CEDAR email: NSF/AGS June Update

Wiltberger, Michael J mwiltber at nsf.gov
Wed Jun 24 06:03:32 MDT 2020

Dear colleagues,

The deadline for the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) program has been extended. See details at the end of this message.
I hope you are doing well. These are unprecedented times and we are faced with the same constraints as the rest of society—social distancing, stay at home, family obligations, and extra attention towards minimizing the spread of infection.  Indeed, tough complicated times affecting our work-life balance. I’d like to assure you that AGS staff are working hard and remain committed to advancing knowledge and cutting-edge new discoveries in the atmospheric, geospace and related sciences.
Earlier today NSF staff received a message from Dr. Sethuraman Panchanathan, fifteenth Director of NSF.  As he eloquently states ‘Our central focus will always be to advance the frontiers of knowledge by supporting basic research — this is who we are. We can enhance our ability to do that by ensuring that the scientific enterprise is open to everyone who has the drive to be part of our mission and creating diverse pathways into the research community. Partnerships—with industry, with the public, with institutions, with non-profits, and more—are an opportunity to accelerate our progress and amplify the benefits of basic research. Finally, our nation can enrich the global research environment by being the vanguard of principled research leadership. ……. We are also facing a moment of truth about racial equity. I know many of you are hurting and I share that pain. To those of you who have reached out to your colleagues—to find solace, to give support, to connect—thank you for demonstrating that, as a community, we are stronger through empathy and affirmation. Discrimination and bias have no place at NSF, in the research community, or in any corner of science and engineering. As an institution, NSF is committed to inclusivity, diversity, and supporting talent from every demographic. As individuals and teams, we must work to fulfill that commitment.’
Be well and stay safe.
CAREER:  In consideration of the challenges facing many in our country, NSF is extending the upcoming proposal deadline for the Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) until  5:00 p.m. submitter's local time on Tuesday, August 11, 2020. The updated solicitation and public notification was released Tuesday June 23rd. Please note that the eligibility requirements specified in the solicitation remain unchanged, and proposers must meet all of the eligibility requirements as of the original deadline of July 27, 2020.  We strongly encourage the submission of CAREER proposals on or before the original deadline of July 27, 2020.  We also inform the community that NSF will not consider requests to extend the deadline date beyond 5:00 p.m., submitter’s local time on Tuesday, August 11, 2020, except as outlined in PAPPG Chapter I.F.3.
The link to the solicitation is at https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2020/nsf20525/nsf20525.htm
The link to the FAQs is at https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2020/nsf20025/nsf20025.jsp
The CAREER Coordinating Committee held a webinar on May 13, 2020. The recording may be found at https://nsf.gov/crssprgm/career/CAREER_webinar.jsp

Take care,

Michael Wiltberger
Geospace Section Head

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