CEDAR email: Workshop Announcement: A Strategic Vision for Incoherent Scatter Radar

Elizabeth Kendall Elizabeth.Kendall at ucf.edu
Fri Feb 19 15:45:37 MST 2021

Workshop Announcement:

A Strategic Vision for Incoherent Scatter Radar


April 26-27, 2021

This online workshop will conduct interactive discussions to both define a vision that incorporates community views on the most important objectives for future incoherent scatter (IS) radar facilities and to develop a strategy for pursuing them. The ultimate goal of this workshop is to generate a draft program plan for delivery to U.S. NSF Geospace leadership and the forthcoming US NASEM Decadal Survey. The plan will address key scientific and technical aspects of future IS radar facilities including those key scientific frontier areas where IS radar techniques and observations are essential for progress. The plan will also discuss the ways future facilities could combine multiple different types of radio and radar observations to address a broad portfolio of scientific investigations.

A high priority for the organizing committee is to include early career researchers and graduate students in the field.  Accordingly, we strongly encourage faculty to invite their graduate students/postdocs to actively participate in the workshop.

The workshop will be held on April 26 and 27, 2021 (afternoons Eastern Standard Time).  The program will include six serial sessions, each composed of two anchor talks followed by a moderated discussion. The specific workshop agenda will be made available shortly.

A workshop registration site is available through the following URL:


Participants must register to receive a zoom link to the workshop.

For more information, please consult any of the workshop organizers:

Anthea Coster (costera at mit.edu)

Phil Erickson (pje at mit.edu)

Dave Hysell (david.hysell at cornell.edu)

Elizabeth Kendall (elizabeth.kendall at ucf.edu)

Roger Varney (roger.varney at sri.com)

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