIT logo] <https://www.njit.edu/> *Hyomin Kim*
Assistant Professor
Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research
Institute for Space Weather Sciences
hmkim at njit.edu • (973) 596-5704
104 Tiernan Hall, 161 Warren Street, Newark, NJ 07102
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