CEDAR email: ISWAT Virtual Meeting Series: G2a Atmosphere Variability on22-26 February 2021

Yue, Jia (GSFC-674.0)[CATHOLIC UNIV OF AMERICA] jia.yue at nasa.gov
Sat Jan 30 16:02:28 MST 2021

Dear Colleagues,
     We would like to invite you to the ISWAT Virtual  Meeting Series: G2a Atmosphere Variability on22-26 February 2021.
The Atmosphere Variability cluster is organizing a virtual meeting, one year after the ISWAT inaugural working meeting in Florida, to present progress made since and to discuss new actions and new collaborations.
The meeting will be organized in sessions of 2-3 hours duration per day. The 3 action teams will give updates, invited speakers will present recent developments pertaining to the G2a cluster, and we welcome contributions from all on topics that are on the cluster task list:

  *   Analysis, modeling, and prediction of the thermosphere
  *   Model assessment with standard score cards on CCMC
  *   Datasets for assimilation and assessment, and optimized exploitation (e.g., machine learning)
  *   Model drivers (solar EUV and geomagnetic activity measurements, wave activity from the lower atmosphere), and their forecast
  *   Satellite drag modeling (aerodynamic coefficient, shape model)
  *   Uncertainty assessment due to drag in orbit determination
Registration is open at

Sean Bruinsma, Mehta Piyush and Jia Yue

Research Scientist
Space Weather Lab, Code: 674
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, 20771
Physics Department, Catholic University of America, DC
Office: 301-286-1070      Cell: 970-213-5715
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