CEDAR email: Brian Laughman Tribute Gravity Waves Session at CEDAR

katrina bossert katrina.bossert at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 14:33:26 MDT 2018

Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to participate in the CEDAR session: dynamics and roles of
small-scale gravity waves in the MLT, a tribute session to our colleague
and friend Brian Laughman (3/1/79-2/23/18). This session will take place on
Tuesday, June 26, 13:30-15:30. The workshop will have an emphasis on
modeling and observational studies of gravity waves in the MLT at scales of
tens to hundreds of kilometers.

A description of the workshop can be found here:

Thank you from the conveners,
Katrina Bossert
Dave Fritts
Jonathan Snively
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