CEDAR email: 2020 ISR Summer School Deadline Extended to March 13
Elizabeth Kendall
Elizabeth.Kendall at ucf.edu
Fri Mar 6 11:54:58 MST 2020
Because of technical difficulties on our web site, the deadline for applying to the 2020 ISR Summer School has been extended to March 13. We apologize for confusion caused by the web site issues and encourage you to resubmit if you experienced a problem. Please feel free to contact elizabeth.kendall at ucf.edu if you have questions. The full announcement is below.
2020 ISR Summer School
Lowell, Massachusetts
July 27 – August 1, 2020
The 2020 ISR Summer School will be held July 27 - August 1 in Lowell, Massachusetts. The school provides students with hands-on experience in designing and running experiments at incoherent scatter radar (ISR) facilities. During this summer school, students will have the opportunity to run experiments with the Millstone Hill incoherent scatter radar and use data from multiple ISR observatories, such as Poker Flat (PFISR), Arecibo, and Jicamarca. The school will be structured to provide presentations in the morning and hands-on experience in experiment design and analysis in the afternoons. The morning lectures will include an introduction to the theory of incoherent scatter, radar operations, ISR analysis techniques, and community databases. The afternoon exercises will involve working closely with ISR facility staff in the topic areas of proposal design, experiment execution, and data analysis. All students will have the opportunity to work one-on-one with experienced scientists from multiple institutions.
The ISR summer school is suitable for graduate and advanced undergraduate students and attendance is limited. For most students attending institutions within the United States, travel, housing and meals will be provided. For post-docs and students outside of the United States, funding will be considered on a case-by-case basis. All students who wish to apply for the ISR summer school must follow the application instructions at the summer school web site:
The 2020 ISR summer school is funded by the US National Science Foundation (NSF through its Geospace Facilities Program within the Geosciences Directorate and is organized by the University of Central Florida. For more information about the school, please contact elizabeth.kendall at ucf.edu
The deadline for application submission is March 13, 2020.
Notice of acceptance will be sent to participants by March 27, 2020.
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