CEDAR email: Invitation to 2017 CEDAR workshop "New Challenges in High-Latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling"

Yanshi Huang huangys at unm.edu
Wed May 3 10:31:31 MDT 2017

Invitation to 2017 CEDAR workshop "New Challenges in High-Latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling"

Solar wind energy is dissipated in the ionosphere- thermosphere (IT) system through Joule heating and particle precipitation at high latitudes. The ionospheric currents heat the thermosphere through ion-neutral collisions with subsequent ion drag, while the energetic particles heat the thermosphere through ionization, excitation and dissociation of the neutral species. There is increasing evidence that heating of ions and neutrals occurs at very high latitudes besides in the auroral zones for both geomagnetic quiet and active times, which is not well described by models. We solicit presentations of high latitude IT coupling processes responsive to solar wind energy input. We encourage presentations with new results from numerical modeling and data analysis relevant to outstanding unsolved problems. These preliminary studies will help to improve our understanding of the IT coupling at high latitudes and to formulate new challenges in the community.

Conveners: Yanshi Huang, Cheryl Huang, Olga Verkhoglyadova, Andy Gerrard, Geonhwa Jee

We would like to invite people to participate in our workshop with related topics. More information could be found at CEDAR wiki webpage: http://cedarweb.vsp.ucar.edu/wiki/index.php/2017_Workshop:high_latitude_IT_coupling

Yanshi Huang
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
email: huangys at unm.edu<mailto:huangys at unm.edu>

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