CEDAR email: Open Position: Research Scientist or Senior Research Scientist in Magnetospheric Physics at GFZ Potsdam

Nicholas Fraser fraser at gfz-potsdam.de
Wed Jun 27 02:22:22 MDT 2018

A position of Research Scientist or Senior Research Scientist in 
Magnetospheric Physics is available in the Department of Geophysics, GFZ 
German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany. The start date 
is flexible, but Winter 2018 is preferred. Candidates should have a 
Ph.D. in physics, mathematics, geophysics or related fields. Experience 
is required in one or more of the following: magnetospheric physics, 
ionospheric physics, heliophysics,  planetary magnetospheres and 
numerical modelling. The initial appointment is for one year, renewable 
for an additional two years subject to satisfactory performance. Your 
application should include a cover letter, a CV including a full 
publication list, a statement of research interests and the names and 
contact details of 3-5 independent referees. For questions please 
contact Prof. Yuri Shprits at yshprits at gfz-potsdam.de.

The application should be submitted through GFZ's online application 
portal: https://tinyurl.com/ydfndtpt

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