CEDAR email: Announcement of TIMED launch 20th anniversary for CEDAR mailing list.

McCormack, John (HQ-DJ000) john.p.mccormack at nasa.gov
Thu Nov 18 09:52:51 MST 2021

To the email list moderators (cc Denise Hill)

Here is a proposed submission to the CEDAR email list describing the upcoming 20th anniversary of the TIMED launch and link to a community survey. Denise please confirm if this looks ok or needs any correction/clarification.



Dear colleagues,

NASA’s TIMED mission will celebrate the 20th anniversary of its launch on 7 December 2021. Over the years, TIMED observations have provided a wealth of information on the dynamics and energy budget of the thermosphere and ionosphere. In addition to improving our understanding of this complex system, the TIMED mission has also had an impact on the research community itself. In addition to extending our congratulations to the TIMED mission team, we would like to invite members of the CEDAR community that have been involved with TIMED over the years to share their experiences and insights related to the TIMED mission here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdPSvfM6U11KYnVnBkSNxkTSgwcAMBuiwbBV1FypUUt1-SD8w/viewform>.

Thanks very much,

John McCormack
TIMED program scientist
NASA Heliophysics Division

John McCormack, Ph.D.
Program Scientist (GOLD, ICON, AIM, TIMED, EZIE)
Heliophysics Division
Science Mission Directorate
Mary W. Jackson NASA HQ Building
300 Hidden Figures Way SW
Washington, DC 20546
john.p.mccormack at nasa.gov<mailto:john.p.mccormack at nasa.gov>
mobile: (202) 422-2796

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