CEDAR email: CEDAR Workshop Session: Observational and Modeling Challenges in the Energy Budget Estimation of the Upper Atmosphere

Sheng, Cheng cheng.sheng at mavs.uta.edu
Tue May 28 09:58:31 MDT 2019

Dear CEDAR community,

We would like to invite you to participate in the 2019 CEDAR workshop session: <http://cedarweb.vsp.ucar.edu/wiki/index.php/2019_Workshop:Energy_Budget_of_the_Upper_Atmosphere> Observational and Modeling Challenges in the Energy Budget Estimation of the Upper Atmosphere<http://cedarweb.vsp.ucar.edu/wiki/index.php/2019_Workshop:Energy_Budget_of_the_Upper_Atmosphere>. The session is scheduled for Monday June 17th from 16:00 to 18:00.

The overall thermal and compositional structure of the upper atmosphere is determined by the competition between the heating and cooling processes. A full understanding of the upper atmosphere energetics is crucial for interpreting and forecasting the variability of the upper atmosphere in response to the forcing from both above and below. Observational and modeling studies have been advancing our knowledge of the upper atmospheric energy budget, but challenges still remain, such as uncertainties in the solar and geomagnetic energy inputs, energy dissipation in the upper atmosphere by the waves from below, and data-model discrepancies in the infrared cooling rates.

We are soliciting presentations discussing the current understanding of the upper atmospheric energy budget, observational and modeling effort targeting on the challenges mentioned above, as well as other related topics. We encourage potential speakers to contact us if you are interested to be involved in this session. Look forward to your participation!


Cheng Sheng (cheng.sheng at mavs.uta.edu)

Cissi Lin (incen at vt.edu)

Yue Deng (yuedeng at uta.edu)

Martin Mlynczak (m.g.mlynczak at nasa.gov)

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